A History of Lightning

3 years, 22 days ago
3 years, 22 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 22 days ago

While Kaiosa's life now is considered peaceful and lovely, it wasn't always as easy going as it is now. Especially when she was younger.

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If there is one thing Kaiosa had always been certain of, it was who she is.

She is a female Electric Wolf.

Anyone could tell you that.

She was born and raised in the Lone Hills, often travelling to the Oard meadow from time to time. Mostly to deal with merchant work and also to help Kaiosa learn more about the island though she was told to never beyond the mountains. That is where the Tanlin Clans lived.

Where female Electric Wolves like herself were treated horribly.

Where the Queen ruled harshly over her subjects.

Where the mist turned red over the sky and wolves were said to turn on one another.

Kaiosa knew this.

She knew this like she knew that she didn't mind whatever pronouns were given to her.

She knew this like she knew Elvira, her Corsac Fox summon who had been there for her through everything.

She knew this like she knew that the Icelands are considered off bounds.

She knew this like she knew that her family would always protect her.


Maybe she didn't know that as much as she once did.

It had been a relatively quiet day on the day that her life would be torn upside down.

Now, of course Kaiosa had no idea what was about the befall on her entire family. On everything she knew and held close to her heart. Why would she? She was only four years old. While she knew a lot, she didn't know how much her life was going to be torn upside down. She didn't know that her life could be twisted inside out, ripped to pieces as she desperately tried to hold onto the pieces and keep them together.

Elvira and Kaiosa were out exploring some rabbit warrens, carefully of course. She knew how dangerous they could be if she wasn't expecting the world to suddenly break under foot. Apparently it had happened before. Not to her but to another wolf. Who was more unfortunate than she was. She felt sorry for them but then again, maybe they should've expected the ground to cave below them.

"Master." Elvira spoke. "I fear we are too far from your family."

"We're fine." Kaiosa argued, fur puffing up sightly in indignation. "Mama and Papa said we can be here."

"Master I am aware." The fox summon sighed. "I just feel as though we should head back."

"Fine." Kaiosa groaned. "I got bored of watching for rabbit anyways."

The two headed back but so many years later, Elvira wished they had not pushed for them to go home.

If they hadn't then they wouldn't have seen the blood.

The mutilated bodies as a group of male Electric wolves stood over Kaiosa's entire family.

Wouldn't have had to hear Kaiosa's broken screams of "Mama! Papa! Wake up! Wake up! Help me!" as she was carried away.

Wouldn't have had to hide in order to ensure that their death didn't result in more pain to their master.

Then Kaiosa wouldn't have had nightmares that she still suffers from.

Elvira wouldn't be labelled as a coward and traitor.