Show Your Strength

3 years, 1 month ago

Rakanoth glared at the three headed Kukuri. He'd make sure they would lose this battle.

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The event called the Carnival of Life was hardly what could be called a carnival. Unlike the Festival of Death, there was relatively little fun and merriment, unless it was in the form of shouting at Kukuri pitted against one another in the arena, or the thrill of bloodlust that a battle could bring. To Diablo’s pack, however, this was far more exciting. Perhaps not all members were so eager to throw themselves into fights, but Diablo and her mate - Rakanoth - were not among those who feared the event.

“You’ll do well, my dear,” Diablo told her raven mate, a cunning smirk stretched across her face. Her burning golden eyes flickered with anticipation. “Kill him… if you can.”

Rakanoth glared on ahead, his silver eyes blazing with almost the same intensity as the lava before him, which spewed and sputtered. It was incredible how the arena had been transformed… and Rakanoth assumed that it was only through Life’s incredible power that such a place could be transformed such as this. “Oh I intend to,” he answered, snaking his tail around hers in a show of affection. “He’ll be begging for mercy. He may have Life’s protection, but I will sink my teeth into his throat and drink his blood.”  

The other sphynx grinned wickedly. “Very well. Perhaps Life will pluck his feathers and tear off his fur once she sees our domination in the arena. Lead us to victory.”  

The raven Kukuri dipped his head, then began to move forwards. It was nearing the time the fight would start, and Cerberus was waiting. The big, three-headed rook was lashing his tail and putting on a show for the spectators. Many of the spectators were among his and Diablo’s own clan, upping the risk if he failed. He could not show weakness… but he knew he was not as strong as Diablo, and he suspected that Cerberus would be the same. Still, he had learned, he had grown, and he knew how much power he wielded in his teeth and claws.

From up above, a chant began to ring throughout the smoky arena. Feet stomped out a rhythm and cries from the spectators joined together. From his place down within the ring, Rakanoth could not make out what they were saying, but he could see that Diablo was joining in from her front row seat. Cerberus, up ahead, lowered his heads and smiled maliciously. There was no kindness in those smoldering eyes of his… and yet the sphynx felt no fear. He had faced far worse than an angry prairie in his lifetime, even if that prairie had supernatural strength and immortality gifted to him by Life.

A horn sounded out from somewhere above, and Rakanoth threw himself forwards. Cerberus also launched towards the center of the arena, where the fight would begin. Their claws scraped against the stone below, and Rakanoth made sure to take note of the dangerous battleground. If he so much as got near the edge of the lava, he would be at risk of falling in. The platform appeared to thin towards the edge, and no doubt it was a layer of cooled lava which would easily be crushed underfoot. One misstep and he would have third degree burns, if not lose a limb or his life.

The much larger prairie came charging up and Rakanoth met him with a vicious roar. Their heads came together and they locked horns, but Cerberus had the upper hand. Between his four arms and three heads, he had almost triple the amount of weapons his opponent did. The prairie’s other two heads came around and twisted, dislodging the sphynx in an instant. He was forced to break off his attack and, worse yet, had to lunge backwards to avoid being smacked with heavy claws.

Both rooks took a moment to regroup, with Cerberus roaring up at the crowd. A loud cheer could be heard echoing across the stands in response. It rattled inside Rakanoth’s head and he brought his hands up to his ears. The noise! He hadn’t anticipated the noise!

In an instant, Rakanoth was being tripped by Cerberus’ tail, and he felt the prairie’s claws sink into his rubbery skin. Without fur to protect him, there was no cushion to soften the blow, and immediately he felt blood oozing from his shoulder. The sphynx stumbled backwards, crying out in a moment of weakness, but was quickly trying to gather himself once more.

Thinking fast, the raven scrambled to his feet. He couldn’t think about the pain… he couldn’t worry about potential broken bones or bloody injuries. He had to survive this battle if he even stood a chance of winning. He jumped into the air, extending his clawed feet and adjusting his position to best target Cerberus. His tail flagged out behind him, his fangs dripped with his own saliva, and he felt his talons hit their mark. The prairie he fought was not toppled, but did stumble. With ease, however, Cerberus grabbed at the sphynx and took hold. Rakanoth had to cling to his opponent to keep a claw on him, even as he felt his skin being torn from his body. Enduring the stabbing pain, the wild Kukuri managed to climb up onto the beast’s back. Though fire spewed from the necklace around Cerberus’ shoulders, Rakanoth clawed through the flames to grab the beast’s middle head.

Cerberus reared backwards the moment he realized the sphynx had a hold of one of his heads, roaring out in anger and surprise. He felt Rakanoth’s claws dangerously near his eyes, but could do relatively little to disarm Rakanoth in the position he was in. He had no choice but to throw himself against the ground, even if it meant potentially damaging the crust of rock they stood upon.

Rakanoth realized what was going on just a second before he was crushed, unhooking his claws and leaping off Cerberus’ back. He landed and screamed, however, feeling the rock below give way. Lava bubbled up from the crack, burning through the Kukuri’s skin in an instant. There was absolutely nothing the sphynx could do, save for leap once more towards his enemy. The rook cried out in pain, but once again lowered his horns in the hopes to penetrate through Cerberus’ tough skin and fur. He felt the pain in his leg, but did his best to keep running. If he stopped, he’d be killed… if Cerberus chose to spare him, he would be ripped apart by his own clan. He knew Diablo was watching with rapt attention. He could hear the chants and howls of his own loaf screaming in the audience. He could feel their eyes boring holes through him and judging his every movement.

No matter how terrifying Cerberus’ cry was or how much pain he suffered, he would rather die in the arena than face his mate’s wrath.