The End Is Near {Hunt Prompt 4}

3 years, 26 days ago

TW: Mentions of blood

338 = 3 gold + 1 (magic use) + 1 (world-specific) = 5 gold

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Anger still raged inside of Vulcan, the tears streaming down his face. All of those innocent lives wasted because this thing became so consumed with power, it could no longer contain itself. Vulcan urged the flames to burn as hot as they could, his ears ringing. He ignored all his senses telling him to stop. All Vulcan wanted was for the creature to burn. He wanted it to suffer as the poor souls it had murdered had suffered.

The worm writhed in pain, screaming in agony as the fire raged on. Vulcan was so focused now, unable to focus on anything other than the flames that consumed the ex-archmage like it was an addictive drug. Unfortunately, he failed to notice anything in his surroundings and as the worm tried desperately to escape the fire's wrath, it swung its huge, muscular tail straight into Vulcan. With a thud, the stallion hit the floor, his body sliding slightly from the momentum. His already injured sides were now pulsing, blood gushing out from his wounds with every heartbeat. The unicorn attempted to raise himself from the floor but he was so dizzy that he fell right back down again. Was someone playing the drums? Vulcan screwed his face up, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to block out the noise and the light and the pain. His breathe was heavy, every gulp of air agonising.

With his break of concentration, the fire had become wild. In a desperate attempt to rid itself of the burning inferno, the worm had begun to roll crazily, thrashing around on the cobblestones. With every movement, more and more buildings began to crumble. If Vulcan didn't move soon, he would pancaked just like the non-mages he had tried to rescue earlier. With every ounce of strength he could muster, Vulcan forced himself up onto his feet. The blood dripped down his body, soaking his coat. It dripped as he painstakingly limped away as he tried to recuperate some of his energy for his final attack.

Words: 338