3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 1 month ago
3 397

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Explicit Violence

Cannon, headcannons, etc.

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[Back Scars] These were scars given to him by his buyer, though there were not many. Most of the time these whippings only gave him bruises but there were three times his buyer was so furious with him that he tore flesh and hit bone.

[Calf Scars] While on the upper hand in a fight, his opponent used his last bits of strength to grab Zuzen's calves and drag him to the ground as well. His claws did not dig in deep and scrambled for hold, but they still left nasty scars.

[Tail Scars] In one of his very first fights, he was picked up by the tail and whipped around like a lasso by his opponent, permanently damaging his tail and tearing off the tip. His opponents buyer hung the tip of Zuzen's tail on his wall as a trophy. Zuzen's buyer was furious and left him for 12 days before sending him to sick bay. From then on he felt phantom pains from the end of tail that seemed to have nails driven through it.

[Chest and Shoulder Scars] Given to him in almost life ending fight, he was jumped on from behind. The attackers claws buryed into his shoulders, using them as leverage to hunch over top Zuzen's head take a huge tear out his chest. The wound was so deep that the scar caves inward even after healing. Luckily, his shoulders were not gravely damaged.

[Feelings about Diesel] He once viewed Diesel as the strongest person alive, back when he was still in the fighting arena. Diesel seemed unstoppable, like the hard metal bars that would not move even an inch under tons of pressure. That was why he was heartbroken when he learned Diesel had escaped the arena but had left him and the rest to rot. His childish brain thought that Diesel would have been strong enough to tear down the entire facility like a sharp wind. His adult brain realized that Diesel was just as desprate as he was. But still he couldn't let go of that grudge, that seeming hatred, towards Diesel. When he meets Diesel, he is aggressive and rude, standoffish and provoking. Even so, he will always remember that if Diesel had not climbed his way out of that hell hole, then neither would he. Diesel, in truth, was braver then he could ever be.