2 years, 11 months ago

Zazz wakes up late in the morning on the day his town is throwing a pride parade. Antics ensue when he attempts to inform his mob boss friend of the event... and tries to invite him to come with.


June 2021 MAWP: "Your impim’s good friend is celebrating pride and asks your impim to join them! What does your impim do to show their friend they care?"

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Despite the normally hot weather the red beach had, it was rather cool in Mello's home. Cool air travels through the open windows, blowing some plants the impim had slightly as they withstood the wind. Faint windchimes could be heard as they, too, blew in the oncoming breeze. It was surprisingly peaceful, especially considering the pride parade that was going to happen on that day. Speaking of which...

Eventually the two woke up, more specifically Zazz did first. Cuddled up against the taller impim's chest he yawned, him attempting to sit up, struggling to not wake up his partner. His tries were for naught as Mello felt his movements and his eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Zazz... mornin' sunshine." He said, showing a small smile after the tired greeting.

Zazz stares at him with his wide buggy eyes, getting his dork little dorky smile. "Hiii." He dragged the word out, wiping his eyes. "What day is it again..." He murmurs, laying his head down back into Mello's neck. Mello flinches at the contact, not expecting it.

"The 27th, possum. You've only been here for a few days, it hasn't been a year." Mello snickers at his confusion. Admittedly he did feel a little bad for the shorter imp's memory but Zazz was a smart guy, he knew what he was doing... most of the time.

Zazz jumps at those words, nearly flinging himself out of Mello's arms. "T-Th- The- uhm- the parade!! I-I don't wanna miss it!" He exclaims rather loudly, in obvious distress about the event. His head whips to the nearby window, looking out of it with wild eyes. From what he could process through his still waking vision it could be a few hours before noon.

"Hey hey, cool your jets." Mello rubs Zazz's back, trying to make sure he didn't get too worked up about it. "I promise we'll make it in time."

"B-But- But- There's so much to do!" Zazz retorted, his voice getting softer as Mello continued petting the short fur on his back. "I-I have to get r-r- ready I have to get all w-washed up I have to tell C-Casino- Oh my stars I haven't t- told Casino-" He seemed to pale, ears on his hood folding down.

Zazz had given himself the job of telling Casino about the parade. He had wanted to come out to Casino with it, in a way. Having always seen the spotted impim as a parental figure his plan was to tell him before pride then have an amazing time. The thing is he put it off due to the anxiety he always got, the butterflies in his stomach were too much and he chickened out before he could speak.

Mello out loud went 'hm', tapping his cheek. "Why dontcha go tell him now? I can get ready here and you can get ready there."

Zazz got a concerned look. "B-But... I don't wanna leave y- you alone today-" The worry in his voice was clear. Mello sat up with him, trying to usher Zazz to get onto his feet.

"I'll be fine on my own I promise you. Go tell yer bossman whatever you need to tell him." Mello kissed his forehead. Zazz gaze went to his lap, his long tail wiping against the ground. He felt his heart drop at the idea of leaving Mello alone, what if he got lonely? Or can't get ready without him? Zazz wanted today to go perfect and he was already stressed.

"Please, Zazz-" Mello's voice snapped him out of the distressed state. "-Go do what you gotta do. You're meant to have fun today, have fun." He gently encouraged.

Zazz took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay... I trust you. I-I just thought I'd tell him by now s- so I'm worried that I-I ruined it-"

"You couldn't, knucklehead." Mello started giving him a slight noogie, the blue impim protesting about it.

"I know I-I know!" He squeaked. "L-Let me go!"

"Say uncle-"

"U-Uncle-!" Zazz yipped, moving against Mello. Either Mello was unnoticeably strong or Zazz was very weak.

Mello chuckled, letting the other impim go. "Go greet ya casino boss, you still got time."

Zazz nodded in affirmation, scrambling off of his boyfriend. His legs still felt sleepy but he couldn't care less. He had a mission. Go to Casino, and try to not get distracted along the way. Yeah. This'll be very easy. He marched up to the front door, flying it open and running out.

