Kingdom of the Wicked

2 years, 11 months ago

Explicit Violence

First writing of the story I just wanted to put down somewhere! Nothing is really flushed here so kinda a concept writing! (Also did this one for a school project 😳 👉👈)

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     The gentle rustle of the leaves in the wind drifted in the air. A warm stream of sunlight hit his face as Ryan laid on his back beside his very dear friend, Charles. Even though Ryan was supposed to be in his Territories class, he’d come out here to enjoy a perfectly good day with Charles. His gaze flickered over to his friend, Charles who’s blue hue of scales shone brilliantly against the sun. Though Charles wasn’t the serpent’s name. Ryan had named the serpent Charles due to their communication barrier. He had taught him his tongue though that was years ago. Ryan had tried to learn Charles’ but he hadn’t had much skill and ended up giving up. Ryan felt his eyelids flutter heavily with sleep. He hadn't been sleeping well. With so much work on his plate, he had to push through. How else could he become the best ruler he could be?

“Sleepy?” Charles said, looking at him with one eye. The other closed lazily as he soaked in the sun, he had one of his arms rested on his chest the other behind his head. 

Ryan sighed, “Only a bit,” he said as he flipped onto his side propping his head on his hand, “we should get going soon,” Ryan looked at Charles, when they were younger he was much bigger than his friend. Now Charles grew into those big goofy ears he once had he had become more lean yet muscular. He was now even bigger than Ryan, though only by a little he always told himself. His white mane moved with the wind. His tail slumped on top of his stomach. 

Charles chuckled, “Of course your highness,” He said as he put his hand on Ryan’s reddish-brown hair and pushed himself up causing Ryan to faceplant. 

“Hey!” Ryan exclaimed in surprise. “Why you lackey I ought to have your head for that!” He yelled in his most royally outrageous old voice. Which got a good laugh out of Charles. 

“Get on up you old geezer,” Charles said as he helped Ryan up to his legs. His face dropped a bit. “Is he on you that bad?” He asked Ryan, who was dusting grass off himself. 

“Oh you know how he gets,” Ryan said, not looking up from dusting, “he just wants me to take over his grand old legacy,” He said, getting more and more annoyed. “But when I do,” he said looking up with an ambitious grin, “he won’t be sorry!” Ryan fixed his coat as he gave a quick goodbye to Charles. He started his way down the hill towards the kingdom gates.

Technically he wasn’t supposed to be out. He put on his cap and he entered the gates. As he walked down the streets near the castle he could hear the daily gossip which was always about in the town. Though today he heard some alarming things. “Those, darn serpents’ always’ gettn in the way!” a man said to a group of men.

“It’s about time we do something about them!” said an elderly woman with a particularly sharp nose.

“THIS IS THE LAST STRIKE!” bellowed a man with the press rolled up in his hand. 

“War! War! War!” a group of rather young children screamed as they ran in the streets of the town. Cold sweat ran down Ryan’s back. Did he miss something while he was out? Dread was the next thing he felt as he ran down the streets towards the castle. He turned a sharp corner, then another, and another. Now he was in the part of town where no one was. Making sure no one was in sight he pushed in the brick that in turn opened up the wall. He stepped into the wall and closed it. He slipped off all his clothes and stored them inside the wall. He took his normal attire and quickly put it on. Ryan ran to the royal throne room, where his grandfather was always sure to be found. He stopped in front of the grand door. He wasn’t supposed to know any of this he thought. He had to pull himself together before he could push open those grand doors. As soon as he did the first thing that greeted him was a cup of tea flying towards him. Ryan was barely able to dodge out of the way, stumbling back. He heard the cup smash onto a wall as one of the servants scurried to clean it up.

“It’s about damn time you came here!” Ryan’s grandfather’s yell echoed through the room. Ryan gulped, ‘this is bad’, he thought to himself. He felt his hands tighten into a ball as he clenched his jaw. 

Ryan’s grandfather was an ancient man. He was powerful though, said to have the mana of 100 men. An endless amount of stories under his belt, the next one more unbelievable than the last. He always wore his armor, and on his chest was a brilliant red ruby. Now without the ruby, his armor was nothing, with it, the ruby made millions of vein-like streams though the suit all coursing with power. He wore his long beard in a braid. His hair in a messy bun. He rippled with the power of all sorts. This was the king of the Maryn Kingdom.

