Life Sucks

3 years, 1 month ago
1863 1

Imagine trying to ask out a guy you barely talk to pffft couldn't be me uwu <3

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"I'm doing it today. I'm going to ask him." 

Sei glanced up from his phone as the girl busted in. Harpy had been his friend since they were in elementary, but sometime during middle school Harpy decided that she liked Chikage of all people. Sei had mentioned several times that his twin was a little dense and would never get that with as subtle as Harpy was. She was just shy. The exact opposite of Lyra, who was much closer to Chikage. The white-haired ashuri hummed slightly tilting his head, "Ask him what? Ask him out? Or ask him to like...the winter dance?"

"Both?? All?? Lyra keeps teasing me and I'm sick of it." Harpy said running her fingers through her dark hair, lynx ears tilting back a bit, "I don't know. I mean. I have a plan. But...I barely talk to Chikage this is probably a terrible idea."

"It is."

"You are not reassuring me." Harpy sighed sitting on the edge of Sei's bed. She ran her fingers through her shoulder-length hair, pulling it into two twin braids as she thought. "What do you think he would say?"

Sei turned off his phone spinning his chair around to face her, "He's going to say no. At least to dating. He probably has a thing for Lyra, plus you could do better than him."

"Why Lyra?" She asked making a slight face at that.

"She hangs out with him more, their personalities mesh, need I say more?" Sei shook his head leaning back into his chair, "Harpy. You said it yourself. You barely talk to him. I won't stop you. This is your choice in the end." Harpy closed her eyes rubbing her head with another sigh. This was the worst.

"I don't want to go to the dance alone...Ok. I'm going for it! I mean he at least knows who I ammmm~" She was trying to convince herself it was a good idea. Sei rolled his eyes and slowly stood.

"I want to see this."

"You are going to make it weird if you come down with me"

"I'll just stand outside the door. If he says yes I'll give you twenty dollars."


"But he's going to say no-"

Harpy stuck her tongue out at him and shook out her hair, "No he isn't you pessimist."

"I'm realistic."

With that Harpy walked out of Sei's room to across the hall, Sei following close behind the other. Lyra was standing at the door with her arms crossed. She looked mildly upset. "Took you two long enough. I can't wait for his reaction. Chikage is literally dumb as rocks he isn't even going to get a confession, girl." Lyra teased leaning against the wall. Harpy shushed her shaking her head. 

"No no he will. I got this-" Harpy said running her hands through her hair.

"You may 'got this' but Chikage is..." Sei started only to be cut off by Lyra.

"Stupid? I think he's gay." Lyra added with a slight smirk.

Harpy made a bit of a face glancing back to Sei who simply shook his head, "He's not gay, Lyra. You're just jealous aren't you?" Sei said with a light smile. Lyra glanced off, messing with the edge of her jacket.

"Am not! I don't like Chikage like that!"

"Shush he'll hear you two," Harpy said covering both of their mouths before rapping her fingers on the door. She slowly pushed it open to enter Chikage's room. A mess as usual. The only reason it was ever slightly clean was that Lyra picked it up whenever she hung out in here. Chikage glanced up from his switch as Harpy walked in. She slowly closed the door behind her, this was nerve-racking.  Existing in his presence was nerve-racking. The dark-haired wolf slowly sat up with a smile.

"Is that Lyra outside? What are they fighting about?" 

Chikage's voice was so- hhhh. Focus. You're going to make a fool out of yourself.

It didn't help that Harpy's thoughts were all over the place now that she was in here. She glanced back to the door, still able to hear the other two outside but now they were silent probably listening in. She tucked her hands behind her back and slowly walked over sitting on the floor near him, "I don't know, something about ice cream." Harpy whispered, tail wrapping around her waist to rest in her lap, "What are you playing?"

"Minecraft. I was waiting for Lyra to get back. we're making a castle right now" Chikage said pushing the switch closer to Harpy so she could see, "Did ya need something?" Dawn eyes flicked over to the other. His focus wasn't on her. Of course, it wasn't. Harpy was such a wallflower compared to her twin. She bit her lip tapping her painted nails against her leg. How to start? Maybe she should've practiced on Sei first. Is it too late to rewind and do that? Her heart skipped a beat seeing that Chikage was now looking up at her. Now she did have his attention and that made it worse! 

"Well. Um. Yeah. Sorta? I mean...uh.." Harpy stammered looking for her voice. She glanced away from Chikage looking off towards the door where the other two were definitely still listening in, "um. I was wondering if um."

"Spit it out, Harpy." Chikage teased putting his controller down as he rested his head on his hands. Harpy glanced back feeling the tips of her ears flushing. This was so embarrassing. Why couldn't she be outgoing like Lyra? Harpy tapped her fingers together.

