Solar punk world summary

2 years, 11 months ago
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A blurb about my personal solarpunk world of magic and furries and robots!

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In the year 2049, humans were dying at an exponential rate.

Autoimmune diseases and superbugs were decimating the population, and nothing they did could stop it.

Desperate for their legacy to continue, they accepted their fate, but decided to spit in the face of god anyways.  They could really think of one race who could carry their ideals forward and improve them. They'd put their hopes and dreams in the paws of man's best friend, dogs.

By this point they'd already invented neural linked transceivers that could translate some domestic animals thoughts to human speech, dogs and dolphins being among the easiest to train, Then came gorillas and cats. Dogs were the ones who showed the most promise for the next stage in evolution.  The dying humans decided to speed things up for the next dominant race to take over.

It took a while, and a lot of genetic experimentation and Gene therapy with different things, gamma radiation,  stem cell research,  grafting, hybridization, many things were tried and subsequently failed.

The breakthrough, actually, came from an unexpected source, primordial bacteria found in the bottom of the ocean, in a cavern that opened up recently due to shifting tectonics. The shape of this incredibly deep and hot cavern lead part to stay untouched by the ocean, but the environment was too hostile to send in a human.

That paved the way for the synths to appear.  They'd already been a secret government project in Europe, and as the world leaders debated and argued and let fear take over, a group of independent synths were allowed to approach.  Already containing an artificial soul, and an incredible sense of selfless kindness, (that wasn't programmed, they were actually a scrapped weapons project), they offered a solution of their own. With the backing of north America and Europe, the other countries soon agreed, trusting them to explore this last hope.

What they found was some of the old code from whatever asteroid injected us onto this planet, but mutated to be even more in tune with the planet, and, unbelievably, contained trace amounts of magic. They were able to use these bacteria and microscopic organisms to begin creating accelerated growth canids, leading to the first anthro dogs.

They were immune to human diseases, faster, stronger, and smarter. Through nurturing and training from quadruped dogs and humans alike, they instilled a set of core values that would carry for generations.

The dogs were lonely though, and kind, and thus they went forward, long after humans were gone, and worked to elevate as many species as they could, so that they may have companions and diversity to further exand their budding society. Little did they know that breaking the seal on the ocean cavern also released something into the air, that wouldn't begin to show for at least a hundred years. The end of the human race, brought magic back to the world, and now there was a whole planet of new people to learn how to harness this gift.

A thousand years passed, with magic and world peace becoming a regular thing, and with humans a distant and far of myth, seen only in brief holo-vines and clips from YouTube.

Humans that somehow survived their extinction became something out of a nightmare, mutated monsters that people fight to keep out of cities.

Super viruses like rabies and parasitic fungi rose up to claim the dying and turn them into horrors, As well as idiots who irradiated themselves into twisted immortal monstrosities that'd give a god nightmares.

As some began to develope latent magic, some more inclined Folk turned to necromancy as well, And well we all know how well that works out.

Basically through many means, humanity went to hell in a hand basket.

After a thousand years, many aren't even recognizable as human anymore. There's aren't any bug anthros for a reason....

Some of the bacteria and fungi...Grafted infected humans and insects together,  As well as some Flora. Some magic users would specialize in fire, since the fungal mutants were  very flammable and it helped burn up the spores the release on death.

When magic was first harnessed and wielded, a new order rose up as the first mutant humans were also discovered. The Neo Druid Society came forth, with a natural talent for the elements, as well as communing with the planet. They offered their lives up to keep the peace for everyone else, and in their sacrifice, a new being was invited forth, drawn by the powerful natural magics used by these druids.

Thus, the sprites appeared, tiny spirits of pure magic, who had been in a long slumber for thousands of years. Newly awoken, they would choose a druid to bond with for life, lending their power and enabling the druids to take on bigger and more powerful forms, in order to combat the growing threats from the wilds.

Now, the towering cities are beacons of culture and society, with danger lurking at the borders of every sprawling bio mechanical megalopolis. Each city has its own order of the druid, who serve as guardians against the horrors this new world unleashes upon you.