
3 years, 20 days ago

idk why but i got mothdust on the brain

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The dreams that were once paradise for him, were becoming his personal hell. Mothdust couldn’t escape or resist the dreams that plagued him, leading him back to Timber Wolf, a love that wasn’t meant for him and wasn’t real. However much he wanted to, Mothdust didn’t have the strength to resist falling into the comfort of these dreams. With each one, he was brought further from reality. 

Mothdust’s friends were quite accustomed to his dreams and visions interfering with every day life but now even they were starting to notice something was off. Mothdust found himself isolating more and more from his friends in the waking world. He no longer advised Duststar on his visions, Lunamoth hadn’t shared freshkill with him in nearly a moon, he had no new healing tips for Bravefern. Even Silvercricket was met with silence when she tried to converse with him.

He felt the rift forming between him and the cats of Brightclan, yet he felt no way to cross it, no way to stop this from happening. Mothdust felt desperately like crying out for help, for a paw to ground him to reality. Why couldn’t he do it?
Even in his dreams, the one place he normally felt safe, Mothdust was becoming wary. Timber Wolf’s smiles and purrs felt almost sad, like they weren’t meant for him. Clearly it was because they truly weren’t. Mothdust was nothing more than an intruder. In these dreams, in Brightclan, in every forest he stepped paw in, he had no place there. Why did the spirits choose a cat such as him to confide in? Why did they want to make themselves known to him? It made no sense. Mothdust couldn’t aide them in any way, he was nothing more than their witness. Simply put, he was a mess. 

Just when Mothdust felt he couldn’t be any more separated from reality, the fire hit. The real fire echoed the one from his dreams and for how hot the flames were, Mothdust felt a chill deep inside him. If he’d paid better attention, he could’ve prevented all this loss of life. If he wasn’t so busy living in a dream, he could have helped the moth nomads find their purpose much sooner. This was truly all his fault and in the end, he still just wanted to step paw in those dreams again.

He tried his hardest to ground himself back to reality. He sought out love in the waking world, failing time and time again to find the same connection as in his dream. Eventually he buried himself in duties to the Moth Nomads, reporting to Lunamoth diligently, knowing he’d likely never feel the happiness he did again. . . and it was for the best.