Island for two.

2 years, 10 months ago

Nasa and Kairi find themselves alone at the end of the world, together. Having woken up to a world that’s already ended and no memories of before, they have to come to terms with possibly being the only sentient life remaining. Request for the bby Chinamii

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The early sun shone brilliantly in the near-cloudless blue sky. The morning was young, yet she could feel the heat starting to rise. Shielding her one good eye from the glare, Kairi scanned the horizon for any sign of storms or other disturbances. It's a routine she was used to, so she kept it going just out of habit. At this point, she knew deep down that there would never be another living being on the edge of that lonely expanse of water.

   A few minutes pass before she lets out a sigh of exasperation and drops herself down to perch on the building ledge. This was one of the best buildings on the island for her daily routine, Kai could see the majority of the seaside city underneath her dangling legs and the hike up the stairs to the roof was good exercise too. The chirps of the birds and cicadas began to pierce the silence as the sun climbed higher, punctuating the creeping passage of time. A subtle breeze tussled her pale pink hair, picking up her messy braids and tugging them lightly in a westerly direction. Her thin, long tail and round ears twitched subconsciously with the contact.

   Sudden movement on the ground below broke the oppressive calm and caught Kairis’s attention. Stumbling and falling out of the thick overgrowth, was her best and only friend; Nasa. She was but a coloured dot on the grey and green pavement below, but Kairi knew it was her due to the telltale mix of messy muted purple hair and the blindingly white glow of her spotless oversized lab coat. Kai smiled to herself, despite having far more eyes than herself, Nasa was pretty clumsy and prone to self-injury. Bandages covering more of her skin than not. 

These moments in the morning were precious to Kai, reflecting on the world and following her routine, however meaningless it was. Carefully spinning herself around and standing up, she takes one more lingering gaze across the ocean and begins to descend to meet the only other person at the end of the world. At least there were worse places to spend eternity.