Golden Forest

3 years, 3 months ago

An angel and a demigod converse on a vessel's life.

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“Mm, seems interesting. Though that information doesn’t help me.”

“My apologies, god of destruction.”

Imortica gave a loud sigh at Jericho’s comment before turning to look at him, a mixture of pain and something else within their gaze.

“I keep on telling ya, not to call me that. Sure, I might be Ivar’s personality reborn, but I’m my own person. If anything, Pino is the god of destruction, considering he got Ivar’s body.”

“You both are that god. You two simply got two different aspects.”

“Hm, true I suppose but let’s get back to the topic at hand, selfish angel.” Now it was Jericho’s turn to sigh before stating the information he learned.

“Well, Sunoza is about to make a move. That move being a mercenary sent out to kill Muse and any remaining husks. He is fully aware they can’t die due to your… state.”

“Well, that makes me who I am. And you’re absolutely hilarious if you think I’m going to return to my previous state with Pino. They’re not gonna agree to that so, no dice.” Imortica shrugged as the angel before her gave a pained stare.

“Anyways. According to an information broker, Muse is traveling with a creature filled with corruption and that cult leader is nowhere to be found. That’s all the information I’ve learned recently, Imortica.”

“Mm, alright. So, this corrupt person might be a horrible person and the cult leader not being found is troubling, but good! I hope Muse’s travels go well! And if not, sucks to suck I guess!”

“I thought you cared about him.”

“I do. I’m not like you where I just up and LEAVE. Someone who’s in need of dire help. At least Celestine and Zips helped out.”

The duo glared at each other before the demigod sighed. “Well! We should be on our separate ways before we kill each other, hehe. Take care, selfish angel!”

“Same goes to you, destructive god.”