Designs TOS

2 years, 10 months ago

Nothing wild, just standard stuff- basically don't be a dick with extra details.

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Base Rules

  • Do not use my designs to promote hate speech (Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, ETC.)*
  • Do not claim you created the designs unless you have redesigned them so heavily they cannot be recognized as the same character
  • Do not edit the original drawings of the designs, or any art that I have done of the design regardless of design changes
  • Do not make NSFW content of designs that I specify as minors*
  • Do not sell characters that you did not pay for, and if you did pay for them don't charge more than you paid unless they have additional commissioned art.
Preferences (Not Required)
  • I would prefer that if you decide to rehome a design of mine, that you offer it back to me first- I'd be happy to offer art or characters for them
  • I like to be able to see the designs I've made- Occasionally I check on them just to see how they're doing but I understand if you prefer to be private.
Go Ahead
  • Feel free to draw whatever content you want of of age designs you get from me- NSFW, gore, as long as it's not promoting hate speech. :D
  • I love to draw my rehomed designs, so please feel more than free to come back to me for art trades or commissions of them if you're interested in having more of my art of them! 
  • You're always welcome to tell me about the stories you give my designs! :D I'd be happy to listen
if rules with an * after them are broken, I will reclaim the design and blacklist you.