Prompt I(b)6

3 years, 24 days ago

I(b) 6: How did this character earn their role in their group? Has it always been their designated place?

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It was hard to find a place for Matsuri. Because her Gaurdian Ar Ramlah chould not work well with a cub who's constantly scared and looking around constantly as if she may be attacked by some unknown creature. It had taken a considerable amount of patience to find her true calling within the pride. First they tried to see if she chould be a warrior...However it turned out she did not have the ability to deal any great harm to an individual. Aki, who was the most successful warrior within the pride often lost his patience with the young lioness. Going to his leader as he snarled his complaints to the sandy coloured male. Yes her father did teach her about about basic fighting techniques, but after the tragic accident she did not have the confidence or even the courage to stand up and defend herself. 

Ar Ramlah only sighed as he nodded and suggested that she tries out to be a healer. 

Hehe, oh boy. It did not go well...Especially considering the fact that she was in love with the current healer apprentince. So she didn't really focus upon her studies. And it even affected Keanjaho. In the end it was almost impossible to get any work done. So Ar Ramlah was forced to remove her from the path of a healer. She was not happy about it at all...So Ar Ramlah suggested she tried out to be a water guide. 

She outright refused at that offer, she wont set paw outside of camp to wander alone in the desert, faceing sandstorms, heatwaves, any sort of creatures found wandering upon the endless stretch of death. Ar Ramlah argued with the female saying that it is not just walking alone deep into the unknown. But she chiped in and said no. With a deep sigh the male grunted and offered the only other option.A huntress...In the end she reluctantly agreed. Walking out with the other hunters. The sun shone brightly upon her back as she grumbled lowly. NOT in the mood to be out here, not just that but she was terrified! 

Wanting to turn around and run back home but one of the females halted the cub with a tail. When she wanted to argue with the female she quickly hushed her with a warning snarl. In front of them a large herd of antelope. The lionesses croutched down as they stalked towards the inspecting herd. Fanning out in perfect formation as they surrounded thier prey. Matsuri watched as the lionesses worked in perfect cordanation as the one lioness broke away from the group and charged towards the herd to spook them. They cried out in panic and began to run. The herd was scattered, revealing those too slow, too weak, too old or too young to keep up. 

As a unit they charged after a single target. An old bull, his pelt mattered and scared and missing one horn. Cleary a champion in his youth, the leader and soul herd master of his time before a challenger took his title. As one the lionesses surrounded him, jumping upon his back as the old bull bellowed in pain and rage. Dipping his head and swiping his horn towards the nearest threat. Matsuri pinned her ears back as she watched the scene. Terrified of what might happen if those sharp horns struck true. She was on the edge of her perch, observeing the hunt. 

They effortlessly doged the attack. Aiming to clamp thier jaws over the bull's jugular. The old bull had some fight in him, unfortunately not enough. With the combined power of the hunting party. They forced the bull downwards, quickly ending its suffering with a bite to the throat. Matsuri was in awe at what they had done. After the lionesses celebrated and brought back the meal. Matsuri didn't forget the happiness and joy witin the pride. Running towards her guardian she beamed telling him what she wanted to be. Ar Ramlah only smiled and imdeatly arranged a mentor for the young lioness. Soon enough she began her training as a huntress. And after months of training, she finally joined the ranks of her fellow huntresses, a proud provider for the pride

(705 Words)