Who am I? (Pride)

3 years, 13 days ago
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Madeline Porter flopped down on her bed to ponder her life more. It was a pretty normal occurrence now in days. Was she doing the right thing? Was she happy about what she was doing? Was she a disappointment? Did her mom have fun with her new life? Why was it she had boobs. Pretty normal thoughts. But some came more frequently small things bothering her for quite a long time. Who was she? Looking at herself in the mirror she frowned as she put her hair up, feeling just a little better after doing so. Looking in the mirror and who she was now... it made her feel off. She frowned as she turned to flop down on her bed. Why was she feeling even worst now then normal. Sure she had these thoughts for a long time, over a year if she were honest with herself. Maddie blinked as she stretched her hand out as she tried to figure out what was this feeling. A disconnect with who she was.

For a few years she attempted to ignore and push aside it, she never really would have began to understand and be able to put a name to her feeling before she met Blythe after all. The feelings and emotions she felt for years and pushed down in school. Constantly feeling as though her skin crawled as she was called a miss porter, or she. Perhaps this is why she began to take on a prince persona of sorts... to feel better? But the person she was... was a hard thing to describe to understand how she felt about herself. Slowly she began to understand what it was she was feeling, a name to finally describe how she felt, how she has been feeling for such a long time now. 

Things began to change now as she began to accept herself, slowly but surly they began to realize they don't have to be a she. Maddie would be accepted no matter what they were. Blythe helped Maddie realize it when the confusion and anxieties of sexuality popped up, and unbeknownst to Blythe, even without talking to her it helped Maddie to figure out how they felt about themself. Male, female, none of them felt like the right thing to describe who they were. A prince to Blythe, a princess to Gia, Maddie was both of those. Maybe it was time to stop pushing it down, having one life which was limited, wanting to feel comfortable in your own skin, and being called the thing you want. A gender couldn't describe who they were.