Same Mistakes

2 years, 10 months ago
1669 1

Riona has been avoiding Hope for nearly ten years. The two are well into adulthood now, but Hope still believes Rio is dead. Snow and Nydil frequently try to get her to see the error of her choice and what it's doing to Hope, but she remains too scared to see him. In New Bodhum, Snow and Nydil try again to talk to her, but this time they are joined by the spirits of Riku and Yue, who have been watching from the afterlife. Yue convinces Riona to go see her love.

Trade with ResonantCrimson~!

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In their afterlife, the waves crash against the sand as Riku and Yue look out at the tangerine sky. They can watch their friends from here - and protect them when things look grim. But they can also see other worlds, worlds they never saw in their mortal lives.

Yue made a friend from one of those alternate worlds. Nydil was his name, and he was every bit a fierce and graceful fighter as Yue was. The redhead went through pain and sadness, similar to Yue, but managed to overcome it to live a life of happiness with the man he loves.

However, Yue knows something about Nydil’s past he doesn’t - that he was sent from Noel’s timeline to protect and defeat the gods holding people back. That his alternate form, a form that confuses Nydil even today, is one meant to destroy gods and shatter skies.

Yue figures Nydil will realize his true purpose in time. The blond doesn’t know how Noel is holding it together, seeing the man he loves with someone else, but Yue knows the three of them will be together one day. Snow isn’t the type to keep someone all to himself if he knows they care about someone else as well.

It may be a bit awkward when the truth comes to pass, but until it does, Yue is content to watch over Cocoon and Pulse with his love by his side.

Yet Nydil told him something that’s a bit… concerning. A woman named Riona. She disappeared after the battle against the Fal’Cie, leaving the one she loves behind. And Yue’s heard troubling things about how Hope, the one she loves, is faring. He’s suffering. Thinks she’s dead.

Yue knows what can happen if the one you love is gone - or if the person even thinks it. Their permanent sunset proves it. He’s not sure if Riona and Hope’s love is to the depth of his and Riku’s, but on the off chance it is, well, Yue wants to make sure he prevents an avoidable tragedy.

He told Riku his concerns, who gave him a smile and said, “You’re always wanting to help people, even though we have nothing to do with them, huh?” Yue grinned and embraced his love, who held him like he was the most fragile flower who would break if held too tight. 

Yue loves that about Riku. Ever since they’ve been together in this afterlife, Riku holds him like a precious gem and constantly whispers how much he loves him. Yue often gives a bittersweet smile at those declarations - if only they had been said before their fate. Yue doesn’t dwell on it for too long, though. He’s with Riku. Riku is all he ever needs, no matter where they are.

Waving a hand, the sky twists, revealing Nydil, Snow, and Riona chatting in an area Nydil told Yue was called ‘New Bodhum’. Yue turns to Riku, giving him a smile. “Ready?”

“Whenever you are, my beloved,” Riku replies, taking Yue’s hand in his.

They float towards the opening in the sky, determined to prevent another tragedy.


“Hope’s been suffering since you’ve been gone,” Snow tells Riona, but knows it falls on deaf ears. He’s told her how many times? But she’s hesitant, always thinking Hope is better without her. Nydil told him he had a plan, but what exactly did his plan entail?

A beam of light shoots down from the sky, and Nydil grins as twin lights descend from it. Yue and Riku appear before them, looking every bit mortal, except for the fact their forms are slightly translucent. “Hey, you two,” Nydil greets. Snow looks surprised, while Riona’s eyes are slightly wide.

“Is this her?” Yue asks, turning to Riona. He walks towards her, extending his hand in greeting. “I’m Yue. This is Riku. We’re here to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes we did.”

“Mistakes?” Riona questions, backing up a little. “Are you guys… ghosts? Nydil, what’s going on?”

“These two are friends of mine, Rio. Take it easy,” Nydil reassures. “I told them what you’re doing, and they want to help.”

“Hope… Hope is better without me. He deserves someone who isn’t a coward.”

“I thought that too, once,” Yue says in a soft, gentle tone. He approaches Riona again, and this time she doesn’t back away. “I thought Riku deserved someone so much better than me. But I was wrong. In love, you deserve each other, no matter what flaws or mistakes you have.”

“But…” Tears burn Riona’s eyes. “I was weak. I was ready to become a monster.”

