RP: Deputy Interview [Wolfie & Isaac]

junijwi OhYou
3 years, 14 days ago

Wolfie participates in the interview for the Deputy Sheriff position with Isaac.

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Juni - Wolfie

comes to the-- office? station? is ALL SMILES marches right in.

Wolfie: Sheriff officer isaac sir!! Wolfgang Pierce reporting for interview duty!

s. salutes

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac opens the door wide so they can come in, awkwardly salutes back.  

Isaac: I see ya excited for today, huh? Take a seat in front of my desk. Do ya want a drink of water? Coffee?  He heads off to a very small kitchenette to get himself some caffeine.

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie: Aw hey you sit down, I can get it! Cannot imagine how tiring doing interviews has gotta be on top of your normal work. How d'ya like your coffee? fusses and tries to scoot ahead of him and usher isaac towards his desk 

Wolfie: ... Do you grab a cup every interview, sir? 

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac: Oh, I, uh... Just black.  

Isaac: Yeah, I do. Just... don't tell the WizApp chat. I don't wanna face my caffeine addiction just yet.

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie: Ehh beanwater probly has half as much caffeine as a proper cup anyways it's finee pours em both a cup and brings isaac's over to the desk! also drinking their own black

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac just gives a lil stoic nod and a grumbly thanks. Shuffles his papers and grabs a pen, lots of clicking to get it to work before he starts.  

Isaac: Well, shall we get this rodeo started?

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie: as the cows say to the boys, Yeehaw :>

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac gives a lil tiny [happy bunga]

Isaac: First up... What appeals to ya ‘bout workin’ as a Deputy Sheriff?

Juni - Wolfie


Wolfie: Well! As Sheriff, you're helping people all the time :> I imagine as Deputy Sheriff, I'd be helping you help people, yeah? 

Wolfie: I'm pretty bad at like... direction, if I can be frank about myself! But with guidance I think I could be more helpful to the townsfolk 

Wolfie:  Being a part of their lives, helping them with their problems, it all sounds really gratifying 

Wolfie: And having done a lot of unfulfilling work in the past, that's kind of high on my priority list :3

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac nods along, making a note before he continues. 

Isaac: And what experience do ya got that would help ya in this line o’ work?

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie: Well, I was a trucker for more than a few years 

Wolfie: Would not recommend it, by the way-- but it got me used to long hours and relying on myself 

Wolfie: And gauging people and their intentions, too 

Wolfie: You learn to read dangerous situations and find the best and safest course of action

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac: What about in terms of physical activity n' sniffin' out clues n' stuff?

Juni - Wolfie

Blinks and laughs sheepishly.

Wolfie: Aehhh I'm not the strongest person

Halfheartedly flexes one scrawny arm.

Wolfie: And I'm not sure about sniffing physical evidence out literally 

Wolfie: But I'd say I'm probably not bad at-- what's it called? Surveying? Canvassing? 

Wolfie: And thanks to my magic I never get lost, so I'm good in covering large amounts of ground thoroughly :> 

Wolfie: Haha... too bad we can't just have two Sheriff Isaacs, huh :<

Ohyou - Isaac

He nods, although he pauses at the last sentence and shrugs.  

Isaac: I mean, with this position, I'm lookin' for someone who can make up for what I lack in. Basically to be my partner. Sure, I'll be teachin' ya most things, but this old wolf can learn a new trick or two as well.  

Isaac: Anyway... next question.  

Isaac: If someone was litterin’ in town, what do ya think a Deputy Sheriff would do to stop ‘em n’ ensure it doesn’t happen again?

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie: I think leading by example is a good first step-- throw away the trash and ask them to think about how their actions impact others, to try to envoke their empathy :< 

Wolfie: A good Deputy might also ask if they feel like there aren't enough trash cans in the area-- sometimes crime isn't a result of personal failing, but a result of society and lack of infrastructure and support. 

Wolfie: I don't think punitive action or service is necessary unless it's a blatant repeat offense!

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac nods approvingly, makes a few notes, has a sippy of coffee.  

Isaac: Now uh... Ya got an example of handlin’ disputes in a peaceful manner with a positive solution?

Juni - Wolfie

Sips their own while thinking,



Wolfie: Road rage was pretty common experience, and after long days sometimes it didn't stop at the end of shift cus it never had a good outlet

Wolfie: So people would get into fights all the time at rests

Scratches their face

Wolfie: Once I didn't feel like leaving early cus of another fight so I went out, and came in yelling that there was a shady police guy-- no offense-- breaking into the trucks outside 

Wolfie: Cus yanno, when both sides are itching to fight for the sake of fighting sometimes the only thing that can get them to stop is a mutual cause 

Wolfie: Anyways I sent them running in the nearby brush for like ten minutes and then everyone was too tired to fight and just went to sleep

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac lets out a low grumbly hum as he goes about making notes again.  

