Oooo zombies ooo

2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
4 2472

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

Just a Funtime au don’t mind me

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Chapter 1

Somehow Seven always managed to be in front when the group ended up running from anything. He picked the path and expected others to follow. Even if the path wasn’t suitable for everyone to follow.

A month ago the world went to hell. Some virus turning people to cannibals or something. Really Lyra didn’t care. At the time she was with Hyun, date night in the park when someone ran at them. Ashuri were seemingly immune. Or at least Lyra was as she had gotten bit. That first night…the way Seven looked at her. She was sure he was going to put her down. But he didn’t. He kept her around and cared for her. That was that first night. The first night in hell. Now? He rarely talked to her. Disconnecting himself. Cass saved her last time. Since then Seven hadn’t said much to her. She was a weak link. Couldnt keep up. She knew it was probably best to go her own way. But she couldn’t bring herself to leave Hyun. Hyun still cared for her…right?

Now running through this alley, Lyra’s focus was on finding a way up. Noir’s path would always be best for her. Climbing the dumpster and grabbing hold of the fire escape. He was so smart. Despite not having height like the other two they could make their own way. Noir jumped up first barely making it onto the metal bridge. It shook slightly under his weight. He quickly moved up the next ladder to let Lyra get up on her own. The shiri managed to get onto the bridge but first step had it break under her weight. Lyra caught the ladder before she could fall. A nervous laugh left her as she heard Noir’s voice.

“You okay, Lyra?”

“Fine fine-“ she responded clambering up and making it to the next ladder. Home free just had to climb. Noir was waiting for her at the top. He himself was inches away from safety. That was Noir’s problem. Too caring. Cass often would drag him away. Sure enough the tiger pulled Noir up to the roof leaving Lyra alone to climb the rest of the way. Inches away. Lyra grabbed one wrong rung which snapped and fell to the alley below. She heard Noir calling her name and a hand trying to grab hers. But she was slightly out of reach.

Lyra hit the ground hard. She slowly sat back up rubbing her head as she looked at the broken ladder. Noir was being dragged away from the side. They…they were leaving her?

“Hyun..?” Lyra whispered slowly standing to try and find another way up, “Hyun come back-“ her voice cracked as she realized he wasn’t coming back. He wasn’t like Cass. Cass cared. Hyun didn’t care. Who knows how long he had been trying to get rid of her. Hell, he didn’t exist anymore. Lyra shakily turned around to face the hoard, a white and pink flute kabuki materializing in her hands. But maybe…maybe he was coming back. Maybe…maybe


“Hyun- we just left her to die- don’t you care about her at all?” Noir sounded hurt. He already tried fighting Cass to go back but Seven’s word was law apparently.

“She’s immune from what I’ve seen. She’ll be fine. Even if she’s isn’t, she’s dead weight. We’re better off without her.” Seven said simply as the group building hopped to their next destination. Noir seemed less than happy with that answer.

“We could all be immune. Ashuris could all be immune. But we shouldn’t have left her. You didn’t even try to-“

“Noir-“ Cass whispered grabbing his hand, “It’s not worth it. He’ll cut you too. I can’t lose you, Noir.” Noir bit his tongue at Cass’s words. He was right. After watching Hyun watch his partner fall not even moving to try and catch her. He didn’t care about anyone but himself. Noir choked back tears on the verge of breaking down but they still had to move. Cass gently tried to comfort him, watching as Seven simply kept going without a care. None of them were a guarantee. Cass crouched down to Noir’s level and carefully wiped at his tears, “Noir I promised I’m not leaving you behind. And I’ll hold to that. No matter what Seven does, we stick together. We’re going to be ok.” Cass whispered reassuringly. Noir managed a slow nod before standing back up to continue. He couldn’t help but look back once more to hope that maybe Lyra found a way up. But all that lay before him was disappointment and regret.