Delivery Boy

2 years, 11 months ago

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“Shun! Shun wait up!” Hyun’s voice called out to him. Waves crashed upon the rocks as Shun ran farther down the beach, “Shun-“ Shun turned around and felt himself smiling watching as his friend ran after him. The salty sea breeze coated the other in a light glow. Peace and happiness. That’s all Shun wanted for him. Shun opened his arms as Hyun got closer. He laughed as they fell to the ground. Sand getting forever stuck in their fur and hair. “Shun, I love you.”

And that’s when his alarm went off.

Shun slowly blinked looking up at the painted ceiling. Stars and moons and constellations that Shun has way too much time to perfect. The leopard ashuri sighed rubbing his eyes before turning over to turn off the alarm. Just another dream. He rolled over again pulling the covers over him and the jacket that rest in his arms a bit closer. A faint lemon smell still stuck to that jacket. Faintly he could still feel the warmth of its owner. Shun sighed allowing himself to pretend for just a moment that it was ok. That everything was fine. 

“Hyun…where are you…” Shun whispered before slowly sitting up. He supposed he had things to do that day. He moved slowly around his small room getting dressed with day old clothes finishing off his outfit with Hyun’s old jacket. Shun paused in front of the mirror, wiping his hands over his eyes removing any stray signs of weakness. Sadly that wouldn’t remove the dark bags under his eyes. He ruffled his hair before heading down the winding stairs. In the common room sat Yuki and Xiaolang, busy having their weekend tea. Shun planned on walking past to get some fresh air but Yuki clearing his throat stopped him in his tracks. "

“Shun, I had a favour to ask you. If you aren’t working today.” Yuki said gently. Shun’s ears perked slightly as he walked into the sitting room. He awkwardly put his hands behind his back watching as Yuki put together a small bag, “Here. Can you take these over to Lyra for me? She asked for some and I forgot to drop them off on the way here. Of course, feel free to take one or two. That girl eats far too much for her own good.” Shun slowly took the bag from his hands. Inside was an assortment of baked goods. Yuki had written Lyra’s address on the side as if Shun could forget that. He hadn’t eaten breakfast yet and the pains of hunger quickly resurfaced. Shun however nodded, eager to do any job that could distract him from life even for just a moment. He continued down the stairs after signing a quick goodbye to the others. He slipped on his sneakers before walking outside. A fresh sea breeze hit his face. Shun took a deep breath smiling to himself. He tilted his head slightly before heading down the slightly worn path to town. On his way out he visited the grove where his mother’s grave lied. It was raised ever so slightly with the perfect view of the sea. Shun had taken quite a while to construct the area in his free time. But in the end, he made the perfect spot for him to rest while he took time with his mother. He took a small cookie from the bag and broke it in half. One half he left on her grave before continuing to town.

The walk through the forest was always a nice one. Shun peacefully nibbled on his breakfast taking in the sights and sounds around him. An occasional stray cat came across his path, probably searching for scraps which he willingly gave to those that would approach him. By the time he reached the end of the forest trail, he had a pair of black and white cats following behind him. He paused and pulled out a small biscuit breaking it in half for each of his feline companions and holding his hands out to them. He watched as they ran off with their treats before continuing on to Lyra’s apartment. It had been a while since he was in the city. It was so busy out here. He walked slowly through the crowds sticking out like a sore thumb. He tried to keep his head down focusing on what lied ahead of him rather than the crowds that surrounded him. As he reached his destination he carefully took a deep breath before knocking. If he remembered correctly, Lyra would probably drag him in for tea or something. Not that he minded. Lyra was good company…a little too hyperactive but good company. The door opened for a smaller dark-haired boy to greet him. He had striking gold eyes and was only wearing dark grey shorts. His chest had light scars as well as part of his shoulder. He tilted his head slightly as if not expecting company. Shun felt his heart stop as their eyes met.


Was this a setup?

Shun checked the address that was scrawled on the bag. This was definitely the right place. “Um….” Shun whispered unsure of what to say. Hyun was the- No. Seven was the slayer that had been hunting him for years. Hyun was his best friend. The only person he ever felt he could trust. Someone he fell so far in love with that it killed him to think that the other wanted him dead.

“Shun?” Hyun sounded surprised. A little confused but not..not mad? Shun nodded holding out the bag to the other. Hyun slowly took it from him reading the side and seeing Lyra’s name on it. He made a soft sound of understanding stepping back, “Hey Kyong! Someone’s here to see you.” Shun raised his finger as if to interject that he wasn’t here to see her before Lyra came running into the other room. 

