☆゚.*・。゚C A K E ☆゚.*・。゚

3 years, 3 months ago

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Male | 15 | 1m10 | 20 kg | Fennec/Artic fox hybrid "I said tomorrow's gonna be a great day. And it is TODAY! So let's have a great day!"

《 General 》

× Overview / Back story: Cake was a lone adventurer. He went across plentiful of places and dimesions, keeps in heart his desire to bring happiness everywhere he goes

× Personality: Simplified: A super Cheerful and Outgoing kit In detail: Has alot of secrets that's left unknown under that beloved and care-free puppy eyes. But he'd rather suffer it alone than to take people's pity for him. His energy is endless however, there is no "Monday" for him cuz everyday is a great day.

■ Speech: × Shota voiced × Cheerful tones

■ Physical Description: x Has 3 forms: - Human form: act like a preschooler - Fox form: Does absolute no shits, might greet you in the front door - Cloud form: Does all kind of shits including life-savings, fighting against crimes, help cops catch the drug dealers, be a fire fighter, postman, weapon delivery for on-going war countries, part-time chicken fryer in mc. donald... × Physically strong due to high-pressure training between his daily travels (You can legit find his muscles under those soft and fluffy fur layer hehhee) × Never gets common sickness

■ Abilities: ■ | Ability 1: Cloud absorb Cake inhale cloud to build up a mutated body part (usually be wings since exceeded hands or legs is way too troublesome for his training) ■ | Ability 2: good at close ranged fighting and work best with sword xX Hidden Xx Creating Clones from past memories and emotions -- This abilities never comes to Cake's acknowlegde, the first and last time he ever did this was on one of his darkest day when he lost his soulmate, and he never know how he did that.

■ Facts: •Cake fell in love with his step sister •Horny for 24/7 of the time (just dont tell anyone) ■ Accessories / Inventory: Cake owes a magical lily that can turn into either a sharp hard sword, or a plasticity lily sword, but both of them can slice your head of like a slice of anchor butter.

Author's Notes

TYSM for reading ^v^ Have a great day now!