
3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Explicit Violence

a little au made by my friend! i'm only setting it up so i shouldn't be set as an author rn (yet? :flushed:) buuut yuh

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chapter 1 - beginning of the end

It was around the time the "entities" could wander around. Stasis walked out of his cell and looked around. The room ahead was dark, and papers stuck to the wall. He got closer to one of the papers to read it.
"Name: Halo
Age: Unknown
Species: Fallen Angel"

"Looks like some dumb information about the others," he thought to himself. He tore the paper off the wall and ripped it, throwing it onto the floor.
He continued walking, and eventually stumbled across a room which looked like a cafeteria. He saw the others sitting at the tables except one, which of course was Jonah.

Stasis immediately ran over to Rune and sat by him, waving to get their attention. "Oh, hey dude!" Rune said, slapping Stasis's hand away from their face.
"Anything going on?"
"Yeah, they did some check-ups on me, and that's it really." Stasis responded, messing with his hair.
"Damn, you're lucky to have been the last one to arrive here. They do much worse to the rest of us who's been here for years now."
"I'm sorry man, we'll find a way out of here, alright? I promise you."
"Alright, if you say so, Sir Ocean."

After talking about Mindustry and what they'd do once they got out with Rune, Stasis walked back to his cell, and crawled into his bed. He stared at the ceiling and sighed.

"How long am I gonna be here for..? I mean, as far as I'm aware, these people have been here for literal years, I'm gonna have to suffer the same fate.."

He figured he got too lost into his own thoughts, because suddenly he heard his cell door open abruptly. He jumped right up, ice spiking up everywhere around him in defense. He turned to the door, to see a small, one-eyed creature, standing at the door frame.

"Oh, hey little guy..you wanna come in?" Stasis asked the small creature with a soft voice as to not scare them away. It waddled its way into the room, and jumped onto Stasis's lap. Stasis stared down at it, and started to pat its head. It started purring, just like a cat would.

"You know, for being such a hostile dude, you're also really sweet, and lovable.." He continued to pet the small one. It curled up on Stasis's lap, and fell asleep.

Stasis sighed, knowing that there'd be no use of getting it off his lap, He lied down on his pillow, and drifted to sleep.

Halo yawned as she woke up from her sleep. She checked the time on her watch.  5:30 A.M..it's too early to be awake..

But unfortunately she couldn't go back to sleep. She got up, tucked her wings under her shirt, and walked out of her cell. She walked over to the cafeteria she's known for years, and saw that only one person was sitting there now. Void.
Despite not knowing Void that well, Halo decided to sit next to him regardless. They sat there for what felt like hours in complete silence. That was, until Void finally broke it.
"hey..what's your name..?" Void asked, in a soft, quiet voice.
"Oh, me? I'm Halo, what's yours?"
"Void..It's kind of a weird name I know." They looked away from Halo. They were obviously shy.
"Pfff, imagine being named Halo. Your name is cute, Void!"
"R-Really? You think so?" Void blushed upon hearing the compliment. She's never gotten complimented before, not in a long time at least.
"Yeah! I adore the name!"

Halo smiled at the younger one. The two sat there for hours, chatting about their interests and small things about them. It was a good day.

After a long rest, Stasis woke up and noticed that Mal wasn't on his lap anymore, or even in his room.

He got up out of his bed, and looked around the room. It was all trashed, chip bags on the floor, Homestuck posters torn and ripped. He didn't mind the posters as he could just possibly get new ones. That was, if the guards even let him..
He walked out of his cell, looking for where the small creature went, but to no avail. He figured he'd just walk around the facility for a bit, just a small walk won't hurt would it?

He went into a room he's never seen before. The walls and floor were covered in lava, some dripping from the ceiling. It made this room look so..bright..and there weren't any actual lights in here. He stumbled across a cell and peeked in, but nobody was in there. He figured whoever was in here had just went on a walk like he has.

That was..until he looked ahead. A figure with huge wings..The material was all just made of lava, and it dripped onto the floor..

Stasis stepped back, the lava coming from the figure creeping closer and closer. The door slammed shut behind him, and as he tried to open it, he realized it was locked.

He pulled out a staff made of ice, slamming it onto the floor as ice started to emerge. The room got colder quickly, and the figure's wings got dimmer and dimmer, as smoke came out of them. It fell to the ground as if it were in pain.

