
3 years, 3 months ago

jenny isn't a good title name

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“Noir noir noir noir noir-” Cass repeated as he opened up his roomate’s door. Noir was lying upside down on his bed, half on his actual bed. Dark hair was half brushed in his face the rest lightly touched the floor. The black and white crop top he was wearing failed to cover much as gravity messed with it. Noir smiled as Cass walked in, slowly sliding off his bed onto the floor. He stretched leaning his head against his arms as he did. Cass felt a small skip in his heart. He smiled widely, looking around Noir’s room. Noir’s room was always clean. He had painted it himself with a bit of Cass’ help. It was slightly mismatched but mostly pink, yellow, and white. All pastels, furniture included. But Cass came for Noir’s guitar. A black and red acoustic guitar that Noir got around his 16th birthday. Cass knew that because Cass was the one that bought it for him. “Can I borrow this for a bit?”

“Since when did a rapper need a guitar? Acoustic at that.” Noir asked seeming slightly amused by that question but waved it forward for him to take it. Cass carefully picked it up. It still seemed newly bought. Noir was careful with everything he owned. It still had happy birthday messages from Hyun and himself. Cass smiled a bit as he looked back over the old messages. Hyun telling Noir to stay out of trouble, followed by Cass’ message to get in trouble. This was back when Noir planned to go to Guardian Academy. It didn’t take much convincing for Noir to decide that wasn’t his dream. His dream lied in modeling and music. Perhaps more the latter than the first. Cass slowly sat next to the shiri, tuning the guitar to his hums. Noir leaned back against the side of the bed as he listened to the guitar. It seemed perfectly in tune to him but he wasn’t going to stop the other.

“I need the guitar so I can sing you something.”

“You? You sing?” Noir seemed rather surprised by that statement. He had only heard his friend rap up until that point. Not that he was opposed to that. In fact, he was a little excited to hear what Cass had planned for him. Noir smiled, brushing his hair out of his face, rabbit ears tilting slightly forward. Cass nodded his head, smile never fading as he glanced back to the other. Noir seemed rather relaxed, his tail was a dead giveaway to how he felt. 

“Yeah! Just a bit. My voice isn’t as pretty as yours… singing-wise. I’m more of a rapper, but I wrote this for you.”

“You wrote me a song?” Noir’s eyes closed a bit as a small laugh escaped him, “Really? What did I do to deserve this one? What was your last one….where are the askers? That one was great haha! Is it like that one, love?”

Cass quickly shook his head, “No no no. I think this one is better. That one was amazing though. It’s not my typical song but- I hope you like it”

“I’m sure I will,” Noir confirmed, fully closing his eyes to listen to whatever Cass had in store for him. He didn’t recognize the first few chords, but whatever this song was had a catchy opening. Noir quietly tapped his leg to the beat waiting for Cass to start singing, almost anticipating what his voice would sound like. His eyes opened to look over to the other. He seemed a bit nervous, but still full of his normal excitement. That was cute to Noir. He smiled resting his head in his hands as Cass started to sing. His voice was beautiful, Cass had been holding back on him all these years? Noir wasn’t really paying attention to the lyrics at first, hyper-focused on how pretty the song itself was. It took a second chorus to hit him. This is a love song? Noir sat up a bit more straight, trying to catch Cass’ eyes but he was focused on the guitar. I wanna ruin our friendship. Noir smiled looking away from Cass to avoid flustering himself too much. Wow…A bit on the nose. But- Cass really went through the trouble to write him a song, chords, and everything.  Wow. This was better than his promposal. Cass’ song ended with his normal flair, riffs. Cass loved riffs. He just loved showing off. Not that Noir minded. He thought it was adorable. He finally looked up to meet Noir’s eyes. Noir was trying to hide his smile behind the side of his hand but it didn’t do much. “You mean it?”

“Mean what?” Cass said quickly in response as if ready to take it back. Noir shook his hands, softly laughing.

“I wanna ruin our friendship too. If that’s what you want, Cassius.” Noir found himself saying playing with the long edge of his hair, “If it doesn’t work…I’m fine with being friends again.” Noir whispered before looking back to Cass. Cass returned his smile, pushing Noir’s guitar to the side before tackling Noir to the ground. Noir giggled into his awkward hug, this felt so surreal. He had liked Cass for a while but he never thought the feeling was mutual. Obviously, he was rather wrong. 

“It’s going to work. Trust me, Noir. There isn’t another boy in the world I’ve felt this way towards”

“Oh stop it- That’s such a lie”

“It’s not it’s not- I really mean that,” Cass said pulling Noir up and sitting him on the side of the bed, “I…I want to be your partner. And I hope you feel the same way.”

Noir found a familiar blush on his face, but he smiled and nodded, “Funny. I thought I already was.” Cass’s laugh was so adorable. Noir was pushed to the bed as Cass hugged him again. Admittedly the more that Noir thought about it, all these years living together. It was nice to finally make it official…