E | Dungeon Exploring

3 years, 18 days ago

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Synth woke up with a headache. While this was normally a usual thing, something felt way different about today. Probably the fact is was light out. Or that she was tiny. She couldn’t really tell. At least not yet. Groggily, she stood up and started to walk around. She could definitely tell this wasn’t where she lived, but she couldn’t figure out how she got here. If she had been kidnapped, she wouldn’t have just been thrown into a forest. Had someone stolen her hoard? Maybe. But she goes to sleep in her dragon form, why was she in her domestic form? Wait.. is she in her domestic form? Synth lifted a paw to her head and could no longer feel her distinct horns. It was strange, especially considering she had the rest of her features. The only other thing she could tell was different was that she had longer cheek fur. 

Confused, she decided to climb a tree to view her surroundings. She couldn’t see her mountain for miles. There’s no way someone would’ve carried her this far.. right? 

However confused she was, she did know that she wouldn’t be able to stay here forever. She couldn’t turn into her imperial form, so she would just need to learn to survive the night until she could figure it out. Problem is, she’s never had to do it before. She figured it would be easy enough. Gather food, get some shelter, find some water, and your done.. right? 

As she started to gather some sticks.. for whatever reason, she heard an extremely loud, angry roar from not that far away. Her ears and whatever was in her arms dropped, and she began to run as fast as she could away from the source of the noise. She didn’t know what it was, but it certainly didn’t sound happy, and she wasn’t about to become something’s dinner today. As she was running, she saw a small pond of water. Feeling dehydrated, she walked up to it and slowly drank from the clear pool. In her reflection, she looked exactly the same. Except everything was different at the same time. Maybe she would figure it out the longer she lived here.

Not really wanting to stick around for long, she got back to moving in the opposite direction of whatever made the scary noise. Once she thought she was far enough, she found a small wedge in a cliff she could fit inside, and she hoped it would be suitable to sleep in. Will it be comfortable? Probably not. But she’s slept on bare ground before, so she can deal with it. Now the only problem was food. As she had been running, she saw so many fruits and berries, but she hardly recognized any of them. She hoped none were poisonous, but she could hardly tell. Maybe she’d just to wing it. 

As she walked, she came across a small bush of purplish blue berries, and there were quite a few there. They looked something like the blueberries that she knew, so she decided to take them. After all, she could see places where the berries had been picked before, so they had to be safe. Or at least she hoped so. 

She spent the rest of the day walking back and forth, gathering small amounts of the berries and walking them back to her shelter, hoping to get enough for the night. She was exhausted, and at this point knew that no amount of bare ground or grass would stop her from collapsing and sleeping for the next few days. So that’s what she did. After the last few berries were picked and returned, she fell to the ground, not even close to used to as much labor as she had just gone through, and fell asleep within seconds.