
3 years, 1 day ago
496 1 2

smorch without plot . like porn without plot but theres no porn its just kis and smorch

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The chorus of dawn had died down hours ago, and the morning had settled into a warm silence, beams of sunlight dappling the floor and blankets. Radie watched the dust motes light up in gold for a fleeting moment before drifting out of view once again, her body still as it had been in her sleep, the only motion the soft rise and fall of her breathing. Séamus was sleeping next to her, and she didn't want to wake him -- it may have been midmorning, but she loved to watch him as he dozed in the sunlight, light washing over his figure beneath the blankets, rising to his bare shoulder, dusted with freckles, moving up to the softly curled hand that rested between them, then gently over his face, lingering on the plane of his jaw.

His lashes flickered gold, lips parting to draw in a deep breath as the light in his eyes woke him. Bringing his hands to his face, he softly rubbed his eyes, letting them flutter open to meet Radie's gaze. She pressed a soft kiss to his forehead before nestling closer to him, pulling the blanket higher over their bodies. "Good morning, Séimí," Radie murmured, toying gently with a strand of hair, gleaming copper with sunlight. He wound his arms around her torso, pulling her closer until their bodies were flush to each other, strewing sleepy kisses onto her exposed cheek.

She hummed in satisfaction as he rubbed her scalp with one hand, fingers tangling in her curls as he pressed light, lingering kisses to her shoulders. A warmth spread through her as she melted into his touch, the tension in her body dissolving with each touch of his lips to her sunlit skin. 

"You're so pretty, my lord," she murmured, tracing a finger over the bridge of his nose, then to his soft, sculpted brow.  His eyes fluttered closed again as a smile parted his lips.

Séamus pulled away from her for a moment, causing Radie to glance down at him with a look that practically begged "don't go." 

"Don't you worry, a stóirín." He laughed softly, shifting positions so his back was flat against her chest. Radie always loved that name -- her face would warm and her pulse would flutter every time he said it. She was his treasure, something to hold and keep and revel in... 

Radie wrapped her arm around him, holding him tightly to her, all the while trailing kisses down the side of his face. She knew the spot he loved best, right where his jaw ended and his neck began, and she brushed her fingertips over it, making him shudder slightly before she pressed her lips to his skin. His spine arched against her body, a soft gasp escaping him as his pulse thundered beneath her lips. "A ghrá," he whispered, grasping her hand. 

"What is it, my one?" Radie's voice was soft and slightly teasing. 


Author's Notes

they kith