Silent Affection

3 years, 12 days ago

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Astral stretched himself out to shake the last of the drowsiness from waking up off. He pushed his way out of his tent and looked around lazily at the rest of the camp. He spied the earlier risers up and moving, but overall it was quiet. He did however spot who he was looking for. He lazily made his way over to Wolf as he sat preparing some sort of breakfast. Astral gently leaned against Wolf's side; he unconsciously seemed to lean into the contact. "Morning." Wolf greeted warmly, although his voice was still rough from sleep.

Astral peered over at the food. "Morning, what're you making?"

Wolf stirred the pot before answering. "Just some stew. It's simple enough and I know there's not going to be any left to worry about knowing everyone." He paused to stir it again. "You have any plans for today? I don't believe there are any adventures planned for today."

"Well. I was thinking that we could... maybe..." Astral trailed off. The two were close, but could still be unsure around each other when it came to delving into the more romantic side of things. It was something their friends relentlessly teased them about, but neither really minded. It was all in good fun after all.

"You wanna head down to the lake away from the others?" Wolf suggested. He looked over at Astral with a slight smile.

Astral found himself very grateful that the two of them could read each other so well. It helped with the more awkward situations. "Yeah, that sounds good. We can head down after you finish up?" Wolf hummed and nodded before going back to stirring the stew. With a quick nuzzle Astral left Wolf to quickly get ready. He grabbed a few essentials along with his sketchbook and went to also collect Wolf's things.  By the time he was done said Korpis was waiting for him with a bag slung over his back. The two smiled at each other as Astral handed over a bag to Wolf. They walked in comfortable silence along a well used path that lead down to the water. When they got to the water they wasted little time in setting up a little area to spend the day. After they were done they settled down next to each other. Wolf lazily draped a wing over Astral as he passed over some bread and stew to eat. Astral smiled at him and waited to eat until he had a portion for himself before eating. This is how the two liked to be. Just basking in each other's quite company. Eventually Astral took to working on some sketches as they both looked out over the lake. Wolf placed his head on Astral to get a better look at the sketchbook. "What're you drawing?" He asked, eyeing the drawing.

Astral flushed slightly. "Ah, mmm." he paused doing his best to find his words. "I'm drawing you." 

Wolf nuzzled further into the fur on Astral's neck in a form of support. "Looks good." Came his slightly muffled voice. Astral smiled even though Wolf wouldn't be able to see it.

The two spent the rest of the day by the lake and were thankful none of the others came to bother them. Overall it was the perfect way to spend a day off; in comfortable companionship with who they loved.