My Love

2 years, 11 months ago

Yumigami does the impossible! :0

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Yumigami was so unsure and self-conscious of her worth of carrying the title of 'Queen' next to Ichor, so it took a veeeeeeery long time before she spoke to her husband so informally.

In their early ruling months she would always refer to him as 'Your Majesty' or 'Lord Ichor'. Of course he respected her reasonings, but he did gently nudge her to not be so proper with him all the time.

"You don't always have to be so formal with me, you know." Ichor gently pressed. Yumigami turned to him and bowed her head slightly. "I sincerely apologize Your Majesty, but I do hope you understand..." She slowly averted her gaze as he sighed.

Months later she started referring to him as 'My Lord'. Getting close, but not quite. Ichor was very much looking forward to that I will admit. So close!

After their first year together or so, she caught him off guard when he was staying up later than usual trying to finish through some clan matters. He was trying to figure out a compromise to settle some disputes and Yumigami came in to check up on him and bring him a drink or something to eat because he forgets to do that sometimes when he's focused.

"May I come in?" She spoke softly. After a moment, not hearing an immediate answer, her head rounded the corner of her husband's study chambers. Upon seeing his limp form breathing slowly she quietly walked to his side and gently jostled him awake.

"Hm...?" Ichor quickly sat up and shook his head to rouse himself. "It's late... You need your rest..." The Queen spoke with mild worry in her tone. She was given a deep exhale as her response. She smiled softly and nuzzled her head against his. He returned her gesture and sighed heavily.

"Love, please come to bed..." she soothed. "I have to get this done..." Ichor finally spoke as he moved away. He closed his eyes for a moment before hearing some shifting fabric. "Well, don't stay up too much longer. Some of those orders can wait." He then felt another nudge on his cheek before hearing her departing footsteps.

It wasn't until she disappeared around the corner that he suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to where she had left. 'Love...?' He thought, sitting there bewildered. For a moment she just called him-

He turned his attention to a open, small cloth with some of his favored plants and insects along with a bowl filled with water that wasn't there before. He once again turned toward the doorway this time with a loving smile on his face and warmth in his heart.

Halfway to their sleeping chambers the Queen was still trying to calm the anxious fluttering in her chest. She did it. She said it. She chuckled nervously to herself hoping that her gesture didn't go unnoticed.

It didn't.