Talk in Prison

3 years, 2 days ago

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"So what is it?". Nephera looked up to the man who looked over her while she sat in that prison... "What do you expect me to say?". "I asked you weather you think slavery will ever end", he said again, gifted her a softened smile, "your true opinion please". She rose an eyebrow. That man threatened her as she was no prisoner... But She sat here in this grey room and he sat there on a comfortable chair... It was like trying to bully her even more while she is in a situation like this. And she could see that he was just putting a mask of emotions on his face, he wasn't friendly because of his attitude towards her...

But she finally stood up, went as far as she could, pressing her forehead against the cold steel which separated them. "Slavery will never end. We are bound by nature to be slaves, you know? Even I am a slave as well as you are right now". The man looked confused, took a few steps closer to her. "What do you mean? I'm a free man, and you aren't a slave either, just a prisoner". Nephera fixed the man with her eyes. "Wrong. We all are slaves. Slaves of our job and employers. Slaves of our duties, slaves of our own beliefs. But on top of it, we are the slaves of our feelings", she whispered in a dark voice, before getting away from the steel again, "people call me crazy because they think I'm different. In reality I'm nothing different compared to them, I also am a slave. The only difference is that I  can see what they can't. I see the truth". The police man was a bit stunned...

"Well... I don't think as you do, but if you put it that way...". "You are as blind as the others. I can see more", Nephera spoke up before the man had finished, "stop looking for me, send someone else. Don't treat me as if you want to be a friend of mine. Everything people tell each other are lies. Your friendly behavior is nothing more than a lie. I don't want to hear your false words again, it makes me sick", she told him in a slightly aggressive voice before sitting down onto her uncomfortable bed, which consisted of a matrass on the floor alone.

"That is not true. In my opinion you deserve to be threatened well". These words made Nephera feel like she would puke every moment. Every word which came from his mouth was a lie. And she hated liars the most... "It's in humanities rights to be threatened well, You are a-". "A human? Wrong, look closer. I'm a living being, but I'm not a human like you are, spear me with your human rights. I won't trust you. The reason you are friendly is just to get my trust so I tell you where my companions are. But I said before. I am a loner and I'll always be. I'm a solo player. All murders were committed solely by me, and only me. That. Is. All".