To Family's for the Holidays

3 years, 1 month ago

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Mocha watched Sebastian as he gathered up his things, packing away several precious items he felt he couldn’t go without as he prepared for the holidays. The pair were going to visit Sebastian’s parents for several days, spending time with his family and old friends before returning home to have their own personal celebration. Mocha had been the one to suggest this, the dove egging him on to see his parents. Sebastian had only given in after several days of hearing her practically beg him. It was a constant argue of work versus family, and she had won.

Sebastian fluffed up his brown fur further as he finally slung a bag over his shoulders. “I think I’m ready to go. Are you, love?”

Mocha nodded. “Of course I am. Did you remember to grab the gifts we bought for your parents?”

“No… sorry, they’re over there.” The fluffy hazel rook pointed over to two gifts, neatly wrapped up. Mocha had added bows and ribbons to them, making them look festive and wrapped with care. 

She walked over to them and chuckled as she once again saw the rather messy wrapping job her mate had done. He might have been an excellent historian, but he certainly wasn’t built for the holidays. “I’ve got them,” she told him.

“Are you sure?” Sebastian asked. “I can carry them if you need.”

“Thanks for being my big, strong man… but how about you stick to being my sweet, fluffy mate instead. I can handle them,” she insisted. “Your parents aren’t too far from here. All we need to do is get a taxi and walk the rest of the way.”

“Why my parents decide to live away from the city and in the wild boggles my mind,” Sebastian admitted softly. “I know my mom has bad history with humans… but things have changed now, mostly. We don’t have to live in fear of humans.”

“And yet she does… and she has a right to be,” Mocha said gently, twisting her body around so she could nuzzle him without dropping the gifts in her arms. “Things have changed… but there’s still a lot of underground slavery. We’re not a free species yet. Not really.”

Sebastian sighed. “I know… I just wish she could experience what it’s like to live as an equal member in society. I wish she never lived in that bloody laboratory.”

“I know, but we need to get moving,” the dove urged him, exiting their apartment. Together they walked down the hall, rode down the elevator, and Sebastian flagged a taxi. 

Sitting to his mate’s side, Sebastian gazed out the window with his white and black eyes. He watched the city whizz by before the buildings seemed to shrink. Houses started cropping up, but past them… it was wilderness. The taxi didn’t take them all the way out into nowhere, but stopped a decent distance away. A fluffy white kukuri stood waiting for them, a puppy snuppy atop his head. The kukuri’s gaze was kind and gentle, then turned delighted as he saw Mocha and Sebastian get out of the vehicle. He walked over to them with a wide smile, opening his arms out wide. “Sebastian!” he called happily.

“Dad… it’s good to see you,” Sebastian greeted, a warm smile on his own face as he embraced his father. “Sorry we’re a bit late. We got caught up in some traffic on the way here.”

“Well, more like he was still packing when we were supposed to leave, Mr. Speed,” Mocha told him.

“Oh… it’s no problem,” the white kukuri said gently, laughing. “And please, call me Speed. I tell you it every time!” Regardless, he pulled Mocha into a warm hug as well, causing her to struggle to keep the gifts in her arms. Her eyes went wide.

“Of course, sir… or, Speed,” she answered. Sebastian smirked and grabbed the boxes from her before they fall. Mocha then returned Speed’s hug before pulling back. “How is the rest of the family? Have they arrived?”

“Some are still coming,” Speed informed her, gesturing for the couple to start following him. “Cinna, Spice, and Corbin are all here already. Most are only coming on Christmas Day. Raven just figured you two would like to come out and stay with us, since we rarely get to see you, Sebastian.”

“Awww, how sweet,” Mocha said, tugging on her mate’s arm lightly. She didn’t want to knock the gifts in his hands around like Speed accidentally had done to her. “We’re more than pleased to be invited to this. It’s a great opportunity and I just love your family.”

Speed’s tail wagged lightly and he smiled. “It’s our pleasure, truly,” he told her and his son both. “Quite honestly, your arrival is our greatest gift. Part of us thought you wouldn’t show up or would only show up for Christmas Day. Your mother and I both know how busy you are, Sebastian.”

“Well… I managed to work it out and the museum isn’t open on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day anyways… so here we are,” the fuzzy hazel rook told his father, keeping the annoyance out of his voice.

“Oh! And speaking of gifts…” Mocha said, taking one of the presents out of Sebastian’s hands. “I know it’s a bit early to be gift-giving, but I think you should open this now more than later. You might appreciate it, especially since it’s getting so cold out.”

Suddenly, Speed found a gift thrust into his hands. With his white eyes he stared at Mocha and Sebastian, glancing between them. “Uh… I should open it now?” he asked, giving them a somewhat confused smile.

“Go ahead,” Sebastian agreed, gesturing with his free hand for his father to open it.

Raising his brows and shrugging, Speed did as he was told. Carefully, he used his claws to slice open the wrapping paper in a way that allowed him to open the box easily and without making a mess. Lifting the lid and reaching in, he started pulling out a giant blanket. It was incredibly soft, wonderfully thick, and could theoretically be used as a cushion to lay atop. The fluffy pearl rook looked to them and smiled warmly, an extreme thankfulness in his eyes. “This… is wonderful,” he said, beginning to pack away the blanket to avoid it getting into the snow. “This must have cost you a fortune.”

“Heh… dad, it was worth it to us,” Sebastian said, a flash of pride welling up within him. “We didn’t break the bank, don’t worry.”

“Well, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. Your mother will love it too. Come on, let’s get you back to our place and warm you up. I don’t want Mocha freezing out here.”

“I’m fine,” she told him, but started to follow him as he walked.

“Still, we wouldn’t be very good hosts OR parents if we didn’t take care of you,” Speed insisted, trudging through the snow and towards his and Raven’s den.