
2 years, 11 months ago

Past Willoh gets to meet her future self.

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Past!Willoh: Who are you??

Willoh: I'm you, but stronger

P!Willoh: Woah...Is some kind of apocalypse happening that turned me--us into ghost rider?

Willoh: Sort of! The world ends, and six alicorns sacrifice themselves in the destruction. I'm dead. Everyone is dead.

P!Willoh: Is there any way I can stop the end of the world?

Willoh: No, but you can save yourself and some friends. At least three.

P!Willoh: How can I do that?

Willoh: Play SBURB and you'll know

P!Willoh: What's SBURB?

Willoh: The future will tell you. I need to go back to the future, er, present for me--

P!Willoh: Wait! One more question!

Willoh: Sure, just interrupt me when I'm about to give you some life-changing advice.

P!Willoh: Oh... I--

Willoh: KIDDING!! Ask away, geez.

P!Willoh: Whats up with the body paint? It seems super impractical for a time-traveling-ghost-pony-thing.

Willoh: The future has the answer to that too!

P!Willoh: :\

Willoh: So uh... just go god tier before the tumor explodes and the scratch happens. See ya!