Stasis put his weapon away, and walked up to them. He held out his hand, offering peace. "Listen..I don't know who or what you are, but whatever you are, I'm not going to hurt you. We don't have to fight, alright..? just..calm down.."
The figure looked up at Stasis, looking confused. Stasis smiled, as they took his hand. He lifted them back on their feet, watching as their wings got bright again.

The figure smiled at him, made some signs with their hands, and flew away, leaving bits of lava behind from their wings.

Stasis continued walking around, searching for other things he hasn't seen before. He had no idea who he saw back there, but he figured he'd just confront them later.

He found an empty room, with yet again, another cell, except this room looked almost like a void. He peeked into the cell, and saw a dark figure hiding in the corner. He busted the door open and let them out.

"Who are you? What are you doing at my cell? I thought it was time to go back.." Void seemed confused.
"They never told me to go back in." Stasis explained, not knowing that he had to go back to his cell now.
"Alright, by the way, have you seen Halo? I haven't seen her and I really miss her.." Void's voice saddened.
"No I haven't, sorry."
"It's alright, thank you anyways, kind stranger!" Void said in a happy tone.
"See ya around."

Stasis walked away from the cell, and back to his room. He went back in to his cell and went to sleep.

Halo woke up. She tried to move, but she couldn't. She looked around and realized she was chained up, and lava was below her.

She cried and screamed for help, but nobody answered. She saw a man walk in with a coat and clipboard, noting stuff down. The man walked over to what seemed like a lever, and..
He pulled it.

Halo was free from the chains, but fell in to the lava. She screamed in pain as the lava engulfed her and started burning her alive. She screamed out to Void, the only one she really knew well. But yet again, nobody answered. She was in there for what felt like hours, the only thing she could feel was the lava burning her skin. She doesn't know how or why she's alive, but she thinks its because she's an angel, and she just dies slower.

Suddenly, she got pulled out of the lava by the man, and yet again, she was chained up. She breathed heavily, relieved that she wasn't in there anymore. Burns were all over her body, and it hurt like hell. Her wings were even more torn than before, and she doubts she could even use them.

The man noted more stuff down, and pulled another lever, which sealed the lava. He pulled the first lever, and let Halo free. Halo ran to Void's room in tears. Void dragged Halo in and hugged her tightly, comforting her.


"Stasis wake up!"

Stasis suddenly woke. The ground was shaking, books were falling off of shelves, and Rune was in front of him with a worried look.
"What's going on? Why is the ground shaking, can't I just nap in peace without these dumbfucks ruining it?!" Stasis yelled.
"I can't explain, we need to gather at the center, now!"

Rune suddenly grabbed Stasis' wrist and ran towards the center of the facility. Stasis had trouble keeping up with Rune, due to the fact he's much much faster than him.

Once they got to the middle, they saw everyone gathered there, including the guard who've been keeping them here.
"One, two, three, four, five...we're missing one." One of the guards counted. The rest of the guards ran, searching for the missing person.

"Guys, what's happening? Why are we all gathered here?" Rune asked the rest.
"I don't know..I DONT KNOW! I'M TIRED OF BEING TESTED ON I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Void yelled. Halo ran over to them and hugged him.
The group was left in silence, the only thing they could hear was Void's quiet sobs.

Suddenly, the gate opened. The guards grasping both the arms of the missing person. Stasis knew exactly who it was.


The rest watched as the lava creature got thrown into a tube. The guards poured in what looked like acid in, to the point they couldn't see him in the tube anymore.

Mal watched in horror as the creature screamed in agony, until there was no screaming left..the room was left completely silent. The only noise they heard was the acid in the tube bubbling.

"Let this be a reminder of the dangers you creatures are in the wild. We put you in here for a reason, and you listen to us." The guard smirked. "Hopefully they aren't dead in there. What a shame."

Mal growled at the guard, and pounced at them, tearing their skin and blood pouring everywhere. Void had the strength to carry the tube out of the room, and so they did. The group ran out of the room, Mal following behind, dragging the now corpse of the guard.

Void smashed the tube open, and acid spilled out, including what was left of the lava creature. Rune looked away, as if he was about to throw up from the sight. Void screamed in fear as Halo hugged them tightly. Stasis just..stared, stared at what used to be a person just like him, trapped in here with no where to go.
"We need to get out of here, and we need to get out of here now."