“Because you didn’t want to attack Hope, you dimwit,” Snow pipes up. “You love him far too much to want to hurt him, right? Well, you’re not doing a good job right now. He’s suffering. I’ve told you that many times, but it ain’t getting through your thick skull.” The brawler’s tone isn’t malicious, moreso exasperated. 

“Hope loves you as well, right?” Yue brings the conversation back to him, placing a hand on Riona’s shoulder. It’s a weird feeling. She can feel the warmth from his hand, but not the pressure. “Riku and I love each other, but we never told the other person, too afraid of rejection. And when I died, Riku couldn’t handle living. He killed himself to be with me.”

“He… what?” Riona’s eyes are blown wide in shock. “Why?”

“Easy,” Riku says, knowing it’s his time to speak. “My world, my life, revolves around Yue. When he was killed, I didn’t want to live in a world where he didn’t exist. My friends were sad, but they understood. And, if Hope loves you nearly as much as I love Yue, I can’t imagine the pain he’s feeling, thinking the woman he cares for is dead.”

Riona says nothing, biting her lip. “Hope… Hope wouldn’t kill himself.”

“I thought Riku wouldn’t either. He’s one of the strongest, most fearless warriors I’ve ever met,” Yue murmurs. “But he did.”

“Hope’s barely getting by, kiddo,” Snow pipes up. “He barely eats, none of us have seen him outside of work for months, and he’s working himself into the ground. I wouldn’t be surprised if the strain kills him.”

“That’s why I enlisted Riku and Yue’s help,” Nydil adds, giving Riona a gentle smile. “They know your feelings. They know Hope’s. And they want to prevent their fate from becoming yours and Hope’s as well.”

Riona nods, tears trickling down her cheeks. She looks between Riku and Yue. “Are you two… happy?” she asks.

“We are,” Riku responds. “But the pain we caused our friends at our deaths is something I wish we could have prevented.”

“He’s right,” Yue chimes in. “We know our friends wish, every day, that we could be with them. We watch over and protect them from our afterlife, but we feel their pain on the regular. It’s something I wish we could take back, but we can’t.”

Riona wrings her hands, fearful, yet still hesitant. “I don’t know how to shake the feeling he’s better without me.”

“We can show you what he’s like,” Yue offers, knowing that’ll be the final push to get Riona to rush to Hope’s side.

Snow blinks, and Nydil laughs at it. “You can show people those things? Damn, ghosts are impressive,” Snow remarks, and Nydil elbows him in the side. “Ow, babe! What was that for?”

“They’re spirits, not ghosts,” Nydil mutters with a roll of his eyes. “There’s a difference.”

“Oh? Why don’t you tell me, teach?”

“Later.” Nydil sighs - Snow can be so irritating sometimes. But he loves his hero all the same. “Now shut up and watch.”

“Ooo, he’s bossing me around. I like that--ow!”

Nydil grins.

Yue waves his hand, a translucent bubble appearing before them. In it, they can see Hope, and Riona’s eyes water at the sight of the one she loves. She reaches towards him, but Riku takes her hand, shaking his head. “If you touch it, it’ll shatter,” he offers as explanation, and she nods.

Riona takes a closer look, and her heart breaks at what she sees. Hope’s face is awfully pale, his frame thin to the point of unhealthy. His eyes are dark, downcast, as he gives orders to various troops, and that’s all Riona needs to see. 

Feeling a shift in the air, Yue shatters the bubble, and looks at Riona. “Ready to be with him?”

“Yes,” Riona whispers, determination in her voice.

“We’ll send you to him,” Riku says. He and Yue make a portal appear, and Riona jumps in, closing behind her.

“Who knew all it took was ghosts - spirits,” Snow corrects himself when Nydil gives him a sideways look, “to it through her head. Good job, babe.”

Nydil rolls his eyes, smiling. “Thank you, you two. You prevented a tragedy.”

“Our fate was entirely avoidable. I’d hate for another couple to meet the same end,” Yue murmurs, a soft smile on his countenance. “Our work here is done. Let’s go home, my love.”

“You got it.” Riku gives his own smile, taking Yue’s hand, and the two fade away.

“Now will you tell me the difference between spirits and ghosts?” Snow asks, leaning his weight on Nydil’s shoulder.

“Get off me, you oaf,” Nydil mutters, shoving Snow off. “But yeah, I’ll tell you. Sit down, it’ll take a while.”

Nydil gets another headache, and rubs his temples. Snow looks at him, concerned, but Nydil waves it away. 

“Now then…”