“Grandfather,” Ryan started before he was quickly cut off by him. 

“King to you,” His grandfather said, his voice as cold as ice, yet his eyes blazed with fury. Ryan suddenly realized the royal councilmen in the room. 

“King Richard, please if you could,” one of the councilmen addressed the king. 

The councilmen wore purple cloaks with a golden lining that covered most of their faces. The only thing that could be seen was their hands and the lower part of their faces. They were so wise and had special abilities. Only Foreseers were councilmen, those who are blessed with power are so rare. Such an ability like theirs could not be learned but only nurtured. Foreseers are so rare that anyone who is one is sworn to duty. The royals right-hand men. Though those with royal blood have powers as well. 

“Anyway,” King Ricard’s hand met his face as he rested his head on top of it. “I’m glad you found the time to join us, young prince,” He glanced towards the councilmen. “There are some new developments within the kingdom,” he continued to say. Though the only thing Ryan could focus on was the hope that he wouldn’t bring up anything to do with the Serpent Nest. His grandfather’s words were like a buzz as he talked, his voice faded and reappeared. “We have just declared war on the Serpents,” the king said as he looked at Ryan. 

Ryan felt as though he had been punched or kicked into his stomach. It felt as though the cup had hit him, there was a ringing in his ear, he felt dizzy, confused. He knew better than to show his reaction. He wasn’t supposed to be friends with a serpent. His friendship with Charles was forbidden. “As you’d expect I want you to help me lead this war. As the throne is to be yours in the coming months,” His grandfather locked eyes with him. “I hope you’re ready for this,” He said as he looked at Ryan with something like pride. 

“Of course,” Ryan lied. He felt internal chaos within himself. His grandfather dismissed him. He hurried out of the throne room into his room. He shut the door behind him with quick and shallow breaths, he let himself fall against the door down to the floor. What should he do?! Follow his grandfather, the man who raised him since his father and mother died. The man who prepared him to become the next ruler of this kingdom. His kingdom. His home. He was also the man who made his life a living hell at times. So bad that the only way he’d feel even a little bit better was with the help of his best friend in the world, Charles. He’d known Charles since forever. He couldn’t do this to him. To his people. Ryan knew what Charles’ people did but he hadn’t done anything wrong. Ryan’s grandfather wouldn’t stop until he killed all the serpents. What to do, what to do. Maybe he could warn Charles, hide him. But without a water source, he might die. He wouldn’t be happy in hiding, but isn’t that better than death? Or if they didn’t go to war? No, if they stepped down now the serpents would come for them first. Though Charles was kind and gentle, serpents are evil and cruel. They massacre the settlers of the kingdom for things such as land. Serpents are very territorial and blood-hungry, full of greed and hate. Not Charles though he is everything but. Ryan ran his hands through his hair. All of a sudden a crashing sound hit, the land trembled in its trail. Boom. The castle was hit.

Ryan could only see dust. There was a ringing in his ear as he laid on the ground. He crawled up to see that there was an enormous hole in his bedroom ceiling down to the wall. He could hear the screams of people from down in the town. Ryan stumbled up to hole and he was horrified at what he saw. In the sky, there was a hyper beast. A hideous beast from deep within the core of the world. They could only be summoned by the strongest of magic. The beast was as big as mountains and with every flap of its wings, it uprooted trees then sent them flying. It made balls of energy in its throat and bore them down upon the world. Causing the explosions and sparks of power to thunder among the ground. The closer he looked he could see a person on top of the Hyper Beast. Was it? No, it couldn’t be…. It was The Witch of the Land! There was no mistake, the witch was well known for her yellow, grayish-brown drapes. That wrapped around her body and trailed behind and her red piercing eyes glowed with malice. She carries with her a staff with red rubies on the top said to grow more crimson with the more blood that she makes shed off her victims. Sacred wood once white now black tainted with all the dark magic she performs, powerful nonetheless. 

 She was the kingdoms’ opponent, the serpent's opponent, everyone’s opponent. Why had she attacked them? Now of all the times, and as soon as she had come she was gone. Ryan ran back to the throne room. What he found was absolutely shocking. The whole ceiling was open, the rows and rows of empty enchanted armored knights lay sprawled on the floor. More than everything was charred. And in the middle of it all was Ryan’s grandfather. Ryan ran towards him, he immediately noticed that the ruby on his grandfather’s chest was gone. “Grandfather! Are you alright?!” Ryan seized him in his arms. He lifted him up in a hug like a posture. He quickly felt his neck for a pulse.

