Enter The Jester

2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
1 378

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

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Chapter 1

Jingling echoes through the halls, the  party members look up with narrowed eye’s after coming upon the bloodied remains of the new king. His blood soaked the carpets and tapestries as though it had been flung about like confetti. The members swallowed readying their weapons, expecting the killer to step out from around the corner. Jingles and Jangles get louder as the masked face of The Court Jester rounds the corner, his clown clothes smoothed and pristine, the mask he wore shining and rosey cheeked with the happy, peppy smile painted across it. The shining bells sparkling and merrily tinkling away.  He had a skip to his step before screeching to an almost comical halt to look out at the scene, hands coming up in some sort of shocked motion. “Oh!! Deary me, Brave Adventurers!  What happened here?! What have ye done with swords and blood amok in our clean halls! Oh the dear King! The rest of the court will not be happy!! How horrid!”

The party quickly sheaths their weapons, one coming forward almost in a panic “Jester no! We’ve done nothing but come upon the scene! Please believe us! We have not hurt anyone! Why harm the king we helped to claim the throne!”

His head tilts to the side, almost sinisterly, as he claps his hands once. “I knew it! The court will hear you then! After all who ever killed my lord must pay… and unfortunately you are the only ones here… found with your weapons drawn amid a bloody masacre of our lord!…. Poor you”

The Jester lets out a sigh as he pulls a rope, a chime echoing through the castle as guards rush into the hall to dragging the party away, who yelled their innocence the whole way. The Jester swipping something off the ground voice eerily cheery “What a Shame”

The nest day a public, mass execution happened the heroes turned traitors were hung. The Court Jester humming as he stands back in the shadows watching. Drawing out a bloodied dagger from it’s sheath to clean, re-sheathing it as he spins on his foot, skipping off, now spinning the royal crown on his finger. Giggling happily as he disappears into the darkness “What a shame indeed”