
5 years, 8 months ago

Inspired by A Drinking Song by William Butler Yeats. [[ This is just really self indulgent and gross fluff don't look at me ]]

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"Wine comes in at the mouth;"

Charon slurred ever so slightly in his dazed state. Wine glass in his hand, he had a little too much to drink again. He was fairly unrestrained, smiling to himself, and lightly swaying to the faint music from a small vintage radio in a corner of his room. He was in a fairly good mood tonight. There was a lightness in his steps, and before he took another sip from the glass, he let out a breathy "- And love comes in at the eye." A quiet celebration with he, him and himself. His red hair fell over his face, obscuring most of his vision. Charon couldn't care less as he leaned backward, thick red locks cascading away from his vision. "That's all we know for sure, 'till we grow old and die." He was briefly interrupted by the opening of the door. His smile quickly turned into a frown; yet softened almost immediately when he recognized the familiar figure: clad in all black, accompanied by the signature bird companion.

V stood by the doorway, taking a good look at his partner. He sighed when he realized that the redhead was drunk again, even though he knew he shouldn't pay too much mind to it anymore. There was a quiet exchange of smiles, a silent conversation of a warm welcome back home. The summoner chuckled to himself, sliding his coat off and hanging it on their shared coat rack. The bird perched on its stand and quietly tucked itself to sleep. V strode quietly on the carpeted floor, closing in on his partner.

He could smell the wine on him, a smell he was at this point used to. He did not mind. "I lift my glass to my mouth." Charon started with a grin, sipping from the glass once more. They shared a hushed laughter at the action, a smile plastered onto V's face for longer than he usually does. There was a gentle tenderness as he brushed the long red hair away, looking into the taller's sharp grey eyes. With the same hand, he took the wine glass, taking a small sip for himself. While he did not mind the smell, he has not yet gotten accustomed to the taste. There was a slightly sour look on his face, and in Charon's dazed state, it was cute, to put it simply. He snaked his arms around the summoner's waist, pulling him a little closer. With a smile, he spoke one last line.

"I look at you, and I sigh."

The gesture was overly romantic, and needlessly extra for V's liking. That can be forgiven, he was fairly drunk after all. There was a slight embarrassment on the summoner's end, and he could not help but look away for a few moments to regain his composure. Charon laughed breathily, V lightly punched the other's chest in retort, fairly recovered from his initial embarrassment. His lips curled into a smile. "A Drinking Song." He started. "William Butler Yeats." A light sparked in Charon's eyes. He knew the poem, and it was a pleasant surprise. Though, V chuckled and grinned slightly. "This isn't the meaning of the poem, Charon." He chuckled, bringing his hands to brush more of Charon's hair to the back of his head. He saw how Charon's face formed a pout, his lips fairly tinted from the alcohol. "I am aware of that, but-" Charon was cut off by a bubbling in his throat. He took a brief moment to clear himself and continue. "- but it reminded me of you." He smiled gently. V shook his head with a small laugh; Charon's boldness in doing what could be considered "cheesy" and "outdated" in a drunk stupor was incredibly strange, but not unwelcome. "Are you always like this when you're drunk?" He asked.

Charon raised a brow. "Always like how? Happy? Well, this time that's genuine." He chuckled. V felt his blood rush to his face in embarrassment, once again lightly punching the taller man. He tried squirming away from his grip in retort, to no avail. He was fairly drunk, but maybe he had enough sobriety to be doing these deliberately. He heard the redhead snicker, and he bit his tongue from saying something witty. He let him have this moment. After a moment he sighed, shoulders relaxing and having to meet eyes with his partner.

There was a silence between them, but they met each others' eyes with smiles and closed in for a kiss.