Ryan was filled with relief when his grandfather croaked out, “That dam witch,” he stopped due to a fit of coughing. “She stole it,” his fingers clenched to the gap on his chest plate, “She took the jewel of Maryn!” King Richard pushed Ryan away as he stumbled up. He cast a spell that made power flow through Ryan’s veins, and suddenly the throne room was restored. Ryan ran toward the window, the land looked like it’s been restored. 

He looked back towards his grandfather, “What did you do?” he asked him. 

He gruffed, “Just a manipulation spell,” he said as he walked towards his throne. “Without the ruby, it took a bit out of me,” He huffed out looking a bit exhausted from the spell then relieved to be sitting down. He then cast another spell, animation Ryan thought, as the Knights came to life. “Find the councilmen, and report to me the casualties of the kingdom,” The knights departed quickly to complete their tasks. King Richard went into another fit of coughing. Not too long later the knights returned with the councilmen. 

“150 dead. 200 hurt,” the knight in bronze said, his voice sending shivers down Ryan's back. 

“I thought you restored everything?” Ryan said without thinking. 

     “Then you must be a fool,” his grandfather said sharply. “I only restored the land, I would never play with life and death,” he looked grim, “that’s only a death wish,” His grandfather couldn’t say more before he was escorted out of the room by the councilmen so that they could take care of his wounds. The wounds that he had barely noticed, his grandfather had been bleeding a lot. He looked like he had taken a Powerball and survived it, there was also gashes on him. How hadn’t he noticed before? Ryan was so shocked to look up and see that he himself had been bleeding too. Blood was dripping from his forehead into his eye and ear. A councilman had escorted him into his room. 

“Are you alright, your highness?” said the young councilman probing his wound with a rag.

“Yes, I’m fine Yucel,” Ryan said, clenching his eyes close. Yucel was one of the youngest of the councilmen, he was almost Ryan’s age but younger. Ryan supposed that he might’ve befriended the boy, but he was always so timid, and they never really got the chance to talk. He was quite new to the position he only been here for about 2 years. And yet none of the councilmen truly trusted him, maybe because of his age. Ryan’s wounds had not been bad, like his grandfather’s. He assumed that the councilmen didn't trust the boy with the king, so they sent him to him instead. Ryan sighed, the boy was pretty clumsy his grandfather would scold him brutally for any mistake, so maybe they just spared him.

“Alright, I'm done,” Yucel left the room after he bowed. Ryan sat on his bed. And an idea hit him like a lightning bolt. What if he and Charles captured the witch or at least got back his grandfather’s ruby? Then maybe they could resolve the whole war thing! With a plan in mind Ryan scrambled out of his bed, wincing at the wound on his head. He took a moment to adjust to it, the more quickly he acted the better. Ryan ran out of his room to the west wing on the outer part of the castle. First, he needed to get to the Aviary and write a letter to Charles. 

He learned the Aviary was founded by his father not too long ago. With the recent attack there weren't guards everywhere in the castle, otherwise it could have posed a threat to Ryan’s plan. He opened the doors to enter the beautiful building, the pillars that supported the large ceiling were lined with ivy and vines. Winged creatures of all sorts lived here. They mingled with one another, sending their majestic sounds in the air. The stained glass dome over head was full of images of some of the creatures here, gods, and plants.  It let in beautiful streams of light into the building. Ryan walked through the Aviary ignoring all the creatures he passed. He walked all the way to where the light did not reach. It was one of the darkest places in the whole Aviary, he knew this is where he’d find Petri. 

“Petri!” Ryan hissed. He kept his voice low so as to not alert anyone nearby. A screech answered his call, with a whoosh a fat creature landed beside Ryan, who let out a yelp of surprise. Ryan looked through his arms which he used to hide his face. He clicked his tongue in detestment. “You had to do that didnt you?“ he said to Petri.

Petri was Ryan’s chickcharney, though an ugly old thing, Perti was very reliable and adored Charles. If he could, Ryan would send Athena, his beautiful phoenix, so swift and trusty, but she was a phoenix, one of the very few they had in the castle. So he sent Petri he knew no one would notice him gone. Along with Preti, he sent a note,  paper, and a quill in the case where Charles had to tell him something. The note said something along the lines of...

