Small Talk

3 years, 3 days ago

I can’t name things pt 500 Placed after the ballroom dance prompt - see yue-berries prompt :3

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Lyra fell back on the bench and kicked her heels off. Dancing was hard. But Seven made it fun at least. In fact he made her whole night kinda fun. She ran her fingers through her hair a bright smile on her face. Sunset eyes scanned the dance floor. She was watching Sei all night. But after dancing with Seven for so long she had lost him somewhere in the crowd. Lyra hummed tapping her cheeks as she went back to searching for someone she knew. Chikage…? Probably went home. Umi was dancing with Akaya. So lovey dovey. Oh! There’s Sei! …Dancing..with someone else… Lyra smiled to herself staring at the floor. 

“I’m back Lyra-“

Lyra perked as Seven came back. She hesitated to take the glass from him, “is that champagne?” The shiri asked taking it from him and swirling it around.

Seven shook his head no sliding down to sit next to her, “Sparkling water. Mine is champagne.” He said confirming with a quick sip, “definitely champagne.” Lyra waited for him to confirm before trying her own. Dry. Weird. Rich people drink weird things. But…ok she guessed. Lyra stretched before leaning against Seven’s side.

“Thank you~! I gotta say I was not looking forward to tonight. Umi was dragging us all here because and I quote ‘You guys need social interaction’ followed by ‘Lyra you stream all day and never talk to anyone but Chikage’.” Lyra laughed softly slowly sighing before sitting up right, “Mm. Anyways. You made my night great. Thank you. For dancing with me and…whatever.” The shiri flicked her tail looking back up to the dance floor.

“You made my night pretty fun too, Lyra” Seven whispered more to himself than to her, “You’re welcome. For the dances. You still need some work but you’re definitely better than our first one.”

“H-Hey I’m not that bad of a dancer! I used to be an idol- I danced all the time” Lyra stammered her ears ducking back, “but sorry for stepping on you so much. Ballroom dancing isn’t as easy as it looks like on tv.”

“Wait Wait you were an idol? What band I don’t recognize you?” Seven asked slightly intrigued, more just trying to make conversation.

“Oh um if my hair was black you would recognize me haha. I was apart of Krsh! Like way back when. I went by Ragdoll back then. Still do for streaming and Lyra but…yeah. That was a long time ago.” Lyra mumbled picking at the frills on her dress, “haha how old are you again?”

“Krsh…the kpop band? You look nothing like you used to. More..grownup. It’s a good thing. And I’m twenty.” Seven said stumbling through a compliment of sorts before finishing off his drink.

“Twenty! Awww you’re a little baby!” Lyra giggled sitting her drink to the side and hands back in her lap. “Hehe I’m twenty one~ Oh! Can I have your number?”

Lyra lacked hesitation. Seven stared silently at her. Hesitation and a filter. He clicked his tongue before pulling out his phone. Would he regret this later? Probably. She seemed like the type of girl to text non stop. But he handed it to her listening to her giggle as she put her number in.

“Thank you! We should play something sometime!”

“Oh I don’t really play games…”

“What? Really???” Lyra asked checking through Seven’s phone without asking. Sure enough his phone was really empty… “I’m downloading you a game. It’s called Genshin Impact and it’s literally waifus and husbands~ You’ll love it! Also if you need any of the characters just text me I’ll get them for you.” Lyra chirped before handing the phone back over. Seven didn’t have time to stop her, plus she seemed far too happy to share this game with him.

“Thank you…I think? I will text you how it goes. Oh, do you need a ride home tonight? Or is Chikage taking you back?” Seven asked turning his phone off and focusing back on her.

“Oh um..right Chikage…wherever he is.” Lyra glanced back up to the dance floor. She couldn’t even find Akaya anymore, “I can’t believe he ditched me...” she rubbed her eyes letting her hair hide her. But then again knowing Chikage, Umi might’ve sent him back home already. She was very particular about this night going well. She had obviously been looking forward to it. Lyra sighed and sat back up tossing her hair back, “Ok. Yeah I could use that ride back if you don’t mind.”

