Kai's Kitchen

3 years, 1 month ago
1083 1

Kai is finally home alone and decides to bake his long-awaited cake.

Requested by Toroi

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Kai sighed, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He peered through the peephole one last time, melting with relief as he watched the car drive away. Truthfully, he had been waiting for a moment like this for a while now. Some time ago, he had found a cute cake on Pinterest that he had his heart set on recreating, however, seeing how it would shatter his hardened image as a “tough guy,” he needed to wait for the perfect opportunity when he was alone. 

It had been nearly three weeks though, and at this point, he wasn’t sure he’d ever get to make his sweet cake. However, the fates had something just in store for him, he figured, when Ricky had come to pester him for the 100th time that evening. He didn’t say much, just goofily grinning and asking if he wanted to go out with the rest of the guys that day. Kai played it off like he was uninterested, mumbling something about how he should leave him alone and how annoying he was. He dismissed it, thinking he'd join later, so when Chris and Toroi came to pick Ricky up, attempted to ask the grumpy pomeranian one last time.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” He confirmed, throwing his wallet and keys into his backpack before aptly trying to stuff a hoodie in it too.

“I have more important things to do aside from lounging with you damn idiots,” Kai growled, continuing to scroll through his social media, rolling his eyes as he watched the other struggle to zip his bag shut.

“Suit yourself.” He laughed, finally closing the bag, “We’ll be back in a couple of hours~!” 

Ricky waved, running off to the door, quickly slipping his sneakers on, and heading outside. Kai heard him shout to his other friends, and hop into the car. Now that he was gone he could get to work on his masterpiece. He skipped to the kitchen, going straight to the top shelf of the cabinet above the fridge where he had his apron stashed. He pulled it down, shaking any dust loose, before tying it around his waist. He patted himself down a final time, admiring the pastel pink hues on the cloth and booping the nose of the little Hello Kitty that rested on the corner of the pocket. He wasn't sure he liked Hello Kitty much, but it was the only one his size and, well, he had grown attached.

But now ready for the much more difficult task at hand, he set to work instantly, grabbing the ingredients he needed. He turned to the cabinet, grabbing the flour, sugar, and baking powder accordingly and sliding them over to his mixing station. Next, he collected the remaining ingredients from the fridge, peaking in the egg carton. Only three eggs sat in the tray, he huffed, annoyed, but he could make it work. What he could not make work, however, was the certain lack of milk. He pulled out an empty carton, binning it as soon as he realized there was barely a drop.

He would have to yell at Ricky for not saying anything before, but he had no time to be angry now, time was of the essence! He gently removed his apron, grabbing his shopping bag, and speeding out the door. The drive wasn’t very long, and the parking lot was mostly empty, he figured it would be a quick in-out type of situation. Not bothering with any of the arrangements in the aisle, he found himself in the dairy corner in no time. He plucked a 2% milk off the shelf, before hesitantly putting it back. Which one was the best deal…?

He pondered for a second, interrupted by a parade of familiar voices. He poked his head around the edge of the divider, seeing Chris, Toroi, and Ricky chatting away while dumping snacks into their cart. 

“Bummer Kai couldn’t come,” Toroi noted, picking his favorite chips and tossing them into the shopping cart.

“Yeah, something about chores or errands, or something, I think…” Ricky couldn’t quite remember as he hunched himself over the front of the cart. He looked up a second, catching a glimpse of golden fur, but when he blinked there was nothing to be found. Suspicious, he decided to investigate.

“I’ll be right back…” He waved to the others, hopping off the cart and turning the corner. He did so dramatically, changing his head this way and that until he was satisfied, “I thought I saw Kai…” He frowned, rejoining the trio.

Kai sweated nervously, dropping his spot from where he had flattened himself against the wall. 

That was a close call… 

Making sure he was at no risk of getting caught by his friends again, he checked himself out and evacuated himself as fast as he could. Finally returning home, he rushed through the door, racing to finish preparing. 

He threw all his ingredients in a bowl, aggressively mixing them until they were to his perfect standards. Next, he poured them into a couple of large pans, he only wanted a two-layer cake, so he made them a bit thicker than usual. But now came the boring part, a part he dreaded: The oven.

Luckily, though, it didn’t take long for it to cook, and during that time he had set up his decoration accessories.  Kai had done everything properly up until that point, he did not doubt in his mind that his skills were superb. Carefully, he pulled out his cakes and set them in the fridge to cool for icing. He frosted the middle layer, sticking the two cakes together, before frosting the outside as well. He made sure it was smooth and well-rounded, before drawing the face with some Oreos and cheesecake crumbles.

He took a step back to appreciate his cake. Yes, this would be an amazing cake just for him. He picked up the plate, heading towards the living room for better lighting when suddenly the door jiggled, and Ricky burst in, the others not far behind. 

Panicked, Kai slipped,  smashing head first into his cake on the floor in a fumbling mess.

"Kai, we're back~!" Ricky called around the corner, pushing himself through the door frame just in time to see Kai sit up, "Oh, you baked a cake?" He teased. 

Kai glared at him, "You bastard!" He shouted, smashing the plate into his skull.