Shiv Backstory

2 years, 11 months ago

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Author's Notes

Shiv is an Undertale OC, so his backstory makes no sense if you don't have at least some knowledge of the game.

I made it in topics because I find it easier to organize my ideas this way. I'm not sure if I will ever write it out or complement it with other information.




informal•North American

noun: shiv; plural noun: shivs

  1. a knife or razor used as a weapon.

  • Gaster was attempting to integrate animal DNA that fell in the underground into monsters hoping it would make them more resilient to human intent.
  • There were not many viable samples as rarely any animals survived the fall or couldn´t adapt to the extreme conditions of the underground.
  • Gaster created synthetic monsters to use as test subjects since utilizing a live specimen was forbidden by the king.
  • They were made with the only purpose of advancing monster kind science. 
  • The subjects had barely any cognitive capacities and were treated as little more than animals.
  • Gaster had many successes that ended up creating a whole new category of monsters hybrids.
  • They became popular pets, their natural magic helped stabilize the owners, improved morale, and distracted the population of their impending doom.
  • Didn't take long for Breeders to show up, Gaster designed helpers to keep improving his creation's usefulness.
  • Shiv was born to one of these breeders who specialized in battle Hybrids.
  • Despite having strong fighting magic, his personality was deemed too meek to be introduced into the fighting rings and so he was sold as a pet to the Royal Family.
  • He was extremely pampered and had a deep bond with Prince Asriel.
  • Toriel taught him Healing Magic, Asgore sparred with him honing his fighting skills despite his unwillingness to fight back and Asriel passed down the knowledge of Fire Magic.
  • Time passed, the family started noticing changes in their pet, Shiv was smarter, more attentive, responsive, reactive to emotions, and actions towards him.
  • They believed it was all a fluke after all a Hybrid couldn't possibly be self-aware, they were nothing but animals. Their worries and suspicions kept growing as time passed until one fateful afternoon when Shiv talked.
  • The whole family was horrified with the implications of that, had they treated sentient creatures as nothing more than entertainment for all these years?
  • Yes. Gaster became aware of this after the first few years of his project. The older his creations became, the more self-awareness they gained.
  • He created a fail-safe plan so this knowledge wouldn't reach the population by creating a rehabilitation clinic. As soon as the first signals of sentience started showing the Hybrids were returned to the labs and replaced by a younger one.
  • Asgore was furious to discover this scheme happening right under his nose and immediately shut down the whole operation taking all Hybrids under his protection so they could properly develop and eventually live as independent beings.
  • Gaster was sent to jail with all Breeders, owning a Hybrid became illegal, everything related to keeping, breeding or fighting was banned and the responsible punished accordingly.
  • The population of the underground wasn't entirely happy with the monarch decision, illegal breeding facilities and fighting rings can still be found around, they are discreet and much more brutal than when things happened with supervision.
  • Hybrids are extremely discriminated, living as one out of the King protection is close to impossible and movements to help them are close to none.
  • Shiv was adopted into the Royal Family and is slowly learning how to be more than a pet.


  • Gaster escapes prison and kidnaps Shiv hoping to get leverage on the Royals and take the throne to himself, Asgore's popularity has been falling since the decision to protect Hybrids what gives Gaster the people support to take over the kingdom.
  • Shiv in a desperate attempt to save his family utilizes unknowingly void magic to remove Gaster from the timeline, accidentally throwing them both in the multiverse.

Happy ending?