“Shun! Oh! Yuki brought me my food! Thank you! Come in! How’s shrine work?” She talked so fast dragging the taller in. Shun didn’t have time to say anything back finding the door was shut behind him and he was stuck here for however long the other deemed fit. Shun found it hard to even find his words. The last time he saw these two they wanted him dead. Admittedly that was a long time ago but he had every reason to be confused. “You still drink tea right?”

“Um..yeah I do” Shun whispered finding himself being sat at the table. What was going on? This was supposed to be a quick trip… He focused back on his hands trying to answer her question, “It’’s fine. It’s shrine work. Kinda boring I guess. But it gives me time to pursue other things.” His eyes slowly rose to meet Hyun’s who was standing near his partner staring back at him. Awkward. “How have you been?” Shun asked directing the question at Hyun but Lyra was the first one to reply. 

”Fine! Hyun and I have been great actually. Adjusting to neutral life well. I’m assuming that’s why Yuki sent you right? I didn’t know you were doing Guardian work.”

“Guardian work…” Hyun repeated eyes seeming to convey his dislike for that.

“Oh- um no. I’m not..I’m not a guardian. I’m not a guardian I’m just working at the shrines as an attendant. I’m here as your friend…delivery boy.” Shun sighed eyes looking back down to his hands. He slowly lifted his right sleeve absentmindedly chewing it as he listened to Lyra talk. She went on to share how dull her life had been since she had stopped slaying but Shun could barely focus on her with Hyun in the room. He wanted to say something, anything to the other. But he couldn’t formulate the words and it was even harder with Lyra around. She suddenly paused after finishing pouring everyone tea.

“Oh! Shoot! I have a stream to start! You two have fun though~!” 

With those words, she ran off to go start her stream. Shun watched her leave slowly relaxing and picking up the tea she had made him. He took a slow sip finally feeling a bit better. Hyun slid into the chair across from him, swirling a spoon in his own cup. “I see you haven’t outgrown your nervous quirk,” Hyun mumbled. Shun felt a light flush rush across his face.


“Your sleeve.”

Shun pulled at his right sleeve sighing and looking away. He was a little surprised Hyun even remembered he used to do that. He slowly stirred his tea with his left hand, hiding his right under the table.  It was so awkward between them. At least Shun wouldn’t have to stay long. Just enough to visit then leave. He wouldn’t want to hurt Lyra’s feelings after all. 

“How have you been, Shun?” Hyun asked, dark messy hair being tossed back as he looked up. Pretty golden eyes. The way they seemed to pierce his soul. Shun’s heart fluttered as he fell right back into that hole he spent years crawling out of. The way Hyun talked…the way he said his name…everything about him was so- Shun felt a tear fall down his cheek causing him to quickly look to the floor. Why now? Why did you have to show up now? Right when I started to forget just a bit. Right when I started to move one. It’s like you’re taunting me, Hyun. 


Hyun’s voice brought him back. What little worry he did have was easily masked by his lack of expression. But Shun knew him well enough to see through that. “Hy-Hyun. I…I’ve missed you so much.” He was on the verge of breaking down. Such a show of weakness would kill what pride he had left. His head ducked down, messy hair falling over his eyes, “I’ve missed you, Hyun. I’ve missed everything. I just wanted it back. I just wanted you back” Hyun swallowed hard dealing with other’s emotions was difficult. He even struggled with his own partner’s emotions. Shun used to be one of his closer friends. Right up there with Cassius. Only recently had he even reconciled with Cass. He had admittedly tried once to reach out to Shun but it seemed near impossible to track the other down. Hyun didn’t want him to cry over this. He understood Shun and his dislike for his own tears. Hyun sighed but put his hand out to the other.

”But you are back now.” Shun slowly looked up meeting Hyun’s eyes again. He managed a smile before taking Hyun’s hand. Warm…and smelt like lemons…Shun took a shaky breath managing a laugh before covering his eyes with his free hand. All these years trying to forget his past. Trying to forget those he loved. Ruined in a matter of seconds. As if someone had managed to glue what was left of his heart back together. Yuki had to have planned this, didn’t he? Shun’s hand slowly dropped hiding his smile. He wanted to say what had been bothering him for years. To admit what had been chasing him around since those years back on the beach. Or the day he delivered that last flower. But he couldn’t find it in him to put the words together. Something in the back of his head said it wasn’t the right time. Another thing he would later regret in the end. 

“I am...I am back”