3 years, 17 days ago
3 years, 13 days ago
3 2010

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 17 days ago

Information for Dollhouse's setting.

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A sleepy town in Minnesota. It's a bit shut off from the rest of society, surrounded by vast swaths of green plains, bodies of water, and forests. The area is lush, green for most of the year, but frigid and snowy in the winter. Plants grow all over, at an almost unnatural rate; ivy creeps up walls of houses, and flowers poke out from the cracks in the pavement everywhere you go. The sky here is rarely blue; it's almost always cloudy, and on occasion it's foggy, though mostly near the outskirts of town. Temperatures rarely exceed 80 degrees, even in the summer, and dip as low as below zero in midwinter. It rains here frequently, which may be to blame for the inordinate plant growth. In the winter, it snows heavily, but even that doesn't stop the plants from growing and growing... The town itself is similar to other midwestern rural towns in many aspects; the residential areas aren't very tightly packed and the people practically live side-by-side with nature. Many of the houses and other buildings have fallen into disrepair, and some are even abandoned. Downtown Kilbrook, where most of the town's business takes place, is more developed and well-kept than other parts of town. The outskirts of town are almost completely untouched by man, being nature's domain instead. It's beautiful, but it's best to be home before dark.


 More than the plants, more than the weather, more than anything, Kilbrook is known for how unusual it is. Newcomers to the town often report that something feels off, not quite right, about the whole thing. Like they've stepped into someone else's dream. Some are unsettled, while others find it strangely familiar and comforting. It's no stranger to the unusual happening, no stranger to events that ought to be impossible. Flowers and plants found nowhere else in the world grow in Kilbrook, animals often behave in erratic, unexplainable ways, and some even swear up and down that spirits roam the streets. Kilbrook is a somewhat popular spot for tourists interested in the paranormal, but a very unpopular place to move to; most residents were born and raised here, knowing nothing else. Unusual as it is, this constant air of strangeness is just normal daily life for the residents. No one knows why it's like this, though there are theories. The work of aliens, or a curse from demons, or even two realities merging. No one knows for sure. Perhaps they never will.
