Cee and Drive

3 years, 1 day ago

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About Cee:

To start off, Cee comes from a ruined world that has no name at the moment, but at a young age she was orphaned and taken in by a caretaker robot named Rom (Fun fact Rom gave Cee her name). Cee’s origins are unknown except for the fact she shares similar qualities to dragon humanoids. She is in fact a hybrid race but as far as she knows Cee believes she’s human. Having dragon blood does have its benefits but other than the horns they aren’t clearly visible. For a few years she was happy to be taken in, but one day while exploring an abandoned facility an accident occurred. The building came down on the both of them and they were trapped. Cee’s muscles were a little stronger thanks to her dragon blood, but she was still a child at the time so she couldn’t do anything. Cee and Rom were trapped under there for a few hours until Rom’s life was draining away as he was being crushed and Cee tried with all her might to get him out. As Rom faded away Cee tried harder, and harder, until something changed within her. She suddenly felt a burst of energy flow through her and she was able to break them both out. Unfortunately Rom could not make it due to him being beyond repair and Cee had no idea how machines worked at the time. 

Dragons are known to have a high affinity to magic, but Cee couldn’t perform anything to save Rom’s life, well except that one burst that happened. She couldn’t realize during that time but the one type of magic that Cee had from within was the ability to enhance her strength tenfold. That latent magic developed alongside Cee’s body, giving her more strength to be able to lift heavy objects without activating her latent magic skill. Cee eventually learned how to engineer technology from books she picked up from the ruins and also other supplies such as clothes and medical related items to change her appearance into what it is today.

One day, she found a subway underground with a ticket stuck to the machine, but for some reason it had a peculiar vibe to it. 

“A way out from this desolated world awaits you. All aboard!” Rang about in her ears. Cee didn’t want to leave but she was whisked away to Earth anyways. Through a strange twist of events, the first person she met was none other than Dr. Lila. She immediately recognized Cee was from somewhere else (call it a witch’s intuition). But eventually she was able to help Cee with temporary shelter and teach her about Earth. Cee was amazed by all the new sights, but soon felt it was a bit too much to manage at the moment, and wanted to go back. Turns out the ticket still remained with her and she was able to use it again to summon the subway that flung her to Earth in the first place. Dr. Lila came along for the little trip and enjoyed meeting Cee. They formed a partnership that Cee would stay in her home world but she’d help out the Doctor from time to time with research or telling her about Cee’s homeworld in exchange for the same information about Earth. Dr. Lila and Cee were able to establish a shelter in a small apartment area and were able to get it furnished properly. Now Cee lives in her home world but she also enjoys the benefits of items from earth such as video games or singing.

Cee’s Movesets:

As mentioned before, Cee’s body is already strengthened by the side effect her magic enhancement ability gave her, making her stronger than the average human and dragon humanoid combined. She could really make do without a weapon if she wanted to and knows a little bit about fist fighting, but if she had a weapon her main choice would be her saber axe (developed by Lilac TechTM). Which is able to extend out from a single pole and activate quickly. It can switch from lethal to blunt mode like another weapon in order to cut down on brutal killing if she were to enter a tournament. But the axe itself is still very heavy, probably as heavy as an anchor (Guess who the main inspiration was lol 🐬).

She knows not much about proper technique so she just swings it around her own style and it usually works out for her but her trademark move is an axe slam. She can also spin it around to clear waves of enemies but spin too much and she’ll get dizzy.

About Drive:

On one of Cee’s expeditions, she found a broken robot somewhere in the wasteland but it was beyond her skill of repair, but thankfully she took it to Dr. Lila to help repair it and the robot displayed more sentience than initially believed. Cee took it to call the robot Drive to keep up with the naming scheme Rom started. Eventually Drive took a liking to staying around with Cee and exploring with her so they became best friends. Drive’s own creator is quite a mystery but it didn’t matter, Dr. Lila was able to help Cee modify Drive to be better suited for combat scenarios as well and eventually even providing a way for Drive to turn into an armored form for Cee to wear that she started calling “Boot Mode.”

Drive’s Movesets:

Firstly, Drive can be shown as a support companion whose body parts can transform into weapons for Cee including the Drive Buster (it used to be a gun but a buster type of weapon felt more suitable and easier to access, this was also developed for a game mechanic in mind as well)

Drive can also shoot a beam of energy out either rapidly or charge it like the buster mode and can attack using his wings, making him a difficult opponent to deal with with his huge mobility rate.

(Note: I had the idea of Drive himself transforming into other forms but at the moment I can’t come up with anything so these are the only parts of his moveset at the moment)

Boot Mode Moveset:

Boot Mode is a bit of a handful because it’s basically the rush armor from Mega Man, giving Cee increased mobility, strength, and a few new moves as well.

Boot Mode gives Cee her own pair of wings to boost her mobility so if you ever see her in this form you’d have a hard time getting away. Boot form also gives her the buster on command so pairing that up with her axe makes her quite formidable. The main thing to watch out for is her arms though. Boot form gives her access to claws if she doesn’t use her axe, they can also stretch out to 5 times the length of her body (yes toss out your one piece jokes already not like i haven’t heard this about stretchy characters already). As a side note: Drive’s functions all go to Cee’s control so Drive’s consciousness enters a temporary sleep mode state.

Writing for Cee and Drive:

Cee is a person who’s usually kind and outgoing and is the explorer type of character, basically your run off the mill protagonist character. While she might seem too outgoing to the point of being careless at times she does think these things through. Using her explorer and engineer hobbies together she can get through most sticky situations with the experience she’s gained. Outside of adventuring, she likes to stream the games she gets from earth (thanks to Dr. Lila it’ll broadcast anywhere) but she also likes singing the tunes she finds either around the wastelands like old CDs or the ones from Earth included.

As for Drive, the sentience he’s gained over the years have made him a bit lazy in some regards, but whenever a fight is involved he’s always geared to go. Aside from fighting though, he likes to read books Cee finds in her expeditions and is quite the relaxed character in these kinds of times.

Cee and Drive’s relationship were inspired by characters such as Squigly and Leviathan from Skullgirls but also Finn and Jake from Adventure Time. Cee essentially sees Drive like a brother and cares about him a lot. Their bond helps in combat for the most part when they’re in sync.