Kian Elements

2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
1 776

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

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Chapter 1

ELEMENTS : There are four base elements for light and dark. Light consists of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Light while Dark Elements are Twilight, Poison, Convexity, Darkness. Nature would be earth related and not an actual element since nature is tied with Mana and such. Each element acts as a base element but there are sub elements for there element, a kian can have a sub element but how there element acts depends on their bloodline. Fire - Lava, Ice - Water, Electricity - Plasma, Light- Solar, Twilight - Purity Destruction?, Poison - Miasma, Convexity,- Nebula, Darkness - Lunar. These are the elements and their sub elements But only gods/demigods can have Light and Darkness as a element or kians who spent most their life absorbing light or darkness. Each ability can act different but act as a baseline for them. But each Kian can train to form there elements differently from another Fire Kian so one can form fire balls, another can build up heat then release it and much more. It depends on ur creatvity. They can do multiple things with their element. So Kira is a Twilight Kian but lacks the Purity Desctruion sub. But Normal Twlight kains can form long rays of flames that corrupts what it hits and sometimes can make them parnoid ( can wear off of course) but Kira can use the element to cover her body and corrupt it enough so she can become a shadow goo figure where hits deal alot less damage. The negative to this method is that she pukes up the black goo when returning to normal. When two different element parents breed, their child has one of their elements and sub element but it has a small amount of the other parents element in it. So they take the poisons parents element, but the poison burns the skin from the other parents fire element.

LIGHT ELEMENTS IN USE : Attacks are up to creavitivty but need to match the element and make sense. Fire - typical fire, burns thing, lights it on fire. Can be like a flame throw, fire balls, heat waves etc. Ice - Freezes things, makes them cold, can create Ice beams, form a cold environment, create ice spikes,etc. Electricity - Shocks things, stuns them, can create a small storm with thunder, lightning bolts , paralysis, etc, Light - Light beams, projections of light attacks, flourishes things around them ( boost), Reflection.

LIGHT SUB ELEMENTS IN USE (Fire) = Lava - acts like normal lava, melting things, user can spit out lava, bend near by lava or create lava from nearby sources. ( Ice) = Water - Can bend water, form ice from water or water from ice by changing form, create objects out of water. ( Electricty) Plasma = normal plasma basically, Can generate plasma for attacks from mouth or hands. they burn things and do massive stun, (Light) = Solar - Can charge solar energy faster when its day time, Can use light from the sun to rid shadows or light area around them, with enough solar charged, they can release it in waves, or create orbs.

DARK ELEMENTS IN USE : Twilight - Acts like fire in a way, but it corrupts the parts it hits rather then burn, can be like a flame thrower, ball, release power, etc. Poison - Infects the victim, makes them sick, can form a poison ball, act as vemon like a snake, etc, Convenxity - dark plasma enerngy similar to electricty, can stun but from seer force of element, eats away at victims mana, draining them but not absorbing it., Darkness - Dark beams, projections of dark attacks, twists things around them ( alter), reflection.

DARK SUB ELEMENTS IN USE : (Twilight) Purity Destruction - Like fire it eats away at what it touches but by turning them in particles but this process is hard to accomplish, turn self into particles by blasting self with attack for moving around and reappear at will, drag victims into a mini realm that provides endless powers to user. ( Poison ) = Miasma - large mist of smoke that travels along the ground, dissolving what it touches with its toxin. Can form Miasma from mouth but normally use it to surround the area to trap the victim. Fresh Miasma is more potent and can dissolve faster. ( Convexity ) = Nebula - create explosives' orbs from a nebula , cause the stars to explode on impact, create mini black holes, use stardust to strengthen attacks. ( Darkness ) = Lunar - control of lunar energy,user feeds off lunar energy faster when its night. can use moon to create night time to cover light, with enough lunar energy absorbed they can create attacks from it.