Research & Shenanigans

2 years, 11 months ago
245 1

A cute scene between Yue and his friend Neko as they work on a new project.

Written by ResonantCrimson~!

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“No, no, Yue! That goes there!”

Yue rolls his eyes at Neko’s exclamation. “I’ve done this many times, Neko. I think I know where it goes.”

“You moron, it doesn’t go there. You’re daydreaming about Riku, aren’t you? That goes over here.”

Yue scoffs, but looks at the vial in his hand and where it was going to put it. Neko was right. “Uh.”

“You trying to blow up the lab?! I know Riku’s hot and everything, but he’s not worth dying over.”

“I’m… sorry?” Yue mumbles, a smear of red coloring his cheeks. “You daydream about Tyle all the time too! Just the other day you walked into a wall because you couldn’t stop staring at his ass when he walked by.”

“Shut up or I’ll scratch you,” Neko mutters, her own blush darkening her face. “We both have hot boyfriends. We’ve established that. But I didn’t almost blow up the lab. I think you’re worse.”

“...” Yue has nothing to say to that. A sigh floats off his lips as he puts the vial in its proper place. “Why do you love Tyle?” he decides to ask to try and get the conversation off him.

“You’re trying to derail the conversation and I won’t have it,” Neko says with a smirk. “Let’s get back to work, and if you’re good, I’ll tell you later.”

“Fine, fine…”