Meet me at our place. Send Petri back if there’s a problem.


 Next, Ryan ran to the stables. There he grabbed his giritar, Ita. She was extremely loyal so he saddled her up and led her out of her stable. Hopefully, no one would notice her gone. Ryan was able to get a wagon and supply it with some necessities. He hopped on her back and they went to the meeting place. Charles isn't here yet. Ryan felt weird, he was just here in the morning now with the setting sun everything felt so different. He had gotten off the Ira and was stroking the old oak tree. Luckily it wasn't destroyed in the attack, he knew this area was out of his grandfather range. 

 “How long have you been here?” Charles ran towards Ryan, Petri hanging on his shoulder. 

 “Not long,” Ryan said, not turning around to look at him.

 “Oh gosh, Ryan what happened to your head?!” Charles said getting closer to Ryan putting a hand on his shoulder.

 “So you didn't get attacked by the Witch?” Ryan asked brushing him off.

 “What?” Charles gasped, “No. Did your kingdom get attacked?” He said worriedly.

“Yeah,” Ryan said looking at him, “I have to go after her. She took my grandfather’s prized stone,” He said urgently. Charles stayed silent looking at him, his eyes full of worry. Ryan sighed, “I have to tell you something Charles,” He took Charles's hands, “My grandfather wants me to lead a war against the serpents,” Charles tensed, “But I can't do that,” He felt Charles relax and tighten his grip with Ryan’s hands. “You're my best friend Charles! I could never do that! And I even found a solution to fix all this. If we both go and retrieve grandfather’s jewel we can make him see all the good in the serpents!” Ryan took a breath, “And even if we can't reason with him and I had to choose between my kingdom and you, I'd always choose you! Because you're my family.”

Charles had a look of sorrow in his eyes, hugged Ryan tightly, “I’d always choose you too, Ryan.” 

“Hop on and let’s fix this mess, both you and I,” Ryan said brightly, “Nothing can go wrong now,” They both went on Ita and rode towards the Hallowgain Mountains. The fortress of the Witch of the Land. The Hallowgain Mountains is a rigorous path with gray ash clouds from being so close to active volcanoes. The journey took them almost 2 days. Ryan had left a note to his grandfather, though he left it in his room so who knows if his grandfather ever would find it. Ryan had made sure to bring lots of water for Charles. And to keep cool Ita had been traveling underground. It was one of the reasons he brought her, giritars are known to travel underground and at fast paces. Luckily he brought lots of food because at the end of a day she would be extremely hungry. As they got nearer and nearer it got hotter and hotter. Finally, they made it. They left Ita underground and slowly made their way to her castle. 

“Do you know where we are going?” Charles asked anxiously. 

“Yeah of course!” Ryan lied. He kind of knew where it was. He held Myra close to him. Myra was his weapon of choice. It was a sword of emerald, it had a beautiful hilt made of mainly Eye Crystal, and glimmered with strength. He loved its weight. It was pretty heavy, which gave him comfort and ease to swing it. And the best part was that he was able to cast spells with it, that is if he could. Everyone in the Royal bloodline was able to perform magic and had a special unique gift of the Royals, and matched with the right thing their power could be amplified. His grandfather's power is called Mana-extremis, he used a giant ruby, his mother’s was Power-tis, he didn't know if she used anything. Her power gave her extremely powerful magic. And Ryan was powerless. So he named his sword after her, Myra, and hey maybe it’d make him become more powerful.

Ryan always wondered how his father and mother died, if his mother was so powerful. His grandfather never really gave him information about their deaths. Ryan knew his mother was his grandfather's daughter and his father was from another kingdom. Maybe his father was magicless and he hadn't gotten powers because of him? Ryan dismissed his thoughts, right now he needed to focus on this. Finally, after roaming around for what seemed like forever they reached her castle. Now, it was a known fact that the Witch lived alone. So they only needed to worry about the fact that she is very magically powered. For the first time Ryan wondered how Charles would fair fighting, “Uh, hey Charles,” Ryan began awkwardly, “by any chance do you know how to fight?” he asked looking back at him. 

Charles looked to be thinking before he said, “I think I can handle myself,” They neared the castle, entered the gate, and found themselves in the middle of a stone clearing. 

