
3 years, 1 month ago

Mild Violence

Bisma is out on her own for the day as all her friends and teachers are all busy. On her way to see if Tzaya is open however, she runs into a slightly familiar person. Despite that familiarity, things go from angry to fiery really quick!

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Violence, seething rage, pure unfiltered malice. Bisma could only see red as she mulled over in her own thoughts. How could Seraph even THINK about leaving her behind on this mission, that bastard. Sure, "subtlety" isn't her strong suit but you know what is? Burning down every fucker in her path to a molten slew of magic and twisted metal. No survivors, no problem.
Her frustrated venting echoed through the empty dumpyard as she punched at the dirt beat-up car. Her knuckles bloodied from the consecutive hits upon the poor machine. Her anger and frustration palpable, materializing in an aura of fire around her. A smoldering stew of angry teenage angst.
"And of course all the other guys gotta be busy doing their own things with their families." She'd mull out, her voice trailing off at the end there. Her teeth ground together as thoughts of family entered her mind, a sore spot for sure. With the shake of her head, she slammed her boot down on the front of the beater. If no one makes time for her, then so be it. She'll make her own damn time.
"Maybe Tzaya isn't busy. She should be offa race right now." Bisma would mutter, jerking back from the car and stomping out of the junkyard. As she did, a cop car started several blocks down the road, peeling slowly out as Bisma rounded the corner.
Whoever was following her wasn't being subtle, Bisma rounded the same street a few times and they are always just pullin forward. Whatever they're up to, their aura is loud and annoying, a problem Bisma never really had to deal with before. Whoever this was really wanted her attention.
"Don't cause trouble." Bisma mocked Seraph's orders from eariler.
"Ain causin' no trouble if I ain the one startin' it. Whadda gotta do to shake this fuckin' bitch?" She would say, pausing at the corner. The cop car pulled forward, too late now as they see one another clearly.  Bisma looked back at the tinted windows with indignation, whoever this was is about to receive an ass beating.

The windows glinted with the shimmer of streetlights, unmoving, unrelenting. Not a good position to be in for Bisma as now she has no real place to run off to. Sure the sewers but this bitch now saw her face. That's not good, even worse for her friends who's been seen with her. If she wanted this to go nicely, Bisma's just gonna have to deal with them. Seraph won't mind another dead cop would he? Bisma thought to herself, turning around to face the cop car at the end of the street.  
The streetlamps flickered as silence overtook the street. Night dawning upon the place, folk inside unawares as to what's going on outdoors. The trees planted in front of these quaint second layer suburban houses bristled in the wind. The birds gone dead silent, watching the tension rise between the punk and the bootlicker before her. The longer the air stood, the angrier Bisma got, to the point where she was simmering with heat. Fire slowly starting to rise from her body.
"Alright, 'nough o' this. Wanna cause shit, so be it. HEY!" She'd yell out, grabbing unto a mailbox and ripping it out of the ground. Makeshift mace.
"YOU GOT A FUCKIN PROBLEM? Come and say it to my face!" As the last syllable left her mouth, she threw the intricately designed and well crafted mailbox at the car, landing square on the hood with a loud clank. The birds flew off at the sound of trouble, the trees had all but stopped moving, and life seemingly left the area as two entities were about to clash. The car door popped open, the ringing of the car heard from far away as a rather large figure stepped out. Hair draped down past their waist, muscles seemingly the size of poles. A paragon of strength. Bisma would stare at the hulking figure with a touch of regret.  
"Oh shit." The cop looked down at the mailbox, then back at Bisma. With a sigh, they walked around the car and stood there, waiting expectantly.
"Knew you were trouble the second I felt yer presence." The cop said, her voice stern. Bisma didn't bother responding, only holding her ground like a rabid dog. Heat rising off of her into the air in a show of aggression. She didn't like this one bit, not only were they a cop, but this lady was fucking jacked. Looked powerful as hell, so she needed to tread lightly. 