Seven stood and offered a hand to her. “Well unless you want to dance some more I’m ready to head out.” Lyra picked up her heels and took his hand.

“Yeah I’m ready. What music you got in-“ Lyra started taking a step and stumbling forward into his arms, “Ah! Heels suck so much. Ugh. My feet hurt.” Seven rolled his eyes picking Lyra up and heading out with her in tow.

“So where do you live?” Seven asked getting her out into the parking lot before letting her back down. Lyra leaned up against his side and pulled out her phone for directions.

“Penthouse not too far from here…”

“Penthouse?” Seven asked somehow not surprised. “You don’t live too far from me.” He glanced over the directions. Not far as in right above. Of course he couldn’t tell her that. His address moved around quite a bit, he had another move coming up in a few weeks. It was for his own safety of course. Being a hunter made himself a target for slayers that’s he couldn’t bring down. He helped her into the car before getting in the drivers seat.

The one thing he didn’t mind about this night was driving. He tossed his tie off and relaxed almost forgetting for a moment he still had to act normal. “So Sevennnn~ How long have you known Chikage?”

“Not too long. We met awhile back.” A bit of a lie. Seven had been keeping tabs on him. A possible slayer but despite that at the moment Chikage and him were friends of sorts. “You?”

“We’ve known each other since we were kids! I kinda lived with him for a bit. But we were really close, still are but…things change. He’s always going to be my best friend. I trust him with everything. Hey, curious. What rank are you?” Lyra asked leaning her head against the window as he drove. “I kinda don’t have one right now. I’m in rehab. But I’m thinking about going into fighting or maybe neutral. My guardian is pushing for a more peaceful rank but I don’t think I could adjust well to that.”

Seven tapped the wheel as she asked that. Slayer rehab. She didn’t strike him as a slayer but he guessed she wasn’t one anymore. “Why does it matter?” He replied watching as traffic slowed them to a halt.

“Oh um…it doesn’t I was just curious…I guess..making conversation or whatever.” Lyra stammered not expecting that answer. Normally people seemed so willing to talk with her. Seven was…different more like Sei she guessed.

“It’s a pretty cruddy way to start a conversation.” 

Lyra’s ears fell back and she turned to stare out the window. She wanted to be home. In her bed. So she could scream about how badly this night was going. Chikage ditched her and now some possible slayer was driving her home and he may or may not kill her now that they are off neutral ground. Seven was silent after that. She swallowed, playing with part of her tail as she glanced back. “sorry. I guess Umi was right I’m not the best at..talking in person” Lyra whispered but Seven didn’t react much to that. It wasn’t an excuse. 

Her eyes watched the road, half falling asleep as they drove along. She recognized the building up ahead as her own. If the door wasn’t locked she might’ve gotten out right there in the streets. 

“It’s fine. I shouldn’t have responded like that.” Seven finally responded as they got closer, “you said you stream? What do you play?” Seven asked assuming Lyra could talk enough about that to fill the silence. Sure enough Lyra started off slow but quickly picked up as she dove into the lore of her characters in her minecraft server and…it was getting a bit confusing for him to follow. 

Seven pulled into his usual spot before walking around to help Lyra out. Still talking. How is she still talking. He quietly escorted her to the elevator pressing her floor before leaning back. Lyra talked a lot with her hands. And her tail flicked around at parts she seemed to like. He almost smiled for a moment before the door opened on the top floor. “You’re home, Ly.” 

Lyra stopped head tilting slightly before she nodded, “I am! Um haha would you like to come in? How’d you know I lived on this floor anyways?”

“You said you lived in the penthouse. And no it’s ok. You seem tired I wouldn’t want to keep you up any longer.” Seven responded gently petting her head before letting her go with a little wave, “night Lyra.”

“Night night Seven! See you later~” with that the elevator closed and Seven punched in his floor. That was more than enough excitement for him for a few weeks. He opened his phone as a quiet buzz. Lyra texted him good night and thanking him for the ride with fifteen different heart emojis. He rolled his eyes before pocketing the phone. Lyra was weird. But deep down...he kinda enjoyed it.