“Well, I've been expecting you,” Ryan whipped around to look at the owner of the voice. It was the Witch of the Land. “Pity, that I just let Artimas go back to sleep,” She laughed wickedly, “then again he was a bit tired after all the fun he had at the Maryn Kingdom,” She stepped closer to them. 

Ryan had his hand on the hilt of his sword, “Stand back,” he commanded. 

 “Why, who's your friend here,” She stroked her face with amusement, “Sozsetui?”

Ryan took Myra out of her scabbard, “What are you talking about?!” he said pointing Myra’s point at her, “I said stand back!” He said as she stepped even closer. 

“I’m sorry Ryan,” Charles said his voice was breaking. He stepped back from Ryan. 

“What? Don’t worry Charles! I will protect you. Just stay back,” He said as he looked at Charles reassuringly. 

“No Ryan,” Charles looked away from Ryan, “I'm sorry.”

“Charles, I don't understand,” Ryan looked at Charles confused. 

“Oh, you silly silly boy,” The witch said to Ryan she walked over to Charles and placed a hand on his head. 

“Get away from him!” Ryan yelled, taking a mad step towards her. 

“You just don't get it, do you?” She said with a wicked smile on her face. She flicked him on the head and suddenly he couldn't move. “Charles here works under me, he is loyal to me,” She tousled Charles mane playfully.

“I said get away from him!” Ryan yelled. He couldn't move but he found himself being able to speak. 

“Oh, Charles! Never a dull moment with you huh!” She said amused. She walked around the two of them. “Oh you know what would be so much fun!” she said excitedly, “if you two are spared to death!” She laughed, “Winner gets their wish granted by me! Whatever it may be!” She looked to Charles, “whether it be the ability to fulfill a task, or” she looked at Ryan, “whatever you want,” She smiled, and suddenly Ryan could move again. 

“Charles don’t listen to her! If we join together there is nothing we can’t do!” Ryan pleaded with him. 

“Ryan,” Charles started, “I have to if I don't then all my people will die. 

“They don't have too when we defeat her then everyone will be saved!” Ryan said frantically.  

Charles shook his head, “Ryan I have to, my people will die if I don't.”

“Just stop saying that Charles!” Ryan yelled. “Why can't you?!”

Charles hands balled up, “I have to tame the sea and I can't!” Charles cried. “My family are from long line sea tyrants, it's our job to keep the sea at bay! It’s my only life’s purpose and I can’t do it! If I don't then all my people are as good as dead! I am the only successor, all my family is dead!” Charles looked up madly at Ryan. “Ryan if you must stand between me and my people and this task, then I will take you down!” 

“Oh, splendid Charles!” The witch laughed, “I might as well bless you now!” A rod of light struck Charles in the chest. He let out a mangled cry of distress and his skin began to tear. It was a gruesome scene, as his hands turned into claws, his mouth into a snout, he became 4 times bigger until he looked like a true serpent. Charles let out a screech of agony. Then he turned his head towards Ryan. 

“Charles, you're a liar,” Ryan dragged his arm over his eyes, “you betrayed me, you're a traitor, you're no better than scum!” He gripped Myra’s hilt hard. Then he let out a battle cry. Charles blew blue flames toward Ryan, he sliced through them and made a path. He threw back Myra and thrust her into Charles' tail. He quickly climbed up his tail and started running, dragging Myra through Charles’ thick skin. Gold blood splattered across Ryan’s face and onto the ground. Charles continued to throw flames at him and attempted to throw him off. Charles took flight and Ryan fell off his lower back. Acting quick he stabbed Charles with Myra and slipped down starting to run madly across Charles's body, dragging a huge gash from his lower back to his collarbone. Charles must have lost an extraordinary amount of blood because he began to fall out of the sky. Ryan lost his grip on Myra and flew into the sky he then caught Charles’s eye. He threw his head back and made a powerful explosion of his blue flame, that sparked with power like electricity. Unable to dodge it Ryan flew straight into it. He tried to use his hands to block his face, but a scorching sensation filled Ryan’s body, he screamed in agony. 