"You just gonna c'mere or do I gotta walk over there myself. I know ye kids ain' fond of us cops, n' if ya play nicely, ye won't get in too much trouble. Just wanna chat n' you'll be on yer way." The woman said, leaning against her car.
"I really don't want things to get messy."
The concrete under Bisma started to incandesce lightly as her rage built further and further. Her silence speaking volumes as she prepared to lunge if this cop got anywhere near her. She knew how cops were, liars, bastards, murderers, monsters. She may have a kind kid-friendly façade on right now but when Bisma lets her guard down, no doubt she'd go in for the kill and do who knows what. 'Maybe toss me intuh onna them kid figtin' rings.' Bisma would snarl at the thought.
"Things're gonna get messy anyway cus you showed your pig face." Bisma spat, her hands clawed and ready to maim. The cop sighed, running her hand through her hair.
"Great. Couldn'ta just been a slow day couldn't it." She'd say, straightening up and off the car. Her footsteps rhythmically tapping against the cold sidewalk along the road. Looking dead tired and already sick of this.
"I was just gonna let you off easy, but now my patience has been weighed on. I'm gonna have to bring you in. Since yer just a kid, it'll be for the night n' I'll have to call your parents and all that fun stuff. Just remember, I did give you an ou-" The cop was caught off guard, her speaking cut off by the sudden spear whizzing by her head that she narrowly dodged. Placing her hand on the handle, she glared down at Bisma.
"Hey now, you're messin' with some dangerous stuff there. Le-" The cop's eyes would widen as the aura, the face, this girl... she recognized her.

"H- Hey, wait a minute, I-" Was all the cop could get out before Bisma lurched back, yanking her spear out of the woman's hands.
"Get the FUCK away from me!" Bisma would screech, driving her spear down into the ground and slamming the button on the pommel. Fire erupted out of the nozzle embedded at the end between the blades, flooding and fanning out across the lawns nearby. Fire spread and building around them.
"Hey, settle down now. There is no need for this violence okay?" The cop would put her hands up, attempting to ease the situation.
"NO!" Bisma would yell, her voice full of venom.
"I am SICK and TIRED of being told what to do by you fucking people. Sitting on your soap box telling me that this is wrong, that that isn't safe, that I am a fucking DANGER. I fucking KNOW." Another surge of fire reverberated from the spear.
"If you didn't want trouble, then you shoulda just fucking DROVE OFF!" The ground split as Bisma yanked the spear out of the cement. With a twirl, she pointed it right back at the cop and lunged again. Once again, the cop dodged narrowly, grabbing hold of the spear and using Bisma's momentum against her. The spear flung to the side, the fiesty child disarmed, and pinned down to the ground. Hand-cuffs are already on her.  
"Settle. Down. I understand you are going through a lot right now but dragging other people into your problems will only make them worse as then you will have actually become a danger. Please, just stop. I don't want to hurt you." The woman ordered as Bisma struggled, thrashing under the immense strength of this behemoth of a cop. She glared up at her through her ragged hair, eyes wide and full of malice. Flames flowered out around the two of them, the cop's uniform starting to singe at the heat, just slightly. The cuffs on Bisma's wrists wilted, melting from the intense heat generated from this small girl. The cop knew without a doubt now.  The fire, the aura, the anger. This was someone she knew.

"I told you to STOP ORDERING ME AROUND. PIG!" Bisma let out a bellowing roar, driving her heels into the cop's chest, sending her back a bit, heaving with the hit. Clutching her chest as Bisma stood up in a blaze. Fury en material, like a glow around her made of hate. The cop lost her footing a touch, causing her to falter slightly at the sight of Bisma's unfiltered, untamed rage. The fire child grasped her head with both hands in agony, tell tale sign of a meltdown coming real quick, overwhelming emotions about to cause a cascade of fire. "Shit." The cop would mutter as she'd been down that route before, never ends pretty. Flares rippled through the street, ripping the concrete apart with intense heat and fire. Through the screams of rage and pain, Bisma burned down one of the telephone poles, falling down to the ground before them. Sparks flew as the two made eye contact. One pair with rage, unmatched hate for the world around her; the other solemn indignation, coming to terms with her past by attempting to right her wrongs of the modern day.  
"Nothing personal, but I'm going to kill you now." Bisma would say, grasping at the wire severed from the pole, ripping it out of the other. The copper within melting instantly as fire traveled down the length of it. Effectively creating a slag whip. The cop looked around at the now growing audience, fear and terror painted on their faces as the figure who protected their neighborhood was locked in combat with one who was known as a criminal to the city, one of the more destructive ones. None of the homes have caught fire yet, but it was only a matter of time. The lawns of the homes already had their grass entirely dead from the heat, dried out and sharp. The paint on some of the homes starting to curl from the fire. Before she could do anything, Bisma had begun her second assault. With all her strength, she flung the slag whip down at her, slapping the road. Molten metal and fire spreading across pavement.