He heard faint 'Close the door!' from Mello but he was already making his way across the sand to the forest that was behind it. The sand was hot on his feet, the faint burning lingering and slightly intensifying with every ongoing step. Zazz noticed his house as he ran by, the many unfinished arts and crafts projects still out on his porch. He had tried to make several things with what he had found along the beach shore, including several shells and random trash. It ranged from shell necklaces to plants in old cans to attempts at making plastic bottles into bags... he could never complete an especially complex one.

His mind wandered as he soon crossed the beach to the woods, wiping his bird feet in the path that was made through the forest. He followed the path, spacing out while thinking. Zazz had seen a dark blue impim before, their eyes were such a piercing yellow he couldn't ignore it. He was stargazing on the beach on a nice cool night but his heart felt as if it had stopped working when he saw glistening gold accents on some kind of dragon. It hasn't gone out of his head in a while, even though weeks have passed. He felt like he could identify them but he couldn't put his finger on-

Crash. Zazz had walked directly into Shimma, who was carrying wood.

"Arg- Fuckin' Zazz! Watch where you're going!" He snapped, rabbit-like ears learning back. Even if Zazz could barely see his face he could feel the anger that resonated off of Shimma, he was rather intimidating when angered.

"I-I'm sorry I'll help-" He started, feeling very bad for the action. Shimma seems to study him, Zazz could feel his eyes look him up and down.

"It's... fine. I don't have time to reprimand you. Be careful next time, got that?" He got down, beginning to pick up the wood.

Zazz nodded, making his way through the forest once again. The trees were so long and dark, basically obscuring the sky above, light breaking through some branches and cracks in the leaves. He could notice the scrubbed off graffiti on the side of the cabin, knowing exactly who it was from. He could hear commotion inside, recognizing the voice as Athena. She was helping Shimma with... something, he'd rather not stick around and get yelled at. He could only assume she was cooking, smelling the faint scent of some kind of seasoned meat from an open window.

He soon enough saw the light of his home city, rushing out almost immediately. The light felt blinding compared to the darkness before. He could see people setting up banners, people dancing, the loudest music he's ever heard, and colors... oh so many colors. Zazz could hardly believe what he was seeing, the once rather bland town was bustling with creatures and pure happiness. As much as he loved it, he felt overwhelmed by everything at the same time.

"Hello there, what are you doing here in all the communion, friend?" Zazz heard a silky voice from his side, making him freeze up.

"Uhm- Casino- F-Friend-" Zazz stuttered, turning to the figure. The gold teeth were a dead giveaway. Jinhai, the known conman, was talking to him.

"Ah, Casino?~" He practically purred. "You looking to play a round or two? I'm willing to see what you got." Jinhai's never fading smile seemed to get wider.

Before he could answer he saw a smaller gold and black impim break through the crowd. "Jinny, I told you to leave people alone for this..." Albert exhaled deeply, arms going limp.

Despite the closed eyes Jinhai seemed to glare around the fishie impim. "Well there's no place better to play around than a big event, you know this!" He turned his attention away from Zazz, looking down at the other impim.

"Yes yes, all of that, but today is a day about love and acceptance! You shouldn't be scamming people who are attempting to have a good time!" Albert argued back. Jinhai huffed, rubbing between his eyes. The two began going back and forth, going off about who knows what at that point. While the two were distracted Zazz slipped away, dashing through the crowd. An occasional "sorry" or "excuse me" came out of his mouth while he attempted to navigate the area.

Soon enough he found the beautifully decorated casino, surprisingly it was still open despite the parade. He carefully opened the double doors there, the first thing hitting him was the distinct smell of smoke and ash. Zazz always hated the smell of the casino, the smoke was basically imprinted into everything there. He tried to focus on something else, which his eyes landed on somebody who frequented the casino, Val. The mushroom covered impim was playing poker with people Zazz had never seen before. He had never gotten gambling, it was too confusing for him so he never played it.

He slipped past the first table full of poker players and approached Val. She holds up a hand, which she also uses to wave to Zazz. "Hello, sweetheart! What're you doing here? I thought you were gonna attend that parade... you don't even look ready, hun."

