An Unwelcome Face

3 years, 16 days ago
3 years, 16 days ago
1 1073

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 16 days ago

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Into the Mist prompt

Mephi hadn't slept while he waited for the group to get moving again, curled protectively around Genesis while he scanned the area relentlessly. With her smaller figure stirring against his side and her eventual nuzzle against his chin he offered a low purr, offering her head a lick before he stood with her. It took him a few minutes to actually stand and move to follow her, Thinking things over before sighing softly. "Gen, my darling, you seem far too eager to follow this stranger into the wall of mist... The wall of mist that nobody can ever recall seeing before, that nobody knew was in the middle of our planet... But, I do trust our Alpha... And I suppose that's enough." He sighed again, watching Genesis move infront of him with a small smile playing at his lips before a chuckle left them. "What're you looking at, darling?" Her words seemed to pierce his ears, a slight heat sparking to the tips of them before he responded. "Enjoying the view, love." She still took his breath away, after all this time she was still the most beautiful creature on Lochren. He rose to his paws, lifting one to swat at her tail before butting her shoulder. "Let's get going then."

As they approached the mist Mephi couldn't help but notice the figures that prowled around the edges, piercing green gaze narrowing towards them. He wouldn't mention these to Gen, she seemed far too happy to step forward and into the swirls of color and grays. His gaze lowered to Genesis as she halted infront of him, brow quirking and a chuckle leaving his throat. His stride lengthened to match hers, moving to her side to gingerly butt her shoulder with his horns. "You're holding up the line, Gen. Come on." Mephi trotted beside her, taking note of when her gaze widened and a sparkle slipped to her eyes. She saw a dancing field of taxon and lions, he did too to an extent. Where hers spread through the mists and beyond where they could see his stopped and melted into a quiet field. The tall grasses swayed gently in the cool breeze, silence overtaking everything and an overwhelming feeling of calm washing over his hulking frame. It was only when Gen's voice cracked that his head snapped to her direction, Minnow sitting infront of her and shifting his gaze to Mephi. The pair exchanged a subtle nod, acknowledging eachother but not speaking. Mephi took the opportunity to seat himself on the edge of the two areas, light sparkling grass on one side and darker swaying on the other. It seemed perfect, peaceful. But that all shattered when he felt a pelt brush against his.

"Mephistopheles, I see you're still doing well." A soft voice cooed into his ear, he ignored it until he felt something brush against the underside of his chin. A growl slipped to his throat, still attempting at ignoring it until it spoke again. "Oh come on, Mephi, you know how much fun we used to-" Mephi's snarl cut her off, his gaze hardening as it shot down to the smaller lioness. "Shut it, Mahlat. We never had anything before you disappeared and we won't now. I told you that before I settled with Gen, and what I said stayed the same." The small blue lioness recoiled as if he had swatted her, black striped wings flaring in anger. "We had more fun than you could ever have with that old prowler and you know it. You loved every second of it." She flicked her tail, blades almost locking with his if he hadn't jerked his tail away. "We had nothing but a friendship and you know it. It's not my fault that you cannot take hints or when I clearly turn you down." His words were spat, venom clinging to them as he stood to stare the clingy lioness down. Mahlat had been obsessed with him when they were younger, before Genesis showed up. He had turned her multiple times and even chased her away from attempting to ruin his relationship with Gen when she showed up at the den to spread lies. "I LOVE you, you know I always will." She spat her words as well, feathers puffing and wings offering another angry flap.

"You don't and you never did. You were obsessed with me and angry when my heart went to Genesis instead of giving in to you. You attempted to ruin my mateship so I would crumble and give in to you. It didn't work and never will. You need to LEAVE." His tone was cold, unwavering and laced with anger. The lioness had never done anything but anger him after the first attempt at getting him to side with her and give her a chance. He felt no love but platonic and her attempts to change that pissed him off. His gaze shifted from her to his son and Genesis, softening while he watched them nuzzle eachother. She missed him terribly, and the ache in his chest that he had been ignoring flared slightly. Why had he been so hard on his sickly son? He loved him, he just... Wanted him to be stronger. A sigh left his lips, though his moment was ruined by another rub under his chin from the lioness.

"Come on Mephi, you know we would have had beautiful, powerful cubs. We could have taken over that nasty pride if only you'd have-" Mephi snarled, springing forward only for his paws to slap the ground instead of her pelt, the blue lioness dancing backwards with a chuckle. "You know I'm faster than you, Mephi, I always have been!" Her tone was almost musical, a tinkling laugh slipping from that crooked smirk on her muzzle. "And I've always been stronger and wiser. I never wanted to overthrow Ethereal, YOU did and YOU attempted to drag me down. You're not real, and need to leave." He flicked his tail, standing to begin approaching Genesis. His son offered him a small smile as he left with his wife, leaving Genesis sitting there alone until he approached. He gave her shoulder a gentle butt, nudging her to her feet. "Come on my love, the mysteries of the mist await." With his gentle words his wife stood beside him, his tail draping over her hind quarters as they made their way back to the group.