Happiness For Breakfast

2 years, 11 months ago

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In the cold silence of the exosphere, no living organism would even think to inhabit the freezing, cloudless space. Even a caneri or PAS would have the mind to inhabit someplace more comfortable and survivable. Such emptiness and loneliness makes the perfect home for a Yuidrei.

A lack of gravity allowed her to relax her body, floating not with magical energy, but within the planet's natural orbit. She pulled a colorless phone out of an equally colorless portal, grey with lack of empathy and emotion. A glowing leg tapped on it twice, the screen illuminating her soft glow. Seeing the date, her narrow, violet eyes turned to round orbs before narrowing again.

"Oh, it's Valentines Day..." she mumbled sadly. Another day to spend alone, even though she hated having to interact with others in person. Estelle always had trouble making friends. She even struggled to make friends online, where she wasn't at risk of fulfilling wishes until she died. Once, she had a friend-- whatever happened to that, huh? The yuidrei almost laughed at the thought of having friends, her mind suddenly shifting from yearning to spite. Why would she even need friends? She doesn't need, nor deserve them. She'll end up being hurt, or hurting them. No one wants to be friends with someone like her.

The thoughts beating in her head almost made her cry, but she refused. "It's your own fault you're like this..." Estelle reminded herself before opening her social media. A few anonymous hate messages littered her inbox, but most of them were pointed towards shipping Stevnel and ZADR. She deleted them, only sending a couple snarky responses to tell she didn't care. It was apparent that almost all of them were all sent by one person given that they were composed of the same argument.

Closing out of tumblr and moving onto instagram, Estelle browsed through the trending life bloggers. Every post was the same; jokes about never finding love, and others flexing what they got for Valentines Day. "Oh... that's cute..." she commented on someone's surprise breakfast in bed post. Then, something caught her eye when she scrolled through the posts. A beautiful, hand-made gift box someone's partner made them. It dazzled with such beauty, the cream-white pearls adorning a pale, pink edge. Golden accents swirled and bloomed on the sides while a dazzling latch rested on the front. It captivated her as she studied every little detail of the object. The plush inside, the elaborate exterior, the unique and pristine craftsmanship. She scrolled through the poster's feed, following them so she wouldn't forget their account while adding the jewelry box post to "saved posts." The owner of the account showed their face a lot, as well as their location. She funneled the account link through an IP logger to get a rough idea of this person's geolocation. It matched up with the areas they posted about, being a close enough distance where someone could drive or catch a train there. Estelle was shaking by now. She couldn't wait until the jewelry box was brimming with positive emotions and so much more. She would be so happy that she would never go hungry again!


Oh... that's why she was shaking. She hadn't ate all day. Placing the phone back into her portal for safe keeping, she floated down to the Earth's surface in search of emotion.

At least a lonely day out would feel better than a lonely day at home.