Florence Aptitude Test / 02.08.21

2 years, 10 months ago

Aptitude test for Florence for PKMN township!

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1. What's your name?
"Name's Florence, yeah! Florence Michaux!"
2. What's your favorite season?

"Gotta say winter~! It's nice and cozy, and the bakeries always have better cakes, for some reason."
3. What is your favorite Pokemon Type?

"Ghosts! Easy! Those guys have got such history, right? And they can do stuff like disappear and phase through walls, just like that! Can go anywhere they want! Honestly, they're just like...super cool!"
4: What is your least favorite Pokemon Type?

"Ehhhh? I guess normal types are pretty boring? I dont really care, though! Theyre just not interesting, are they? Like, what would a normal type even bring to a good story?"
5. What sort of clothing style do you wear?

"Anything like, cool, duh! I haaate these boring trending clothes, like, do you SEE what's in the market?"
6. What is your favorite scent?
"Hmmm~ Would the smell of a new book be too generic?"
7. What are your hobbies and interests?

"It's 'bout time you asked! Hmmm~ Well, i guess the main one would be novels! 'Specially mystery novels! Like, have you read The Houndoom of the Baskervilles? Well, its a classic, so duh! I mean, me liking it is pretty obvious, but i just reread it again! Oh! Speaking of mystery! I love wandering abandoned buildings and stuff! Or well...'kay, i don't really go in myself, but I've got this good video camera, so i let my friends go in and film all the cool stuff! I pay them handsomely, of course! Those places are all grimy and creepy, why would I go in myself? There are so many cool pokemon in there! Just the other day, my friend saw this super weirdly coloured Muk, but couldn't get it in the pokeball! Uhmmm..what else...Oh! Oh! i love history! You heard what i said about the ghost types, right? Yeah, in that vein. I think it's expected that i like it because of the tales, but I also just want to know all about how people were before me, I guess? But yeah, I do love stories. I dunno why, there's no real reason, but I like logging everything that interests me, so I can tell a good one to my friends! Fiction's fun, yeah, but i want to make my life like...interesting? Maybe thats' it! 'Cause I've got a bunch of notebooks for that, they're all about what I've seen and how cool it was. I guess that's supposed to be called a "diary", but It's not lame and emotional or whatever, so I think it's still cool, right? I don't actually mind if people read about me or not though, I'm not interested in other people like that. I just want to have something fun to look back on! You can see some of my cool photos, though! I've got a lot! "
8. Where do you see yourself in five years?

"Uhhh..No clue! I'm not really doing anything with myself right now, but I guess I gotta get some career or something going? Well, I'll worry about that later - honestly, I don't really care to think so far ahead."
9. Would you say you liked daytime or nighttime better?
"Night time, super easy! Though i mean, dusk is obviously the best, but the night atmosphere is so magical and dramatic!"
10: What is one job you would NOT like to ever have? Why?

"Any nine-to-five would be torture , especially a stationary office job, or something. I hate monotony! There's nothing interesting there! Maybe I'd be okay with retail if my customers were interesting, but anything that makes me do the exact same thing every day seems exhausting. I guess I wouldn't really mind something that's same-y if it was interesting, but boring work isn't for me whatsoever!"


1. I would rather spend more time with my Pokemon than other people
"Totally! Pokemon are so much more interesting, and so much less annoying! No weird social stuff to get all hung up over with them, and they're so much fun!"
2. I prefer working indoors

"Yeah, easy! Outside is noisy, its so hard to focus!"
3. I feel more comfortable working alone

"Yeah, group work is so exhausting. As a student, I'd always ask to ditch the group projects - if i couldn't, I just wouldn't show up. Grades took a hit, but ANYTHING other than dealing with that is a win for me!"
4. I have a vivid imagination