"Would you like to go to the dance with me...?"


It was deadly silent after that question. Harpy slowly nodded looking down to her lap. Was that not forward enough? She should have said directly that she liked him? Chikage sat up and cleared his throat glancing to the door in hopes Lyra would hurry up and come back, "I was planning on asking Lyra. Sorry- I think you are really nice though! Nothing against you." The wolf said awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. Harpy's ears fell back and a soft sound left her mouth. Of course, he was. Don't break down in front of him. Just...Leave. Harpy stood silently, tail swishing slightly. Disappointed but not surprised. 

"I'm sure she'll say yes." Harpy whispered before quickly exiting the room. Both Sei and Lyra backed up the moment that she came out. It was easy to tell by Harpy's expression that Chikage had said no. Lyra reached out to comfort her twin but Harpy shook her head and stepped past them, "I feel so...dumb?" She mumbled as she went back to Sei's room, leaving the other two in the hall. Sei crossed his arms sighing softly before glancing to Lyra. Lyra tried to smile before glancing up to Sei.

"You knew he would say no didn't you?" Sei asked her seeing a slight nod from the pink-haired lynx.

"Ye-yeah. I didn't have the heart to tell Harpy that...Chikage had vaguely mentioned he planned on taking me to the dance heh."

"Yeah, I know. He told me that too. Wanted to spike the punch with you."

"Hehe yeah! We are going more as friends though. I'm not interested in dating him. Not at the moment at least. Harpy looked..."



Sei looked up to the ceiling before tilting his head back to Chikage's room, "You better go back to him. I can handle Harpy." Lyra slowly nodded putting her hands behind her head.

"Hey um. Will you consider going with Harp to the dance?" Lyra asked with a hand going to Chikage's door. Sei glanced to his own room. Harpy was his best friend. They've known each other since elementary. Always the shy pair stuck together during recess while their twins ran rampant. Sei closed his eyes considering what Lyra asked before looking back to the other.

"I don't need to consider. I'll go with her."

Lyra smiled feeling reassured before skipping back into Chikage's room. Sei spun around and went back to his own. He was surprised to see that Harpy wasn't in tears. Instead, she was lying on his bed, mumbling something in Korean. Sei slowly sat next to her, awkwardly putting his hand on her hair and gently patting her. "why did I ask him again?"

"Because you are too stubborn for your own good," Sei said simply, sitting fully on his bed as Harpy moved into his lap. She had light tear stains on her face. Sei carefully wiped her cheeks with his thumb listening to her as she started to whine softly over what happened.

"-not that I'm mad or jealous of her. Maybe I am just a bit. I just wish that I was outgoing like her. Like I can talk around you! Why can't I do that around other people? Life sucks-" Harpy rambled, moving one of Sei's hands back to her hair. Sei gently played with the white tufts on her ears, nodding every once and while to show he was listening. She eventually silenced and closed her eyes, a light purr escaping her as Sei scratched that one spot behind her ears. Harpy smiled leaning her head more into his touch, "I guess I overthought things and convinced myself. more fish in the sea right..? Gonna suck going to the winter dance alone."

"You aren't going alone. You are coming with me aren't you?" Sei said gently watching as her eyes opened slightly. Soft flower-shaped pupils met his own. She smiled and nodded.

"I would love that. Thank you. You're the best friend I could ask for." Harpy took a deep breath starting to sit up and stretched.

Sei gently pats Harpy's back before standing, grabbing one of his jackets and tossing it to Harpy. "No more moping. Come on, let's go get ice cream. Happy thoughts, Harp! Chikage would've been a terrible boyfriend and you know it." Harpy sighed and nodded slipping on Sei's jacket and wiping her face. He was sadly very right about that. She slipped her hand into Sei's as he led her outside, walking down the sidewalk together in silence. Harpy eventually leaned against him, humming to herself as she thought over the day's events. It could be worse right? Her eyes silently looked up to the other, trying to judge what he was thinking by his lack of emotion. Sei's eyes were on his phone, texting someone. He paused and looked over to Harp as he noticed where her eyes were. He slowly moved his hand from hers to her shoulder, smiling reassuringly at her. Harpy slowly smiled back watching the sidewalk as they walked. Life moves on, Harpy had to too. 

"Thank you." Harpy whispered putting her hands in the jacket's pockets. "for you know. being ok with how dumb I am sometimes."

"Anytime, Harpy," Sei said lightly patting her shoulder. "If I didn't put up with you my life would kinda suck," Sei said indirectly appreciating their friendship. Harpy laughed softly and shook her head.

"Same. My life would suck without you."