Eris's Change

2 years, 10 months ago

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Eris was a really nasty Pokémon. Everyone knew that. It was, quite literally, in her nature. She even called herself Eris, which she dubbed herself because she had heard of a Greek goddess called that, the god of chaos.

On the night of the giant New Year festival, Jirachi was said to appear. Having a strong dislike toward all legendary Pokémon, who thought they were better than everyone else, she came up with a plan to mess up Jirachi’s special day, if he decided to even show. When it became night, Eris waited, crouched in the snow while the rest of Team Rocket played around. She stayed up until midnight for her target. Slowly, she drifted to sleep.

            When she woke up, it was to Pokémon’s excited cheering. A bright light shone through the night. It came closer and closer. It was Jirachi. She took a snowball and skillfully threw it right at him. He fell to the earth, and she ran after him. “Battle me, Legendary!” She snarled. Jirachi brushed off the snow and blinked. (Hey, that wasn’t very nice.) Jirachi used his telepathy. “Oh, really? I never would have guessed. Why did you come here? To make these pathetically naive Pokémon wish? Wishes you will never fulfill? You legendaries are nothing but talk. All you have to offer is fake wishes. I ask you one last time. Why are you here?” She took a threatening stance, having just honed her claws. (It is true. I may not be able to grant everyone’s wishes.) Eris scoffed at him. Jirachi waved a paw down at the party that was going on with the other team Rocket members. (Even if my wishes are ‘fake’, as you say, their happiness isn’t fake, is it? I’m their symbol of hope. I just want to make Pokémon happy. If taking such a long journey to get here does that, I’m more than willing to make the sacrifice.) Jirachi took off, leaving a festival token in her hand. Eris was so surprised by his answer, she did not go after him. What he had said, triggered something deep inside. Something she had not had in a long time. A memory of happiness. This particular memory was from on new year day. Her trainer had brought her home a new toy to chew on. It was shaped like Jirachi. “It’s a symbol of hope. People make a wish on Jirachi, and their wishes come true. It makes them happy.” She had kept that toy for a long time.

            Eris started crying. She had buried her feelings, her past, and her memories for so long. Not a single Team Rocket member, nor even her friends knew about her past. She used to be a kind feline, kind to any Pokémon that came around. Her name was Justice. How had she turned so self centered? She had just tried attacking an innocent, kind Pokémon. For what? Experience? Glory? This was not the life she wanted. She had even hidden her true name from her teammates, her family. Even all this time that she had been at Team Rocket, she had been rude to nearly everyone. Perhaps it was time to turn over a new leaf. 

            She trod into the town of Rocketmon with her head hung low, her body slinking to the ground. “Is that Eris?” Someone whispered. “No, it can’t be. She’s not yelling at us.” Eris sniffed again, trying to stop her crying. “It’s Eris! Run before it’s too late!” Someone else called out. Eris really had been a terrible member of the group. She kept going through the festival. Pokémon cleared her path as she walked through. It was the same story no matter where she went. Everyone fled in terror of what atrocity Eris was going to inflict upon them. Eris came upon the main town square, where all the festivities were going on. With how many other animals were around, no one hardly even noticed Eris. 

             A very small new recruit shyly came up to Eris. A fairy Pokémon. Eris usually would have hated fairy Pokémon, with all their kindness and shyness. She had never seen this specific one before. “E-excuse me, miss, but do you know where I can get festival tokens? I’ve been looking all over, and I just cannot seem to find the right stand,” the pink creature said. Eris let out a dry laugh. “You’re asking help? From me? Do you have any idea who I am?” She bent down nearly to ground level to look the little fairy in the eye. “I’m Eris,” she said, and let that sink in, wondering if the new recruit would already know her by her name. “Y-you don’t mean… The Eris? I’m so sorry for bothering you, Ma’am. Please don’t hurt me!” The pitiful creature creature scrambled and cowled behind a large crate. “I did not know what the repuatation I had around here until today. I guess I never even took a moment to pay attention to the other Pokémon here.” Eris picked up the little one, and gave it the festival token Jirachi had given her. “Here. It’s from Jirachi. I hope it serves you well.” The fairy was so confused. It quickly thanked Eris, but still ran away.

           Eris needed to make things right. She had caused suffering on her teammates, and needed to repay them with the kindness that they had shown her anyway.

            For the rest of the night, Eris helped the Pokémon of the town. She even helped with the taking down of the giant tent when it became morning. She worked so hard, that it was noon before she had a chance to rest. 

            When she woke up, there was a little package outside of her door. It was unlabeled as to what it was, but it was addressed to her. A note with it said ‘Happy Wishmaker’s’, friend! Thanks for all of your help.’ She tore open the package. A beautiful Jirachi themed outfit was inside. She never wore any of the other outfits she had gotten, but this one was special. This one had meaning. She placed the crown on her head and the earring on her ear. The weight of it weighed not only on her head, but on her heart too.

“I vow to make it up to you, Team Rocket! You will not regret having Justice in your ranks!”