🍒 Blummer's T.O.S. 🍒

3 years, 7 days ago

Here you will find all my terms and conditions(T.O.S.; contract or agreement) ^^

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 Blummer's Terms and Conditions •



You cannot use my art to earn money, unless you have my permission.

If I make commissions one day, be sure that it will take a long time to finish the final result; so maybe you'll have to wait a few weeks(srry ;w;).

You cannot remove my watermarks unless we have already agreed.

Don't steal / recolor / trace / copy my art, there are plenty of inspiration sources / free anatomy books / YouTube tutorials and many other places for you to get better at

drawing, copying my drawings or those of other people will not get anything, so please, practice instead of copying drawings



Inspiration / copy

I accept that you use the concepts / ideas of my characters to use them in other things, you can be inspired as much as you want but what you cannot do is;

copy / trace / recolor / steal my art or my characters, I really hate that.


If you have obtained a character (buying it or winning it in a raffle) and you want to resell it, you will have to follow certain rules depending on your case;

Rules for reselling a purchased character:

The character must have at least 2 pieces of art made

by you.

The resale price cannot be higher than the original price.

The person you are going to sell it to must have less than

200 characters.

Rules for selling a gifted character:

The character must have at least 1 pieces of

art made by you and 2 pieces of art made by others.

The person who goes to buy that character will

not be able to make ANY changes to the character design.

The person you are going to sell it to must have less than

100 characters.

Under no circumstances am I going to let you appropriate my designs or/and sell them!

If you want to use my designs please contact me (md) to avoid inconveniences ;p


If it's a gifted character you can make as many changes as you want!

If it's not a gifted character you can make slight changes that do not make the character unrecognizable, if you are thinking of making big changes please let me know.

(either of the two rules may change depending on the case)

In general

You can make drawings about my characters or (as I said before) use their concepts, you can ask me anything about them and the last thing I want to say about my

characters it's; that I don't like that they use my characters for anything with commercial or lucrative purposes, so please don't use my characters for those purposes.



No one for now ;0

Things I want to remarks:

I do'nt speak English well and I am a lazy artist, if I don't deliver the drawings on time it's because I have a lot of homework or I just don't want to do it ,_,
