Workshop Woes

2 years, 11 months ago

Crafting Workshop Memory for Strudel Cafe

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Dorian beamed, shaking hands with the more rugged jollybean and exclaiming,

"I won't let ya down Jack! Jolly to Jolly, I'll get this place spick and span by the end of the day! Mark my words!"

The older of the two let out an amused chuckle, causing the younger lad to rub the back of his hand with his paw shyly, 

"Er- Well I'll at least try my best." 

He knew he just had to do a stupendous job to make sure that his end of the bargain was properly filled. With Jack unable to properly pick up a broom there was no way Dorian couldn't help the elderly man. Even if there wasn't the promise of free kitchen usage.

Dorian adjusted his little cape eagerly and set off scavenging around for a feather duster. He figured it would be the best and easiest to get rid of all that mucky dust before going onto more serious cleaning. He ran a digit across the top of the stove and his fur almost turned black. Dorian grimaced. Seems like his assessment was correct.

With a twirl of his wrist and standing on his tippy toes, he made quick work of the dust atop of the shelves and light fixtures. The tables, drawers, and chairs also received a fair bit of dusting. No cobweb or dust bunnies were left unturned by Dorian's cleaning fury. 

He wiped the faint sweat from his forehead and began eyeing around for the rest of the cleaning supplies. After a few minutes his face bunched up in a lost haze.  

"The closet." 

Dorian quickly turned to face where the deep voice was coming from. Jack was leaning against the wall, his gaze keeping a close watch on the white fur ball. 

"If ya want the supplies, check the closet," the gruff jollybean advised, arms crossed tight to his chest. 

He blinked. Face growing hot from embarrassment, Dorian looked away, 

"R-right, thank you," words stammered out of his mouth. 

He made his way towards the old wooden closet door which truthfully could use a fair bit of cleaning itself. Sighing, he grabbed some wood cleaner and got to make all the counters and surfaces alike were all nice and polished. The oak gleamed in the faint sunlight that peeked through the clouded window.

Dorian couldn't help but wonder what could've possibly caused such a workshop to turn into quite the workplace disaster. Sure it was old and all but to be this unkept? Something about it felt odd. 

His mind wandered down several seas of possibilities as he moved onto polishing the metal work surfaces. The stove, pots, and pans were really receiving the full spa treatment. 

Did Jack just abandon this avenue? Did he used to be a handyman himself or did he give up hope on a once bright and starry-eyed dream? Maybe Jack had bought the fixer upper cause it was cheap and something to put time and energy into? 

Speculating the other's intentions and life story probably wasn't the wisest thought. Why did it matter why Jack got ownership of the General Store in the first place? What matters is that it's here now in Midveil and he needs some help. 

With newfound motivation and focus, it didn't take Dorian much longer to finish polishing. It was like watching a snowy blur zip about. The floors swept and scrubbed all squeaky clean, and the whole room gleamed. Revitalized at the craft and care put back into it after years of being neglected.

Jack was in awe, mouth agape. The old man nearly brought to tears at the sheer sight of it. 

"Thank you," He uttered, almost choking on his words. 

Dorian smiled wide, 

"Of course Mister! Its the right thing to do to help someone in need."

The two exchanged a brief but tender hug, with the wiser of the them looking down at the other, 

"I know I said that helping me out with this would mean you'd get to use my crafting bench free reign and all," He paused, "However you deserve something much grander than just that." 

Jack gave Dorian a gentle pat on the shoulder and walked over to his assortment of crops and other goods. The curled mustache was a soft and comforting sight on the eyes as Jack wandered back to the kitchen with full arms. 

Tantalizing scents and smells filled the store for what felt like hours. The warm air seeped into every corner of the room and Dorian couldn't help but feel cozy. 

Soon the wingless jollybean carried out a large bowl filled with delicious noodles covered in a cream sauce with plump springy shrimps mixed throughout. 

Jack smiled softly, 

"Go on kiddo, take a seat and take as much as ya like. Ya earned it." 

Dorian gasped a bit, mouth watering. He couldn't help but chow down. The yummy spices and seasonings complimented the dish perfectly, while the noodles were nice and soft. 

The two shared this lovely meal together as the sun went down, cascading the sky in pretty oranges, pinks, and purples. Eventually becoming a sea of stars like a blanket of glittery fabric. Quite the sight to behold.