Isaac: Y’gonna be workin’ for the town’s best interest. This requires not bein’ biased. Y’ think you’d be good at that? Why?

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie: That's a good question! 

Wolfie: I like to think about other people's points of view a lot and I'd hope I'm empathetic :< 

Wolife: I know I'm a witch but I'm not a particularly strong one, so it puts me on an outsider's point of view in a lot of cases 

Wolfie: Not that I've ever begrudged that-- it's part of why I've had so much freedom growing up 

Wolfie: Freedom to see things from all sides, experience different walks of life

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac: N' seein' as you're a witch, you wouldn't have any problem helpin' out the Elves n' stuff?

Juni - Wolfie

Scratches face

Wolfie: honestly I feel like we owe them a lot, so of course not!

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac nods.  

Isaac: The job involves workin’ wiv’ me n’ answerin’ to the Mayor, Pip, n’ the Council. Do ya consider yourself a team player?

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie: Sure! I like people and feeling a part of something bigger is just the best 

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac: So ya got no problem with authority then?

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie: Nahh 

Wolfie: I like to be able to be self sufficient, but i like to think this just means i'm more reliable in part of the whole 

Wolfie: So that I don't have to be told every little thing to do! Hate when people can't self direct sometimes haha. But i dont have a problem with taking orders either! 

Wolfie: I used to think freedom was more important than safety, even went back and forth on it for a bit, but


Wolfie: I was younger then...

Ohyou - Isaac

He makes some more notes, looking satisfied with Wolfie's answers so far.  

Isaac: Just one last question then the floor is yours. 

Isaac: Paperwork n’ daily patrols make up most o’ the job. Do you think you’re up for that?

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie: Oh!!! Yeah, I probably won't be much use in like arm wrestling someone like Dan, but paperwork sounds more my speed :> 

Wolfie: I already spend most of my afternoons cruising town looking to give rides, too! I could do that just as well on foot or a bike if needed  you guys don't have a cruiser do you

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac: Nah we don't. Don't worry, I won't make you put a sticker on the side or anythin' if you get the job. He sets his pen down, picks up his coffee and sighs. 

Isaac: Any questions for lil' ol' me?

Juni - Wolfie

looks delighted at the isaacisms.. lil ol isaac..

Wolfie: Sure! Have you ever had a deputy before? And, is this more of a temp job to kinda help with an unexpected uptick in work lately, or something longterm with possible promotion

Ohyou - Isaac

He scratches his beard and huffs a little, thinking on the answers.  

Isaac: Well, never had much need of one but uh, with events like the possums, the town growin' bigger, bein' a single parent n' everyone getting on my case about my wellbein' -  

Isaac: I think its 'bout time I got myself a partner.  

Isaac: I ain't been a sheriff before Walpurgis, but I've had partners before when workin' as a detective when I were human so - teamwork ain't a stranger to me.  

Isaac: I'm hopin' it's somethin' longterm - not sure about promotion Title wise cos' that's just my job. But more responsibility n' benefits to reflect that as things go along, yeah.

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie listening wide eyed JFNSKF 

Wolfie: Aww well I'm glad you're taking steps to ease your load! :> 

Wolfie: Hmm what else 

Wolfie: I don't really care about compensation, I'm mostly looking for life experiences really 

Wolfie: How about dress code! I imagine there's one. 

Wolfie: Alsooo what's the most dangerous thing you've ever had to deal with?

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac: Just something sensible n' breathable.  

Isaac: Office casual but I won't fuss much as long as ya look clean n' can run in what ya wearin'.  

Isaac: N' uh. I suppose humans. Gettin' a lil' too close to the barriers for comfort. It happens every now n' again but the town's only lasted this long 'cause we're good at what we do.

Juni - Wolfie

Wolfie: sure are! And i am ever thankful   

Wolfie: well, best of luck in all the rest of your interviews :> and thanks for taking the time to talk to me. i think that's all i had to ask!

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac stands and smooths out his tie,  heading to the door to let Wolfie out

Isaac: Thanks for ya time, I think I only got one more with... Elisha.... 

Juni - Wolfie


Wolfie: Oh. I'll pick u something up at giac's for after 

Ohyou - Isaac

Isaac: I'll owe you my life.