Light in the dark

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
2 2574

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

Mild Violence

Shian cult stuff tw: this entire thing is pretty dark tbh read at your own risk type of thing <3

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Chapter 1

So hungry…..have to stay awake…

Half closed eyes glowed in the dark cell. There was no window. No light. No hope. To think someone close to him…Shun gripped the ripped cloth on his legs. He shouldn’t be surprised anymore. Another betrayal of someone close to him…He should just expect it. Shun’s eyes almost closed before he shook himself awake. So tired. He couldn’t recall the last thing he ate. It was long before he ended up in here. Shun shook slightly sobbing into his lap. He wanted to go home. He wanted the world to go away. He wanted to…He wanted revenge. He wanted to rip that asshole’s head off his body. He wanted…Shun’s thoughts paused for a moment, closing his eyes. Time was a construct. He didn’t know where he was, who he was when he was. Sleepy eyes slowly opened as footsteps echoed down the hall. Probably that doctor again. Shun moved farther back into the corner wishing the darkness would hide him as someone paused in front of his doors. No more medicine. No more pain. Go away. A panel on the door slowly slid open and a round something was dropped in. The person paused as if waiting for something. Shun curled up. Like he would fall for that. He waited for the footsteps to walk away. A door was opened and chanting could be heard somewhere in the distance. Chants for blood. Feasting. Occasionally Shun could hear others in this hell hole. Crying for someone to help them while they were dragged to their death. Weeks had gone by. One by one the voices stopped talking at night. Shun could only wonder when it was his turn. He slowly crawled towards the door, Chains on his neck and legs slowing him down. He was careful to not get his handcuffs caught on anything, double-checking where he put his hands in case someone planned some cruel trap for him. Shun picked up the wrapped package and carefully pulled away the napkins.


Shun’s ears flattened at the sound of his stomach reminding him it had been weeks since he had eaten. He wasn’t dumb. He wouldn’t fall for it again. Shun sighed starting to wrap the bread back up. Something however slipped out as he did. Shun pulled it out of the napkin and turned it over. An olive branch…Lucian. Shun bit his lip drawing blood into his mouth. Fuck you. Bitter thoughts had him back in his corner. He didn’t want to think. He didn’t want to look. He was so hungry, tired, upset. Shun wiped his mouth, staring at the blood on his hands. Red droplets that stained a supposed peace offering. Shun hit his head on the wall, staring at the ceiling. “I hate you. I hate you…I hate…” Shun took a deep breath a strangled sound leaving his mouth. “Lucian…why?” The leopard slowly curled into a ball, unwrapping the bread again. Slow nibbles before eventually falling asleep. 


Shun woke with a start. His tail was wet with saliva. He made a bit of a face trying to wipe it clean as he listened to the distant night noises. Crickets…For a moment he felt peace. The door moved slightly. The jingle of keys. “Shun?” His name again. Lucian. Shun looked at the branch in his hands. “Shun are you awake?”

Glowing eyes softened. He couldn’t…He couldn’t find himself to stay upset. “Lucian…”

“Shun” Lucian repeated slowly falling to his knees, “I’m sorry I couldn’t find the keys. The Lightbringer..”

“what” Shun whispered back. Lucian paused. Shun wouldn’t know that, would he? He shook his head managing to unlock the panel on the door and sliding it open. Lucian’s hand slowly slid in, palm up to the other. Shun hesitated to take it, slowly laying his head against the floor to look out. He could clearly see the other kneeling before his cell. But Shun knew well how Lucian killed. A hidden weapon up under his sleeve… “put your kabuki down.” Lucian’s tail hit the floor before he put his kabuki down, ensuring it was in a place where Shun could see it and out of his own reach. Shun took a deep breath slowly putting his hand on Lucian’s.

A moment. Shun almost pulled away as Lucian’s fingers intertwined with his own. But he smiled a little to himself being oddly comforted by his presence. His aura was at peace with Lucian around. He didn’t want to drop his guard just yet. He wanted to trust Lucian but trust had to be earned. A simple branch of peace wouldn’t cut it this time.

“The person that has been checking up on you is the Lightbringer, second hand to our current leader.”

“ah..” Shun sighed shuddering at the memories of the doctor. He was oddly quiet unsure if he should even be trusting Lucian. This could be just another trap. His try to ensure he didn’t lose his trust. Shun needed more answers and he felt he was running out of time. All these weeks and not once did Lucian try to talk to him. All it had been was offerings of food and drink. Things Shun stayed away from till now. “why are you here?”

“Shun…” Lucian sounded hurt. “Because…I..I don’t know. I couldn’t lose you. I was promised you wouldn’t be hurt if I brought you in alive.”

“was it fake?”


Shun pulled his hand away rolling over to look at the ceiling, “Those words. Saying I love you. I’ll never hurt you. I’ll be by your side forever. Was it all fake?” Lucian was silent, his hand slowly moving to the other side of the door.

“It was at first.” Lucian admitted, ears dropping at the sound of Shun turning away, “But after all those years with you…I meant everything I said. I do love you, Shun.” Shun was silent. He didn’t love him back. Not anymore. But he accepted that, closing his eyes slightly.

“promise they won’t hurt me,” Shun whispered. He flinched slightly at the touch on the edge of his hair.

“They won’t hurt you. You’re going to be ok. They did this to me too. It’s just part of the initiation.” Lucian said confidently, brushing the edges of Shun’s hair with his fingers.

Shun was silent. Initiation…That explained a lot thanks, Lucian. He closed his eyes swallowing hard. Fuck you. Fuck this. The world was shit. Everything was shit. Hyun should’ve murdered me while he had the chance. Now some fucking cult in who knows where is going to eat me….or…something. 



“I’m staying with you tonight…so you can sleep if you want..”

Shun sighed closing his eyes. So Lucian knows he hasn’t been sleeping. Lucian knew him best…probably better than Yuki. Shun slowly curled his tail around himself, somewhat comforted by Lucian’s words. He promised…he promised he would be okay. And Shun wanted to believe. 

Shun had to believe.