Ryan was still falling out of the sky, he was barely able to think over all the pain when he heard a thumping crash into the earth. He dove toward Charles’ body and was able to land in Charles’ mane. Ryan took in grasping breaths his body felt like it was on fire and it was melting he was barely able to see. He struggled to get up and all he was thinking about was Myra. he’s body burned with effort as he looked for her. He needed to find her, she was the only one who would never betray him. He was able to find Myra deep within Charles’s chest and still seemed to be breathing lightly. Myra’s whole blade was in his chest. Ryan struggled to pull her out of him, when he finally did he was splashed in blood. Ryan felt weak as he dragged her all the way to Charles's head. Charles' eyelids were half-closed and clouded when he got there. Charles struggled and tried to get up but gave up defeated. He was breathing heavily, “Ryan, I'm sorry,” Charles said, looking at him but not really.

Ryan looked at the creature laid out pathetically in front of him, “I'm not. No longer will I ever be,” He took Myra in his hand and stabbed Charles deep in his head. Not long after him, Charles heaved his last breath and his eyes closed forever. Ryan heaved a sigh of relief, now one of his problems was over. He needn't worry over a war for feelings. He had slain them here. 

“I don't suppose you forgot about me?” The witch landed behind Ryan. Ryan clenched Myra in his hands and pulled her out of Charles's head, then whipped around. She laughed wickedly, “Oh and about that wish, guess what?” She continued to laugh, “I was just kidding!” She clenched her sides as she laughed harder. “That was a spectacular show just for little old me!” She touched her face, “Pity my little Sozsetui died,” She became grim, her eyes dark and she smiled darkly. “Or maybe not,” She shook her staff and thumped it on the floor and suddenly, a lightning bolt struck Charles’ dead body. He stood up and screeched, illuminated with a red light against the black sky. 

Ryan looked in terror at Charles, the witch played with life and death. His grandfather's words echoed in his head. “Then you must be a fool. I only restored the land, I would never play with life and death, that’s only a death wish.” 

Ryan stumbled back his eyes full of terror. 

“Up, up, up!” the Witch said, grabbing Ryan by the shoulder. “You're with me now,” she said lightly. Ryan ripped her hand off his shoulder and whipped around. He tried to slash her with Myra, but she flicked him on his forehead before he made contact with her. “Wow close one huh!” For the first time, Ryan could feel his hands burning. “Crystal Eye huh, bet you regret that decision huh!” She stroked Myra’s emerald blade, “Only those pure at heart can wield such a material, strong as it is,” Ryan grunted in between the pain. The Witch grabbed Myra from him. 

“Myra!” Ryan yelled. The Witch took a step back in surprise. Her eyes were wide. She dropped the Myra on the floor. 

“How do you know my name?” She glared at Ryan. 

Ryan looked at her in confusion, “What are you talking about?” he looked at Myra his sword, “Myra’s my sword's name! My sword is named after a strong wonderful woman. She was once in line for the throne before she and my father passed!” He said meeting her glare. “So you can stop lying, Witch. You and she could never share a name,” he screamed in his effort to move. 

The witch laughed, “Open up your eyes boy,” she said between laughs, “You almost got the whole story right. Expect,” She thumped her staff and rods of iron came out of the floor and formed a cage around Ryan. Though useless he now found himself able to move, all he could do was grip at the rods. “I'm not dead, and I'm not so wonderful,” She smiled wickedly. “There was a time not too long ago where I was like you. Making friends with foreigners, even falling in love with them even, resulting in you. See, you and I relied heavily on people. But wow kid if you got the chance I would dare say that you'd kill poor Sozsetui here again,” She went into a laughing fit again, “I mean you went crazy there, probably more than even me.” 

“No your wrong you and I are nothing alike,” Ryan said grimly. “What happened to you where everyone thinks you're dead? Or would rather you be,” Ryan said snarkily. She’s probably going to kill me Ryan thought, he needed to by himself sometimes. 

The witch stood and looked at him darkly. “I wasn't much older than you, I might even say we were the same age. I had met the love of my life, your father Simeon, One of the most powerful and charming men I ever met,” She looked down wistfully. “The feeling was mutual so soon we were wed. At the time I didn't know my special unique gift of the Royals, he tried to help me find it. On our quest I found 2 things that would change my life forever, one was I was pregnant. The second ``The Book of Muhaw,” Ryan’s grip tightened on the rod. That book was cursed with the dark magic of the worst kinds. 

