
2 years, 10 months ago

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Mystery sat alone in the woods.

He had no one, and no one had him.

He sat there, wishing he could be loved. That he could feel emotions other than loneliness. He was tired of being him.

He had come from nowhere, and still had no place to feel home, no one to call home.

He knew of the Aurusalkar through his past, back when he cared about things. He tried to help them, and now he paid the price.

He sat there and cried, wishing he could go back to a time when he was him, but that was so long ago...

He decided to wander, searching for anything to give him his purpose back, before it had been stolen from him.

He walked through the somber trees, the environment echoing his lost soul. He felt truly alone here.

His hollow eyes wavered drearily over the dull plants, and then caught on something. 

This something didn’t match the mood of everything around him, it somehow radiated more positive energy...

He bent down to examine it. It was bright green and brown, the opposite of the dreary Nabi and wherever they were.

He ran his paw over the smooth surface, feeling the warmth and rhythm of a soft heartbeat. It was an egg.

He knew of these eggs from his time of helping, back when he tried to help the eggs... back when he got the letter.

He was confused at the sight in front of him, they usually came in nests... but there wasn’t any here.

He took a deep breath, and remembered who he was, he used to be caring, and adventurous, and he missed it greatly. He looked back at the egg, and decided against his gut to help it. He picked it up gently, being sure not to break it. He held it close to his chest, the energy thrumming through him. He felt alive.

Somehow this egg made him happier, and he didn’t know how. All he knew was he had to take care of it.