Zazz scratched at his arm, eyes drifting to the stained floor. "I-I wanted to see Casino I have to t- tell him something."

Val's ear stood up. "Oh! I see! He's in the back, I believe."

Zazz silently nodded, starting to go for the back area. He had always assumed Casino lived there, as he was there 24/7 and he neve appeared to live. He had only been in the back a few times but he remembers it well. Knocking 3 times on the door, he waited for a response. Hearing a muffled "come in", Zazz creaked the door open. The room had a big desk in the middle, a lamp lighting up some papers Casino was writing on. Casino glanced up, noticing Zazz. He cleared his throat, sitting up right in the chair.

"Hey, kid. What's shakin'?" He questioned, putting his furred hood back.

"Well... a-as you know a pride parade is today." Zazz started gently. Casino thought about it, giving a thoughtful nod.

"Mhm, indeed I do. They'ves been preparin' for it all day. Quite loud if you ask me." He murmured. "But I can't complain, all of them are happy so I can't intrude."

Zazz felt himself shiver, but he shook his head in a vain attempt to get the growing rampant thoughts off of his mind. "W-Well yeah-! People are very- very proud of themselves..."

Casino nodded again. "All that. Didja come here to discuss just that? You could've waited till after hours, son."

Zazz waved his hands slightly. "No no no! I-I wouldn't bother you for some- something so small that's v-very irresponsible of me!"

"Cool yer jets kid, don't go on and give yourself a heart attack now." He chuckled, leaning back in the chair. "Take ya time."

Zazz felt like the room was spinning, was it too hot in here? He felt like he was being toasted in his own fur, the butterflies in his stomach growing worse. "I-I... I wanted you t-to... uhm-" He paused for a second, Casino waiting patiently for him to finish. "-go with me?"

Casino seemed surprised, his eyes going a tad wide. "... Why me?" He sounded almost suspicious, though it was probably his tone.

"W-Well you're extremely impor- important to me and I-I wanna spend this pride p-parade with somebody nice since I-I... haven't ever been to one before and I-I only now dis- discovered that I'm gay a-and I've actually accepted t-that so it'd be fun to do- do it with you-" He rambled, making a few hand gestures all the while, trying to find a place to put his hands.

Casino listened through the whole tangent, intently paying attention. He could tell how nervous Zazz was, the poor impim looked paler than a ghost. Eventually after Zazz finished taking, Casino went to talk again.

"Alright. Sounds fun." He simply said, getting out from behind his desk and walking over to Zazz. "Ya make a good bargain, kid. I'll attend this little... parade with you."

"R-Really?!" Zazz's eyes sparkles, him doing a happy little spin in place. "T-Thank you, mister Casino! I-I'll never forget th- this!"

Casino put his hood up again, patting Zazz's in turn. "'Course. You seem elated and I can't deny ya. C'mon, we gotta find a good place to get stuffs for it."

Casino exited from the back, Zazz ghosting behind him. Momo spotted him, giving a questioning look. "Hello, sir! What're you doing with Zugzwang?" Zazz cringed and hid behind Casino, peeking out from behind him at Momo. Nobody ever called him by his full name, he always felt like he was in trouble around Momo.

"Can ya hold the fort for a bit, dollface? I'm gonna take Zazz here out for a bit. To the parade." Casino explained. "It means a lot to 'em so I'd hate to disappoint."

Momo looked from Casino to Zazz, giving a thumbs up. "Of course I can! I'll do my best, sir!" She gave her trademark warm smile.

Casino nodded as a silent thank you, took Zazz's hand and walked out into the sunlit pavement. They both could hear the deafeningly loud cheers and chants of those participating. Casino saw confetti fall and caught a small purple square of it. His ears perked up and he glanced down at Zazz.

"Ya want a lei or something? Maybe some food?" Casino offered.

Zazz felt his worries melt away with that, hugging onto Casino's arm slightly. He looked out over the crowd of hundreds, maybe thousands of people marching with flags, face paint, fancy clothing, and all sorts of gadgets. There were people dancing, talking to loved ones, discussing random things, and overall having a joyful time. Zazz felt... content. Happy.

"That'd be nice, Casino."