The flames curled around the Cop as she took the blunt of the heat. While it was hot, it was nothing compared to what she could make. She could handle it, but the civilians could not. As the fire fromt he wave died down a touch, the cop resigned herself.
"Civilians first, then we deal with her. Get yourself together and do your damn job." She'd whisper, holding up her hand at Bisma. Confusion now intermittent with rage.
"Let the people escape before we continue. They're innocent people who are scared. I do not wish for there to be more bloodshed than there needs to be. Absolutely none. If you want to prove that you're not a danger, then please. Don't be a monster." There was no order in her voice, only a plea for humanity. Bisma was hesitant but alas, the cop was right. She turned towards the cowering folk who were standing at their doorsteps.
"Go." As the last few people evacuated, gathering what they needed behind safe lines, Bisma turned towards the cop once more with searing fire rippling across her body. Fire rippled across the street, emanating from her and the whip.  

"Happy now? Will you now just fucking Die."  
"Happy, yes. Die? No. It isn't too late to just put the weapon down and walk away from this. We can talk, or not. It's up to you. All I am asking is that we stop this fight, as it will only end badly for one of us."
"... You done?"
"Good." Bisma would smile, coiling the wire around her arm before whipping it at the cop once more, slamming it down unto the floor with a heavy crackle. The blaze once again picking up, kicking into torrent. Hellfire surrounded the both of them as Bisma walked towards the cop. The cement melting as she walked, glowing red slag adding unto the whip. Any nearby vehicle melting into the slew that is becoming this neighborhood. Fire rising, burning the houses, the memories of the families had, everything into ash. Burning in Bisma's hatred for this world.

Columns of fire spiral around the two of them as they get ready for the final time for their brawl. As much as Bisma wanted her to, the cop seemed to show no intention on harming the girl. Still frantically clasping onto the idea that she could talk her down, that she can at least stop this carnage. Every second that passed was another blow dealt. Bisma dealing whip, punch, and jab as the cop dodges or tanks the hits. She couldn't continue this forever however, as she was only still just a sun. Each hit hurting more and more, each blow taking more and more energy to ignore. As easy as it would be just to overpower this child, that's not how she wanted to deal with this situation. Continuous striking from Bisma, each whip cracked the road, harder and harder to focus. Tears leaked from her face as she fought as hard as she could.
"Just fight back, please. STOP DOING THIS." Bisma pleaded.
Fire erupted from the center of the road, emanating from the source, Bisma. Blindly attacking everything in sight in blind rage. Frustration taking over, blinding her moves. It was almost as if she lost focus on why she was fighting to begin with. Meltdown in full effect, the cop knew she had very little time to work with here.  The fire was loud, very very loud, as wave after wave of constant assault. Wading through the blaze, she had to find the girl. Concrete beyond melting, it was practically peeling away and chipping off like paint. Any wooden structure is now long singed away, nearby buildings are torched streetside. Fire rising higher and higher. If let undealt with, Bisma could melt a hole straight through the second layer, or worse.

The cop held her own in the fire but it was starting to get overwhelming. After that many hits, it was hard to stay focused within the maelstrom of fury centered within this very street. By now most people have definitely taken notice, now doubt the news is covering the firestorm taking place. Other officers on their way to offer backup, but alas she was the only one capable of doing anything here. Anything, anyone, caught in this would be burnt away into nothing. By now, there was nothing left of the street other than the molten slew that was concrete, tar, wire, and coal that she had to wade through. Slowly, step by step through searing white hot pain. Following the scream at the center, the violent sobbing within the hurricane of fire.
The silhouette of a young girl was visible to the cop as she waded closer. It wasn't long until she was upon Bisma. She was on her knees, fire flooding out without any control or restraint, unchained fire, pure emotion. A mix of anger, terror, dread, and sorrow flooding out of this poor child. What she must have gone through to reach this point absolutely broke the woman. She felt Bisma's sadness, her anger, everything. She understood more than Bisma could possibly realize; but without any proper way to reach her, there was no way to help her understand that she was not alone. In one final act of desperation, she followed her instinct. Collapsing down to her knees as well, she wrapped her arms around the child. Bisma fought slightly at first, punching and writhing under the touch, but after a moment she just caved and sobbed into her arms.  The firestorm let up, but the damage was done, the street completely melted, the only thing left standing amongst it aside from them was that spear sticking straight out of the slag. The two held embrace as Bisma sobbed, held close.
"Who are you..." Bisma managed to muster.
"I am Sameriu.
I am your mother."