The rest of the day was just the gang looking for an exit, but to no avail. Mal sighed and pouted, Halo was trying to break down the walls with Void's help, and Rune was just listening to sea shanties.

"Guys, I want to try something..this may be our last attempt at getting out of here." Stasis took out his staff, and in one final attempt, he slammed it into the ground. Ice emerged from the floor, and straight towards the wall. The walls still stood up, with only having a few cracks in them.

"There's no point, we aren't going to get out of here Stasis." Rune pat Stasis on the shoulder. Stasis slammed his back against the wall, and groaned into his hands in frustration.

Suddenly, the walls broke down, and, for the first time in years, they saw the bright blue sky. Mal was the first to run out, sniffing all of the flowers and the grass. Void took Halo's hand gently and lead her out, pointing at the sky and the clouds. Rune just ate the grass.

Stasis looked back at the tube, and the remains of Jonah. He picked the pieces up, and put them in his pocket.  "I'm gonna fix you buddy, I promise." Stasis whispered.

Stasis stepped out of the building and stood next to Rune. Rune stared at Stasis, and for the first time, he smiled. Stasis had never seen Rune smile.
"Heh, you're happy."
"Mhm..I guess so.."

Rune leaned his head on Stasis' shoulder. They've known each other even before they got thrown in here. They played Mindustry all night and Stasis just would not shut up about Homestuck

Ashren stepped out of the building, taking a deep breath of fresh air. They were the second to be locked in the facility after Mal. They're also the only one besides Stasis who really knew Jonah. They had a crush on him, but was never able to confess. Now he's gone and..
Tears rolled down Ashren's face. He felt like nobody cared about him besides Jonah, and those stupid guards took him away from them..

Ashren ran back towards the building. Guards were standing at the huge hole in the wall caused by Stasis, and ready to attack. Ashren teleported behind them and kicked them in the face, breathing out fire and burning then alive in pure anger. More guards ran over after hearing the commotion. Ashren picked up one of the corpses.

"You run now and never return, or you'll have the same exact fate, got it?" Ashren huffed at them, fire coming out of their nose. The guards nodded, dropping their weapons and running off.

Ashren walked back outside, and fell onto the ground, out of energy and in complete denial. Mal skittered over to them, rubbing it's head against them. Ashren pats Mal, putting them on their lap.

Halo walked up to Rune and Stasis, holding Void's hand.
"So what now..? Do we all part ways now?"
"No.. we need to figure out why our kinds are so hated, why we can't live in a world where creatures and humans live in peace. Rune, you know time shenanigans right?" Stasis asked Rune, staring down at him.
"You sure bet I do!!" Rune said happily. Working with time was one of the things Rune was passionate about, and now he gets to use it for good use. Stasis stood on a stool.

"Everyone, listen up! We're going to find out why we can't live in peace. We're going to find more creatures just like us, and travel back in time. We can hopefully change the past, and so in the future humans and creatures will be able to live together in peace. So we don't have to worry about running constantly from those who want to hurt us. We don't deserve a fate like this, and neither do the people out there just like us."
Stasis got down from the stool, and looked down at Rune.
"Rune, got your watch?" Rune nodded, and with a few gestures, he opened a portal."
"Everyone in, now!"
And just like that, everyone stepped into the portal, except Stasis.

Stasis took out the pieces of dust from his pocket.
"Jonah..I'm so sorry, dude.. I should've done something, it should've been me. I'll figure something out, I promise.."

Stasis stepped into the portal.

Their journey begins here.

The group all stepped out of the portal, into what seemed like a wasteland. Demons we're flying everywhere, terrorizing the humans, ocean creatures throwing tsunamis onto the land, void creatures sucking up everything, and fallen angels reigning hell upon everyone.

The group stared in complete shock, now understanding why humans hate them.
"We..took over everything, didn't we..? We really are a danger to society.." Void cried into Halo's chest.
Stasis stepped towards a human. "Hey there.. are you alri--" He couldn't finish his sentence as the human took out a blade and slashed him right in the chest.
Stasis stepped back and groaned in pain. Water began coming out of his chest, immediately turning to ice within contact with air.

Mal growled at the human, with Ashren picking them up and calming them down.

"We shouldn't go back this far. Rune, take us a bit further."
"Gotcha, sir ocean!" Rune opened up another portal, and yet again, the gang ran through.

Once again, they stepped out of the portal, to what looked like a castle with an ocean vibe to it.

