Brightclan Origins

2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

Mild Violence

the story of the rise and fall of the old Brightclan, as well as the story of Gladiolus' rise to villainhood. I don't know how well I'll keep up with this but I'm gonna try to actually write.

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Murk had very few memories of his mother. That wasn't unusual in the city, most of the cats here largely didn't know their kin. Mothers, fathers, siblings; they were all lost and forgotten amongst these streets, it was just easier that way. Less competition for food and shelter, less to lose. Murk's mother was no different. She gave birth to the pawful of kits in one of many alleys in the city, likely having to fight off other cats to find a place safe enough to give birth. She had three kits total. Murk was the oldest, Grime was the largest, and Sludge was both the youngest and the smallest. Murk didn't blame his mother for the unsavory name. That's just how it was. Her name was likely just as unappealing, she could have been name mud or trash or rat for all he knew. Her face was just a blur in his mind now but he knew that Grime inherited her large build, Sludge inherited her colors, and he was endlessly told by his sisters that his eyes were the same shade of gold as hers. 

The one thing he did remember clearly about her was the moment she left. She didn't pretend she wasn't leaving nor did she provide any explanation, she just said goodbye and left. By this moment, the three of them were weaned and scavenging food on their own and this wasn't all that unexpected. What was unexpected was their reactions to it. Instead of turning to the natural solitary lives that stood before them, they declared that they'd stick together from now on, never leaving each other's sides. 

It wasn't easy. They moved around a lot, and were constantly fighting to find the best way of living in the city. Grime adjusted to things the fastest, earning many battle scars along the way but becoming exceedingly good at fighting. Murk wasn't the most accomplished fighter but he learned quickly how to wage a war with words. Over time he realized that he could use his words to inspire and band cats together and it became his greatest weapon. Sludge wasn't the best at fighting or talking to other cats but she was extremely smart and cunning. She even taught herself to talk to dogs! When she learned that ability, she used it to help them further. 

As they reached adulthood, they became notorious as the most powerful trio of cats in the city. They made a more permanent home in an old twoleg building. Cats would often seek out Grime for a challenge,  but these days she beat each and every one. With the power of his words, Murk slowly recruited cats to their purpose of bettering life in the city and they built the most powerful colony of cats known to have lived there. With Sludge's ability to speak with dogs, none of them bothered their colony often, and she sent them upon any other cat colonies that tried to encroach upon their territory. 

They were a growing, unstoppable force. Yet there was more Murk wished for. Every morning he found himself venturing to the roof of that building and watching the sun rise, waiting for it to warm his fur and give him hope that there was still something better in this world. Someday, he would find peace for him and the cats he'd taken under his wing. Someday...