“What could I say, we were young. Your father, the fool wouldn't let me read it. So I waited until you were born. I figured that if he spent time with you I would be able to slip away and discover my special unique gift of the Royals. And I read the book.”

“And you discovered your special unique gift of the Royals, Power-tis” Ryan said spitefully. 

“No,” The witch said softly, “my power was Absorb-sin,” She looked up from the floor and gripped her staff. “Your father so happened to be there when I discovered my special unique gift of the Royals. And you'd never guess who else was there.”

“What happened?” Ryan asked his throat dry. 

“It doesn't take much imagination to guess, well maybe for you,” she teased him. “He was absorbed by my special unique gift of the Royals. Surprisingly when it was done you were still there,” She looked at him curiously, “So tell me, boy, what’s your special unique gift of the Royals?” 

Ryan looked away from her, “I don’t have one,” he said quietly. 

 She looked at him, “Pity,” she said flatly. She turned away from, “I hope you learned a lesson,” she said before laughing, “so you don't have to slay half the kingdom anciently. Then be driven out,” She said laughing maniacally. She thumped her staff and then Charles began to move towards Ryan. Charles swung his tail towards Ryan, he felt panic until suddenly it was replaced by nothing. Ryan couldn't feel anything anymore. He reached out his hand toward his sword Myra, and she flung toward him. He didn't feel the once burning sensation of her hilt. He swung his sword towards Charles' direction. Woosh. Ryan’s cage split open. And a part of Charles's tail came off. The serpent screeched, though not in pain. Ryan walked slowly towards him. Charles didn't do anything. He stood still. Now instead of a constant red glow, it was becoming green. Ryan felt Myra become bigger and soon realized his mouth was moving. Ryan slashed Charles in an X pattern. Nothing happened until gold blood suddenly exploded out of the serpent. Ryan turned around to face The Witch. 

“I thought you said you didn't have a special unique gift of the Royals,” She said as if it was a joke. The witch looked at Ryan. “Go ahead, I've been alone long enough-” Before she could finish her sentence he stabbed her with Myra. “Wow, I didn't think you'd do it,” She started to laugh as blood came out of her mouth. Ryan looked coldly at her as he took Myra out of her chest.

“Good riddance,” He said with a smirk. He seized the witch’s staff which he found had his grandfather’s jewel engraved in it, so he decided to take it with him. He wiped off the blood on his face and walked back towards where Charles' body lay. He scalped the dead body for his mane, he got a good amount of it, he quickly enchanted it so it wouldn't lose its magical properties. He heard a whisper in his ear. Domination. Everything clicked in place now, he had powers but they were taken by the witch. They had come back after killing something she had blessed. His special unique gift of the Royals was extremely powerful. From the corner of his eye, he could see dark shadows of people, Ryan assumed they were his ancestors they all whispered magic spells. Ryan had not known how long they were there. Maybe that's why he knew things suddenly. In the very back, he could see Charles and The Witch. Ryan sighed. “You guys aren't going away huh,” He chuckled. Ryan wore Charles mane like a cloak and walked towards where he left Ita. When he found where he left her she wasn't there, nor was Petri. He huffed where did they go? He didn't really care anymore so instead, he set up a teleportation spell. The sun was already starting to rise. Ryan started to work faster, he set up the circle and sacrificed his blood for activation. He noticed his wound close up immediately, leaving a scar. He noticed it didn't hurt either, he wasn't in pain from his burns either. He didn't dwell on this new fact of life as he performed the spell. Unfortunately due to the barrier of magic Ryan couldn't be transported straight into the throne room. Ryan kept hearing constant whispers of possible futures, they began to eat at his patience. Suddenly he heard the familiar clicking of Ita. He looked up and saw her, Petri, and Yucel. 

He hurried off Ita, “Your majesty! Where have you been!? Are you alright!?” Ryan looked coldly at the young man. 

“I’m sure you know,” He said, passing him. 

“Okay, but are you sure you want to do this?” Yucel said anxiously.

“Are the councilmen opposed to it?” Ryan said, continuing to walk down towards the kingdom. 

“No,” Yucel said quietly, “but I am,” he said speaking louder. 

Ryan turned to look at Yucel. “Heh, why? They deserve it, turns out they are all they are talked up to be.”

“No, you're wrong,” Yucel cried.

