Swan King Lore Event

3 years, 2 months ago
3 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

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Chapter 2

It was dawn when Cassius finally decided to rest for the day. He has spent the night training with newer aphex and dephx to teach them the basics of combat. Most had some experience prior to joining the Swan army, but the fact that they were still at this low a level was concerning. It would be difficult for them to fight against better trained members of the Raven army, most likely leading to a lot of casualties. Cassius sighed, he hoped that they would improve in the next week or two before the Swan’s order to attack. Once he’d gotten a couple hours of sleep, Cassius would have to arrange a small party of spies for the infiltration and information gathering the King wanted. Having heard there was news on his missing wife, it had spurred him on to push the soldiers harder, Cass included. He lied down in his bed of pillows, unable to sleep on his back due to his spines. He didn’t mind, but they definitely weren’t as plush and soft as those he had at home. Though, there he also had them on a bed as well to make it more comfortable. Though he would only get a few moments of rest before he was called away once more. It was hard being so high up in the royal guard during wartimes. Cassius sighed, willing himself into a light snooze until he was needed once more by the king. Luckily, the King had some mercy on him and let him sleep until a couple of hours before lunchtime. One of the King’s many servants came to wake him, carefully touching Cassius’s shoulder to rouse him. He groaned before opening his eyes fully. “I’m up, I’m up,” Cassius grumbled his dismissal to the servant. “I’ll be posted outside to fill you in, sir; when you’re ready.” With that, the brown aphex bowed and stepped out of the room. Cassius had a nice room in the lower portions of the main house of the Swan empire. It was large enough for him to do some minor fighting practice alone, which Cass often took advantage of. The accompanying bathroom was a nice feature that only the higher ups really had access to, though, and helped make Cassius’s life easier to some degree. He often enjoyed soaking in the tubs to relieve his tired muscles and rejuvenate his body. He didn’t have time for one of his beloved soaks today, sadly, so he just stretched, quickly washed up, and headed out. The aphex that had awoken him earlier walked alongside him as they made their way through the halls to the main room. Cassius was a bit surprised that this aphex was a bit taller than most, ears reaching his shoulder level. They continued on in conversation about what Cassius needed to know before seeing the king again that day. They were soon to move on the Raven’s army, and he had to make sure all of the soldiers were ready for the fight by that time. Today Cassius would be helping aphex fit some armor then trying on his own sometime in the evening. The King had ordered special leathers to be magically reenforced to protect Cass’s underside while allowing him maximum range of movement. He was also filled in that he would be choosing one or two aphex to be spies for the king, given that there were rumors being spread about the whereabouts of the Queen. Hearing the Queen being mentioned perked Cassius’s attention. He silently considered if he would be asked to go himself. Being close to the throne was always a difficult position to be in. You are both the first to be chosen for special missions, but also stuck in a place where you are not disposable. Trusted but needed all in one. He would soon know his answer, though, and it would be one of those two decisions that the King himself would have to make. Sometimes, it would be easier if he was just a pawn like the others in the flock of followers. But, he knew too much and was too loyal to be regarded as such. As they approached the door to the throne room, Cassius squared his shoulders and took deliberate steps. Either way, he was a guard of the King and would do anything for the Swan family. The Swan king sat quietly at the head of the table surrounded by generals and leads of each faction of his army. Many had come to the Swan’s aid and would defend their leader tooth and nail, so to speak. Cassius took his place at the table, leaving his escort outside the doors. Many were talking amongst themselves about positions of each type of soldier should take, all while the King watched on in silence. The others seemed to part upon his arrival, falling silent as he took his place near the King. As intimidating as he was, though, it was more about not getting pricked than from fear. “Sir, what are your orders?” Cassius asked calmly, ignoring the silence of the others that came behind him. Not a single word was spoken for a while, not even by the King. Cassius knew. He’s making the decision right now. Will I go, or will I stay, I am not the one to answer these questions, but I will follow my orders and do my best. “Cassius,” the King started slowly. “Yes, my Lord?” “I would like you to try your armor on before I make a final decision.” Cassius bowed his head. “Follow me, and we shall get you fitted.” Jesse rose from his seat and lead Cassius away, not even bothering to cast a glance at his other military company. Cass followed too, falling in step with the king as the exited the hall to hushed voices. In the armory, it was a bustle of aphex running in every direction. Many ignoring the entrance of the Swan King to continue the work they were doing. They approached another aphex off to the side of the room, working carefully on riveting the final leather pieces to Cassius’s armor. Jesse called two more aphex over to help Cass strap on the pieces of armor. A strap went around his neck and behind his shoulders, holes allowing his chest spines to poke through without damaging the piece. The second piece covered the soft areas on his abdomen, with thin straps slipping between the spines on his hips. The final piece fit between his legs and hung loosely between his thighs until an aphex tied off the final straps around his thighs. Once he was fully fitted, Cassius tested the flexibility of the material. Stretching and walking, he felt how easily he could move still, almost as if there was nothing there. “The magic in those pieces should make it feel like a second skin. It should also protect you from any weapon strikes to your underside.” Cassius nodded in approval, grateful his King took the measures to protect his army to such extent. “I’ve decided that I have a special mission for you, Cassius. I want you to search the forest for my wife. I’ve heard rumors that she may reside there, and I need to know where; or if she’s there at all.” Cassius nodded. He would do his best to serve his King in this mission. “I will leave tonight, my King.” The Swan King nodded, “I’ll leave you to prepare. I want you to begin your search tonight.”