Stasis quickly ran up the stairs with ease, while the others struggled due to it being made of ice. Stasis slammed the door open, his excitement quickly fading as he saw the whole place trashed. He looked around, and into a room he saw..
His dead parents.
Stasis screamed out their names, running to them and sobbing. He just knew this happened while he was in the facility. He got so angry that he slammed his staff down as hard as he could, ice spiking everywhere and destroying the entire castle.

The stairs beneath the others broke, and they fell. Voids arm extended and attached itself to the cliff, grabbing everyone and swinging them back to land.

Stasis stomped out of the completely broken castle, his feet forming a new set of stairs for him as he walked.
"Rune, we're leaving."
"But Stasis, we just got--"

Rune opened another portal in fear as everyone hopped in.

For one final time, the group exited the portal. War was going on, creatures of all kinds against humanity.
"Alright group, you know what to do!" Stasis commanded the rest.

Void opened a small pocket dimension, sucking some creatures in. Halo brang divine judgement to the rest of the fallen angels, Mal took on some of the stronger creatures with ease, Rune finds an alpha and builds turrets, and Ashren threw controllers in gamer rage.

Stasis got in the middle of all the chaos. Whispering something, he slammed his staff into the ground. Everything fell into complete silence.
All of a sudden, a roar of a tsunami was heard, and swept away the rest of the creatures, killing them.

Stasis stared at the humans, he tapped his staff and a huge chunk of ice raised him. "Humans, we do not want war, we want peace. We want to be able to live a life where we can co-exist with humanity. We want to live a life where we don't have to constantly run in fear of getting murdered in cold blood just for our origins. We do not want to hurt you, we want to live with you. Let us prove ourselves to you that we are worthy enough to be kept alive." Stasis said proudly. Humans whispering back and forth to each other, and suddenly stared at the group. A person in which resembles a young king stepped up.

"Creatures, we have been at war with you for years. Your kind is evil to humanity, and have no right of being kept alive. Although, you have helped us. We will give you one chance. If you fail to prove yourself that you are worthy of co-existing with us, we will take you down with ease. Understood?" Stasis stepped down, and nodded. And with that, the two shook hands in agreement.

Void jumped and cried happy tears, hugging Halo tightly. Rune smirked and listened to sea shanties. Ashren smiled knowing he'd be free, and Mal purred.
"It's settled then. We will begin to prove ourselves now. We will see you once we are ready."
The boy nodded and walked back to the crowd.

"Our job is done here, Rune. Take us back home."
"Aye aye sir ocean."

And with that, they left.

The group stepped out of the portal. At last, they were home. They were fully able to live the life they wanted without being in constant fear.

"Hold on group, we aren't finished yet." Stasis broke the silence.
"What? What more is there to do? We made the deal, and we can live happily. What are we missing?" Halo asked, holding onto Void.
"Not what you're missing, Halo. What I'm missing. Rune. I need you to bring me a pot."
"Aye aye!" Rune ran off, coming back with a pot.
"Next, I need Ashren to pour lava into the pot."
"This is certainly a gamer moment." Ashren poured lava from their hands.

Stasis put one drip of water from their staff into the pot. He dug into his pocket, and pulled out the dust. "Come on bro..come back to me." Stasis dropped the dust into the pot. It quickly mixed in with the lava.
"..I-I..I thought it would work..Why didn't it work..??" Stasis cried, his tears turning to ice as it hit the floor Rune pat him on the shoulder. "I'm sorry dude..he's gone.."

Suddenly, the lava started bubbling more than it has. A hand emerged from the lava, and then a second one. It brought itself out of the lava, and..

His bright, lava swings stuck out, his long, black hair flowing. He opened his red-yellow eyes, staring at Stasis.
"Hey, didya miss me or what?" Jonah laughed.
"JONAH!!" Stasis ran at him, pushing him over with force and hugging him tightly, crying into his shoulder. Ashren also ran over and hugged him.
"Haha! What is this, a celebration?? Come on guys, don't act like you're that excited to see me!" Jonah teased.
"You missed everything! We fought in a war and you died and- I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING! Jonah, you've always been my friend, and I really appreciate you..I think it's time I admit I loved you. So, uhm.. do you..want to be my boyfriend..?" Ashren asked


Jonah laughed. "Of course I do, silly! I love you too!" He hugged Ashren tightly.
Stasis smiled, seeing his brother alive again.
And with that, everything was okay again..