Ryan whipped around. “You're a fool to think such child briefs. I've seen first hand what they do!” he grabbed Yucel by the collar of his shirt. 

“But what you know is a lie!” Yucel struggled to try to take Ryan’s hand off him. Ryan took his hand off him. 

“What are you talking about?” Ryan demanded. Yucel struggled to take an oracle out of his coat pocket. Ryan eyed him suspiciously. Oracles are sacred and are not to be taken out of the castle. Yucel handed it to him and Ryan was taken to a memory. 

 “Your highness are you sure you want to declare war on the serpents?” A councilman asked confused. 

 “Yes, I just caught Ryan with one!” King Richard said madly. “Those weak serpents! He’s already soft. Foolish, he’ll end up like Gedian and Myra. But at least they had the means. The boy doesn't have powers already. We can’t have him soft,” The king smirked. “Start releasing to the press about all the dangers of serpents. The people will eat that stuff up. And Ryan will lead the war among them by my side. He will see first hand how he is to be.” 

The memory ended. Ryan laughed darkly. “I guess he got what he wanted,” Ryan heard whispers flood around him. He looked at Yucel, “So how long have you been friends with a serpent?” Yucel blushed hard. 

 “How could you tell?” He asked hesitantly. 

     “I mean, you broke certain laws just to tell me the truth. And I'm sure you want the councilmen to trust a traitor like yourself,” Ryan said smiling. Yucel started to tremble as Ryan took Myra out of the scabbard. “Pity,” Ryan said looking at him without hesitation he brought down Myra’s blade on him. “You'll be more useful to me dead. You'll become loyal then,” As Ryan figured Yucel’s figure appeared in the corner of his eye. Ryan looked up to see Ita, who backed away from him, “What are you scared?” He said smiling at her. “Not to worry,” He said, mounting her. He rode her into the kingdom. Mixed with the constant whispers he couldn't hear the people’s murmurs on the streets about him. He rode on to the castle and made his way to the throne room. Of course, he found his grandfather there. Carrying the staff in hand he threw it towards King Richard when he opened the door. He was able to catch it. 

 “Boy, you better watch that attitude!” his grandfather yelled. 

 Ryan entered the throne room completely, “No, I'm not a boy,” he looked coldly at King Richard, “you made sure of that,” he said darkly.

 His grandfather looked horrified when he looked up at him, he felt like he recognized that look, it was on Yucel, and on some of the townsfolk. He ignored it, “I know what you did,” He said walking closer to him. 

 “Ryan listen,” King Richard said hastily. 

 “Oh shut up,” He snapped, “because of you I'm no longer soft,” He started laughing, “look, grandpa, I'm even wearing my best friend in the whole world,” He laughed harder stroking his cloak. “Get up,” Ryan told him. 

“Ok, just don't do anything crazy,” King Richard said nervously. 

“Or what you'll make a mob and chase me out?” Ryan mocked. “Believe me I know,” Ryan said, “I've sunk pretty low to gain the power I possess,” He looked toward his grandfather, “Doesn't that remind you of a certain someone?” He asked him.

“Don't you dare speak of her in front of me!” King Richard’s face got red with anger. 

“Or else what!?” Ryan faced him. “I'm sure you already know my capabilities from the councilmen,” Ryan stepped closer to him, “Whatever I’ve done or will do is because of you!” Ryan stabbed his grandfather’s chest with his finger. “I just wanted to have this talk with you so you know exactly what you've made,” Ryan smirked at his grandfather’s terror. He then drew Myra once more. “I will be this world's ruler, thank you for the push,” Ryan said with a smile on his face before he drew Myra down on King Richard. 

Months went by in a flash. Ryan found it easy taking land after land under his reign. He truly was the most powerful in the land. He was able to take down the Serpent’s Nest in only a few days, he had to the serpents turned people, traitor. And Ryan was able to keep the ocean at bay thanks to Charles’ mane’s abilities. Yet and still there was one thing Ryan had not faced yet, himself. Ryan remembered himself as a young boy who worried over stupid things, hanging on each and every word, foolish, naive. He once was a fair boy with reddish-brown hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes, he didn't know what he looked like now. He finally worked up the nerve and when he looked in the mirror. What he saw was nothing like he ever remembered or could even imagine. 

Author's Notes

I wrote this like 2 years ago so I'm sorry if there's like,, just some really bad parts haha