Down in the rocks

2 years, 11 months ago

After what seems like hours of wandering a shriek can be heard alongside falling stone. Your pokemon rush to investigate, discovering a young Dragonair stuck in debris.

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Arin slammed her notebook shut, shaking her head. There was nothing here, she didn’t understand why Nicksin was so insistent on digging around a bunch of empty rocks, there was nothing. Not to mention she was starving, they had been out there since early that morning and forgot to bring snacks… 

“Nicksin, can we just head home…” Arin sighed looking at her partner.

Nicksin had climbed ontop of a large rock pile looking around, she seemed to be searching for something.

“Just a little longer? I swear-- I saw a group of something flying this way-”

“Well what did you see?” Arin interrupted a little impatiently, she knew Nick was a bit more of a ‘do before thinking’ type of person.

“Erm- i don’t know, they were just big…” Nicksin said a bit begrudgingly. “I think a flock of dragonites…” 

Nicksin turned and climbed safely down the rocks shaking her head a bit frustrated they suddenly vanished… Well they did take some time to show up but still! There should have been a resting ground around here…

“I guess they’re not here anymore… Let’s head home.” Nicksin finally answered with a defeated look.

“Sorry… I know you were eager to find more pokemon,” Arin sighed and leaned forward pecking Nick’s cheek.

Whistling for Axotyl, Arin turned away from the rocks heading the direction they came. Her eyes set on the sky, it was a clear, warm, sunny morning compared to yesterday’s storm, which took forever to clean up after… Not to mention to calm down the angry pokemon who were distressed by the loud thunder.


The pair froze and spun on their heals looking back into the abyss. The screech sounded weak and distanced… what was that? It was most certainly distressed… Without hesitation Nicksin took off running into the valley. 

“Nick-! Wait!” Arin shouted chasing after her.

The valley was cold and misty… nothing other than the sound of their breath echoing off the chamber walls. Looking back and forth there was another weak 


“Arin! I think it’s over here,” Nick looked back to see the fluffy haired blonde approaching.

“What do you think that is…” Arin whispered timidly, the pokemon sounded like it was screaming it’s lungs out… That either ment it was territorial or injured.

“Maybe it’s the dragonites!” Nick shouted without thinking and ran towards the soun.

“I sincerely dou- Nick!” Arin sighed and followed after her, turning the corner it didn’t take long to piece together who was making the noise… A crying dragonair who seemed to gotten stuck with their wings and tail stuck under the heavy boulders.

“Ralyn! I choose you!” Nicksin shouted releasing the riolu from his ball.

It was only seconds and Arin had a sudden chill flood through her as the dragonair locked eyes on them hissing.

“I don’t think it’s friendly…” She whispered letting go of axotyl who flew over to sniff the beast.

“Well we can’t just leave it to die!” Nick argued, which she was correct about… it would be sick to leave this pokemon to starve…

“Ralyn! Use Force palm!” Nicksin shouted!

The riolu charged forward at the rocks, leaping into the air and slamming his paw down on the rocks breaking down one of them, Nicksin ran forward pushing the other rock out of the way, struggling quite a bit.

“Arin, did you bring your first aid?” Nick asked looking back at Arin.

“Always,” She replied stepping forward and kneeling down tending to the dragonairs injuries.

“Axotyl, be careful but use aura sphere!” Arin looked up to the bright pink ball who glided backwards and created a ball of energy blowing the last rock up… Though debris shot all over knocking Nick off her feet they had freed the dragonair… Who promptly attempted to fly away. With both the efforts of Nick and Ralyn pinning the snake down Arin was able to wrap up the injured beast. Who began to calm down realising they weren’t a threat.

“I think they got stuck under the rocks yesterday during the storm…” Arin said looking to the sky petting the tired snake gently.

“Mhm… do you think we should take them back to the base? Make sure they’re rested before releasing them?” Nick questioned putting a hand to her face.

“...Yah, that might be best, i just hope there isn’t a moma around…” Arin said hesitantly picking up the snack in her arms.