"Absolutely! Or well... At least im told I do, mostly whenever i tell people the way everything in the world can make such a good story! Personally, I don't even get how some people don't see that?"
5. I like to take charge
"Uh, I guess? I don't really like, want to work with others in the first place, so I do try to take charge, but it's just because I want outta here!
6. Getting dirty has never bothered me
"Ew! No way! That's so gross, i hate getting dirty!"
7. I like to live dangerously
"Pfft, nah. Why would you? It's just dumb! I like adventure, but only when I know it's safe! In my opinion, anyone whos a daredevil is a madman!"
8. I dislike changes
"No way! I love change! Or well....I guess it depends. I don't like staying in one place for too long, but I kinda hate stuff like, last minute plan changes? But doesn't everyone?"
9. I rush into things
"Absolutely not! I always try to think about what could happen before I do anything!"
10. I am easily distracted
"I guess so! I mean, who wouldnt get distracted a bunch, there's SO much going on all the time to be interested in!"
11: I have a good sense of humor
12: I prefer jobs that involve heavy physical work
"Meh, no. I'm not very strong physically, it's all saved for my brain~!"


(Doing this OOC, i think it's easier to get her personality for these ones across in an OOC explanation)

1. Physically Strong or Physically Weak
Very physically weak.
2. Extrovert OR Introvert
Introverted. She's very chatty and energized, but usually finds people and socializing exhausting and boring, unless they have similar interests or a good story to tell.
3. Orderly OR Messy
An organized mess, if you will. Florence's living space frequently looks like a bomb exploded, but she knows where everything is, and always keeps her things in the right spot.
4. Brave OR Timid
She acts brave in front of people, but she's very nervous at heart.
5. Logical OR Emotional
Hard to explain. She is extremely logical, but her emotions overwhelm her easily and her internal logic is very heavily influenced by them, so it's a bit flawed.
6. Outdoorsy OR Homebody
Again a little weird. She loves exploring, but is often too nervous to go out and do it herself. She probably prefers being at home, but her need for an interesting story of her life compels her to be outdoors quite a lot, mostly by quietly people/pokemon watching.
7: Loud OR Quiet
Again, complicated. Though she comes off as loud when speaking or forced into a social setting, she keeps to herself and can be very quiet as a result. People meeting her initially are often surprised by this.

SCENARIO ROLEPLAYING: 3-4 sentences minimum*

(I did full roleplay style for the first 4, and an explanation in the last three to show some variety.)

1. You’re walking down the street when you notice a local business has its window busted open as a large van full of stolen electronics is parked nearby. No one seems to be around at this time. How does your character react?

Florence froze in her tracks, gripping her notebook in the process. She did a double take - Window, van, window, van - before skirting behind a large trash bin, completely out of sight. Flipping open her notebook, she quickly scrawled something down, before jumping back up and looking a bit closer. Moving with uncertainty, she cautiously approaches the van, ready to flee at a moment's notice. After an extended period of slow walking, she eventually halted just before she could slam her face right into the side of an open door. Florence squatted down, yanking out her notebook, and scribbling down the details of what she saw inside, with wide eyes. Stepping back, she patted some dust from her skirt, and almost outright bolted away. Having made her way to the other side of the street, she quickly pulled out a badly folded, torn up map. unfolding it and figuring out where she was. The paper was completely covered in arrows, notes, multicoloured writing, what looked to be a coffee stain - After a few moments of confusion, she marked a large circle around where she figured she was, drawing a line from there to the nearest law enforcement station. She carefully slipped her notebook into her bag, a rare occurrence for her, and after a bit more staring at her map, she took off right towards the station.

2. You were only gone for two minutes, but that was enough time for one of your Pokemon to make a complete mess of your workplace. How does your character handle this situation?

Florence stretched herself out in the kitchen, mouth full of some sort of pastry that she had picked up from the store earlier that evening. Side eyeing her coffee machine, she stretched out a hand to grab the-
"H-huh?!" She thought to herself, eyes massive. "Did I just? No, nothing in this room knocked over . I didn't do anything. Hey, wh?-"
Trot. Trot. Trot.
Still standing in a ridiculous angle with one arm stretched to the counter, Florence slowly cast her eyes down to an extremely guilty looking Yamper. In it's mouth was a single Poképuff.
"You little-!"
Exclaiming in annoying, the entire snack still in her mouth, she leapt down to grab the treat from Yamper. It wasn't having any of that though, and bolted right back into the office. Running in behind the Pokémon, Florence was greeted with the wonderful sight of an entire bookshelf knocked over, an obnoxiously smug looking Meowstic sitting up on top while of course holding another Poképuff. Florence let out a long, exasperated groan, plopping herself right onto the floor in sheer defeat. Guess it was her duty to clean this up, and get better at hiding her Poképuffs from her team.

