
3 years, 3 months ago

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Ammon walk into a strange place. There was a big sign that said welcome on it. it looked old and damaged. 

He walked past the sign. The flowers were pretty and beautiful. Walking past the flowers. Ammon saw some houses overhead well that's a good sign.

 He gone to one of the houses. It was brown and decorated with party streamers and sparkles. His paws hit the door knock knock

The door opened as a half deer half fox peered out. He was a blue fox with dark blue marking and bells on his horns. 

"Hello,who are you?wait are you new here?oh we got a new visitor!" Said the deer fox . "Oh umm. Yeah I guess" replied Ammon. "Oh goodie goodie, am jammy " the deer fox said as he lends out the paw. "Nice to meet you to" he shake'd his paw.

Maybe it ain't  so bad after all

Author's Notes

sorry it was cut short I got tired