3. Your character discovers the Magic crystals of Etryae for the first time. Describe their first impression running into the magic crystals.

"So they're real?!" The young girl squeaked out, turning and inspecting the shiny stone within her palm. Huge eyes glistened as she stared into the fragment, carefully lifting it up and playing with the angles in the light. A researcher stood next to her, watching her closely - Florence Michaux, age 17 - a girl who somehow found her way into getting permission to enter the facility, and was now apparently free to poke at the samples. She gently put the crystal down, spinning on her heel to face the worker.
"So they're real, real? These cause the mutations I've been seeing?" At that point, her stance let the notebook she had been keeping in her off-hand hang out, revealing massive, complicated pages of writing about...something? It seemed to be about the very mutations this girl was currently jumping around over. Eventually, she calmed down, quickly closing her book - probably in hopes that no one looked, and very cautiously placed down the crystal on the desk, though she refused to take her eyes off of it.
"Sooo...Where can i get one?"

4. You find out that someone you only remember faintly has passed away and tasked you with donating the entire sum of their money into some community work project in Ivywood. Which community work project does your trainer invest in, if any, and how do they go about it?

"Uhhh...Ivywood? Really?"
Florence blinked at the letter in her hand, addressed to her from her home region - Kalos. Apparently, her uncle-in-law was from Etraye...? "Huh, didn't know that." she remarked. She had never met her uncle, being that he and her Aunt had been living somewhere in Sinnoh, whilst she was raised in Geosenge, Kalos, before she moved to Ivywood. Community work, huh? And anything she wanted to donate it to, she could? Briefly, she considered the possibility of taking the money for herself - but she admitted to herself she could probably compromise what she wants with his request, in case her family finds out. She decided that she'd look for a research center, or maybe an archeologist's office, to donate to. Preserving history is great, and it's community works, right? It's a win win!

5. You’re walking through the park on your way to work when you encounter an old lady giving some local kids some parkour lessons. Wow, she’s really nimble! Just then she notices you watching and asks if you want to join in? How do they respond?

I imagine she would probably freeze up awkwardly, before half-accepting - she'd ask to be told what's going on and how they do it and if she could write it all down, but would absolutely deny doing it herself. Being said, the kids would probably drag her into it, and i think she would end up enjoying the whole experience by the end if so. She'd probably make a note of the old lady's number, and maybe even come back for individual lessons if she's really interested later on. 

6. A small nearby school is trying to do an event, with guest speakers and volunteers to help set up displays. They don’t have any way to pay you due to budget cuts, but the teachers have offered to pay folks in cookies. How do they react to this offer?

She would probably deny ("Uhh..am I getting paid? No? Nah, i'll pass") , but it would depend on the contents of the event. If it was something pertaining to her interests - especially being history or classic mystery literature - she'd leap at the opportunity to talk and set things up for free, cookies unnecessary.  She would definitely spend as much time as she could suggesting things and coming up with extra plans, as well as entertaining the kids, but she'd be hard to rope into something without appealing to what she likes.

7. Why did your character move to Ivywood? Describe their thoughts and arrival.

Florence moved to Ivywood after an old friend told her about the mutations and crystals native to the region. Fascinated, and desperately wanting to get out of her little Kalos town, Florence decided to move to Ivywood at age 16. She was primarily concerned with what she was told about the region's stories. "I always heard the same old tales back in Kalos! Sundial this, weird rocks that. I loved it all as a kid, but it got boring after a while, y'know? Also, my family was pretty lame, I never got along with them very well...So getting out of there was perfect. I went with Ivywood after an old friend told me some stories and secrets she learnt when she went on vacation when we were kids, and I wanted to experience it all for myself! I don't know why i chose Ivywood, but i don't regret it. I like it here! The people are pretty interesting, and isn't it just so pretty?"